

daisyjoy · Fantasy
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7 Chs


By success🌸


Please don't throw me out is raining"i beg the woman that owns the store i wanted to spend the night in

You stupid child, leave my store, am i the one that got you homeless, or you're trying to steal something from my store" she yelled at me

I knelt down on the cold floor and started begging her

Please ma'am LORD SHIVA will bless you and your household, please don't throw me out" i begged her with tears in my eyes

LORD SHIVA has already blessed me, so leave my store go meet your parents in the grave you homeless child" she course me and threw me inside the rain

I ended up falling in a big mud water

I stood up with my tiny legs and walk out of the dirty water, my clothes are all stain with the mud water and this is the only cloth i have

I walk in the rain without knowing where to go, i walk and walk until my legs couldn't carry me anymore, i fell to the floor,


you both left me on same day, you went to the land of no return leaving me behind to suffer in the cold hand of the wicked" i said with the little strength i have cause have not eaten since morning

The rain was pouring on me , i was feeling great cold, my teeth were shaking has if they will fell off from my mouth, i shiver in the rain

I cried myself to sleep in the cold floor, mom " i muttered

MOM, DAD, i shouted and wake up from my sleep with tears in my eyes

It was all a dream of what i went through when i was growing hope

Anytime i close my eyes to sleep, i always dream about my childhood

And sometimes am afraid to sleep

I cleaned my eyes and more tears was still coming out from my eyes

Life wasn't easy for me when i was growing up, no one took care of me, now one showed me loved no one told me that everything would be okay, i was left all alone

And that's why i believe in love, that's why i hope that love will find me and when love find me i won't let it go, cause i want to feel that feelings they could love i want to have a taste of it

When my parents die, his family took all my father wealth and drove me away from the house

I don't know how they got to find out that am still alive, and they are after my life and wealth they want to kill me the way they did to my parents

My ringing phone distracted me from my thought, i took the phone and it was my manager, i press the receiver button and put the call on speaker

Yes"i said over the phone

Good day Rohit, you have just 15mins to get ready for the show and don't keep the press waiting" he said and hang up

Lame manager, i hiss and stood up from the bed and walk to the bathroom to take my bath

I came out minutes later, i walk to my closet, i put on my undies

I put on a black jeans trouser, white shirt and white jacket that has diamond all over it, i don't feel like putting on shoes so i took out a yellow slippers that has gem stone around it, And wear it

I wear my rings, earrings, wristwatch and chin

I took my phones and walk out of the room,

Good morning sir my bodyguards greeted i nodded my head

Guards was standing at different directions, i walked to the big gemstone door that worth billions of rupee the guard opened the door for me and i walked out

The car door was opened by my trusted bodyguard harish , i enter the golden car that has diamond all over it's body

I seated comfortably in the back seat, while my driver and harish occupied the front seat

Two more cars followed with bodyguards, i used my phone till we got to the location

It was really crowded with press and crazy fans, the guard opened the door for me and i stepped down

ROHIT is here someone shouted

And the press and fans crowded me my guard was trying their best to block them for getting to me

Rohit how is today conference going to be, do you think you can seal it" a press said

I said nothing and started walking away,

We love you Rohit" some shouted making me to smile

We love you Rohit " they chorus

Thank you " i said and wave my hand at them and walk to stage

I spotted my manager and assistant at the far end of the stage, i sat down on seat that's preserve for me close to a beautiful press

We are happy that you came" she said into the mic

Yes we're happy "the crowd shouted

Do you have anything to say before we state the show " she said

I nodded my head and took the mic

I want to say a big thank you to all the people that took out their time to be here, and i love you" i said

The crowd shouted a happy shout

I look at the crowd with smiles, my eyes got someone pointing a gun at me in the crowd

He smiled at me, i know that smile

Neil my competitor,

Your time end now he said and pull the trigger at me, the bullet hit me on my stomach and i fell to the ground with blood coming out from my mouth and stomach

I saw some people crying, my manager and my bodyguard carried me

Search the area " my manager yelled at the security

I lost consciousness

💠 RANI 💠

I was busy with some paper work in my office, i stopped and started admiring the lucky charm bangle that has little time attached to it with a chin daadee was the one that sent it for me

My landline ring, i picked the call at first ring

Doctor Rani there's an emergency my hand nurse said

I stood up immediately and put on my white coat and ran out i get to the emergency world there was bodyguards guarding the door

They stop me as i tried to enter the emergency room

Am the doctor that's performing the operation"i said and showed them my ID card they let me in

I saw nurse arranging the things that i need for the operation, i moved closer to the bed and saw a very handsome boy, i recognise him

He is the world sweetheart ❤

His lashes were full and curly, his lips are so little and very red

I checked his plus, i moved to the drawer put on my hand gloves, hair net and facemask

Three minutes to start the operation i informed them i use that three minutes to admire the creature before me, no wonder his the world sweetheart

1 2 3, we started the operation

Everything i needed to operate on him was handed to me by my hand nurse making the operation fast

In less than 1hr we were through

Operation was a success, i told my hand nurse and she smiled

Am happy that he is save, he has a lot of enemies who want him dead"she said feeling pity on the young guy

And a tears fell from her eyes

And i have a crush on him"she said making me to smile at her

Kareena everybody has a crush on him" i said and she laughed

Yeah i know but mine is stronger than everybody owns"she said and blush

Do you by any chance have feelings for him" she said with a sad face

I laugh, i don't have any feelings or what so over for him, today is the first time for me to see him

Though i normally see him on TV but am not his fan, and i don't even like him " i said and smiled at her and walk away

Am not his fan, i don't like rohit a beat, vritika has a big crush on him

She's the one that normally forced me to watch his movie,i must say the guy is really talented

I hate boys

I walk at of the room and a man walk to me

How is rohit " he said

His fine sir any moment from now his going to be awake" i said

Thank you doctor" he said i smiled and walk away

I got to my office, took my bath and put on a jeans trouser and a pink crop top i sat down on my seat

And look at my hand that has the bangle, i forgot to removed the bangle when i did the operation

The time is no longer attached to the bangle, i hope is not what am thinking, i ran to the bathroom i couldn't find the time

I ran to the emergency room, i search everywhere but still couldn't find it

It only means one thing, the time is in his body, i covered my mouth

What am i gonna do, if the time is not taking out from his body as soon has possible it will course more damage to his system

and i can't do any operation on him for now

How on earth did i made a great mistake, if anyone find out they will sue me

What am i gonna do, i sank to the floor and cry


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