
In Lookism as a system for Daniel Park

THIS IS MADE AFTER WATTPAD TRAUMATIZED ME. So to save and protect other people eyes. i took it in my hands to make a lookism fanfic. Without Any Lg Sh*T. The fanfic is pretty simple. A guy die. Guy meet Rob. Guy spin wheel. Guy gets To be A system. And gets the Perfect body Of Daniel park. Guy happy. Now the guy makes changes in the plot. He will show why Charles took interest in the second body. He will show what is the ture power of it. Wannna know what happens when you send a guy with as a system and gave him hack's. Read to find out. Welcome to my fanfic. Hope you will stick with me to the end of it.

HAMMAD · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 35 :The Twisted One

Recap: System is fighting second body UI, and is in the main lookism verse. With taejin getting a massive ptsd. The story depth is getting depper then marina trench. While system have his own problems. In the story verse we saw Logan trying to get little Daniel speak the location of System. And he doesn't talk, so they call someone for help.

Story starts here :

Little Daniel looks at his stats and skills. He feels that he is stronger then all the people that are in here.

While he can definitely defeat, Them all with out much effort. But he is cautious beacuse of his friends, Who know what weapons they might be hiding.

He is brought out of his thoughts. As he hears logan voice. That always seemed to be angry. And is coming near him once again.

Looking at logan who is standing in front of him. Little Daniel wants to smash him in the ground.

But he stops due to. Them having him friends hostage, Logan goes near little Daniel, Grabbing him by the collar, He draging him, To the place where his friends are tied up.

Logan throws him ahead in front of them. And speaks in an tone of anger " Ok fu**er last chance, Tell us where he is now, And I personally will throw you out of here".

Logan looks at little Daniel waiting for a response, But gains none making him even more angry.

Just when he was about to kick him. He feels a hand on his shoulder. Looking over, He sees the guy wearing hoyotoko mask.

Who speaks to him in a clam tone, "Don't waste it anymore, He will talk on his own soon, We got someone for the circus, Who is perfect to make him talk".

Throwing his hand off the shoulder logan looks at him, With defiance visible in his eyes, And in speaks with his face turning red due to anger.

"Get you hand off, Bitch or i will personally rip it off with my own hands. And listen to me, As i will say it last and only Time. I am not here to be ordered by you".

Jabbing his finger in the chest of hoyotoko, He looks at him in the eyes and spoke. " I am here for my own Goal, I didn't needed any one of you to catch them. But since you heard the glasses nerd. And followed his orders like a bitch, I don't want to hear shit form you. Especially when your hiding your face like a little bitch. And also fuck off form my face. Or i will change the target".

While Logan was at hoyotoko face. Spouting his bullshit. Taegon and first responders guy is standing near little Daniel.

Watching him closely. Making sure he doesn't make any sudden moves

We see little Daniel looks over to see his friends all tied. With all of them looking back at him.

The friends looking at Daniel condition, They are shocked. With Zack feeling angry and helpless.

Thinking of a way, He is the first one to speak mocking them all. " You all caught us, by threatening us. Why don't you untie us, see how we beat you all".

This attempt to taunt them. Is a bit successful, As all the eyes are on zack now. Seeing this work.

The others also join. With jace begin the smartest one adds salt to taegon wounds.

Jace speaks " We all know, Without the plan you all would have failed, miserably Zack easily knocked him out. While he was injured. Vasco and i were ambushed, While you used zoe and Us, to threaten jay , vin , mary and crystal. Like jeez talk about begin close really close to failure, Just to be saved by the luck".

Hearing jace remarks, Taegon is angry and looks at jace with blood shot eyes. Hearing about his defeat.

But calming himself, He taunts jace back "Says the guy who was out cold in one hit".

While the group was busy taunting, The workers and their plan. Outside the warehouse multiple cars stop.

Form it many people get off. With most of them surrounding the center van. Opening the backside, A tall middle aged wearing glasses gets off.

At first look that man might seem harmless. But he is surrounded by many people who are keeping their distance. And are looking at him closely.

A random man walks form the crowd toward him. And speaks in a tone which held fear toward the man.

He spoke " Minsik choi. If you compelete the job, You will be set free without having to participate in circus. The task is simple get information about the target and find out where he is, That's it if you complete it you will be rewarded handsomely, And your allowed to use any way to get the information".

The middle aged man. Now identified as minsik looks at the guy who spoke to him. In a clam tone " Anything!, Are you sure about it?".

The guy nod's after hearing the question. He feels a bit confused about why was he asked such a question. Looking up at the minsik face.

The guy sees a huge smile on his face. With Golden teeth.

(Image) I don't know how make a paragraph comment so its in the comments. The image

The guy seeing this smile, Is now filled with fear. Quickly getting out of the way. He sees the minsik walking away form them. And into the warehouse.

The who is was scared, Is not sent in a flash back where he read minsik file. The reason for his fear was. Due to minsik past and his link with the legendary gen 0. Fist gang.

Even if he was a minor thug. Gen 0 was an age of blood. The fight between 2 countries, They say blood shed like water on the streets.

Even if minsik was not a big name. But the age which he lived through, That alone is enough to speak of his strength.

Seeing him leaving, The random guy breaths a sigh of relief, As he feels that a huge pressure is taken off form his shoulders.

He prays for the guy, Form which will Minsik get information.

Minsik upon his entering is greeted to a sight of 15 people in the warehouse. 9 begin tied, one on the ground while The 5 which are supposed to be guards.

He greets them to make his presence known. Speaking in a polite tone. To make him appear harmless. And friendly.

This is his usual tactic, By using this his opponent can let his guard down. While this may not work on experienced opponents.

But it works like a charm for the teen like this. And seeing the teens who's face once carried. Anger and hopelessness. Are now filled with surprise and joy.

Seeing such a reaction, Minsik almost smiled once again. But held back, as he waited for the correct moment to smash all their hope at once.

He spoke in a polite tone " Excuse me, I received a message for help, With the location which showed here. ".

Zack, Jay , vin , vasco , jace , crystal , yui , zoe , mary , mira.

Yui the girl which sent the message for help is really estatic. Without thinking much, She speaks " I was the one who sent the message for help and the live location also".

Yui words caught the attention of all the people in the warehouse. The eyes of all the people turn toward yui.

Minsik hearing yui speak. If not for his experience and control, He might have gave such a huge smile, Which might make people think that his jaw will rip to the sides.

Logan who was about to say something. Is stopped. Due to the minsik voice "Yes i am here to help you all. I also have told the police, But i just came here to check if the location was correct , or was it just a prank. Now i know it don't worry kids. I will soon free you all. But before that can you tell me where you hide the phone".

The tone of minsik and words made them all feel something is wrong. All the friends have their own Encounters. With people giving such a smile.

The smile which clearly spoke something was really wrong with them.

Zack, mira with the dog clut.

Vin and mary have their own Encounters.

Jace and vasco their middle school encounters.

Zoe with paprika or her stalker arc.

Yui for her own cunnings. She is the first one to notice such a scene. Cursing her self for speaking out loud. And she wishes that they forget what she said.

Trying to correct her mistake of revealing about the phone. She trys to pull a victim card " Ahh the phone, Shit i must have dropped in the van".

With a bit of tears forming in the Conor of her eyes. To show her mistake, Trying to make them think she lost the phone.

After speaking that, She notices the attention which she received, Slowly turns away. Minsik doesn't buys this. And points out the obvious flaw in yui statement.

"You said live location, Now Even if i am old, I know how live location works, Since the cats out of the bag. You might as well tell me the phone location or hand it over, Cause if i started searching, I might do something that i will enjoy".

Minsik smiles after saying that. And slowly moves toward her. Yui now is scared. And starts struggling trying to get away or lessen the ropes around.

The guys also started struggling, With vin begin the one to speak now. " Untie me fuckers. You caught us due to threats bitches. Just removes these ropes and i will show you what i am made off".

Zack also adds in a deathly tone" One more step and i swear, By any chance the ropes are gone, I will starngle you with these ropes".

The threats of the tied up teenager. Doesn't faze minsik. As he continues his steps. Nearing yui.

Now he stood near yui. Slowly reaching his hand out toward her. Face as his hands draw near yui.

Tears fall form her eyes. She prays for a miracle. To save her. But she looks up and sees minsik smiling. The hand which was aimed at her face now drops toward her chest.

Struggling even more. Praying for a miracle. The hand drew closer to her. Time seemed to slow down for yui. Inches away form her chest.

All hope for yui seems lost. But a miracle happens.

Cruch THUD Rip

Sound of bone breaking. Someone begin slammed and something begin rip is Heard. The hand which was an inche away form yui chest, Stopped turning around to look at the sources of the sound.

Minsik turns his head to look at the source of the sound. Which disturbed his attempt to rip yui top off.

As he turned his head, swissh, The sound of something tearing through the air is heard. He is greated with a spinning kick on the side of his head.

Like a cannonball begin fired form a cannon. Minsik is sent flying to the right side of the warehouse. The force of the kick was soo strong that, He is sent through the wall of the warehouse to outside.

Everyone is shocked by the power of little Daniel kick. One kick sent a guy through the wall of warehouse.

Looking behind little Daniel, The friends see hoyotoko with his mask broken, As his face is messed up.

While turning their head to a bit side. They see taegon the Chinese weapon master, face first smashed in a Crater with his leg pointing at the wrong angle.

And they can't see what state logan is in. The first responders guy is lying on his back with a kick mark barely visible on his face and stomach.

All that happened in secs. Seeing thier condition. Vin is the first one to ask "Hey little ex fat fuk, What the hell happened, How did it happened and what the fuck did you do".

Just when little Daniel was about to explain, He is shush by vin speaking once again"And before you start explaining untie us first then talk".

Nodding to his words, Daniel goes to unite yui restraints. Sitting on his knee behind her. Daniel speaks in a low tone trying to make her forget what was happening.

" After i untie you, Help me untie others and we will leave, As long as i am breathing i will not let anyone of them touch my friends".

The words of little Daniel moved them all. And they a starnge emotion, Having a feeling they have Daniel cover them. And they don't need to watch who will be behind them.

While he was untieing yui. Little Daniel feels something is wrong.

Like a snake waiting for his prey. Someone was watching him. Form the shadows. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

They see the right moment. With fast and calculated moment. They begin their attack. Running toward a crouched Daniel who was busy with yui restraints.

The guy in a white suite and glasses sends a flying knee aimed at the side of little Daniel face.

Thinking ' Amuature, Letting You're guard down in enemy territory. Consider this as a lesson form old to young'.

But he is shocked as the surprise attack is dodged by him.

Little Daniel felt something was wrong. He felt someone was watching him. He learned Many things form master james. And one of them was never let your guard down during a fight.

Anything can happen. So when he heard someone's foot steps. He was ready for it.

But he didn't expect the guy to be this fast. The speed was something else. Who ever attacked him. Was on another level.

Pushing his head back a knee flew form in front of his face. And he clearly saw the look which his attacker gave, The look of surprise.

Just when little Daniel was about to counter attack. He was hit in the back of his head. Little Daniel felt his whole skull shake. Form the force of the kick.

Rolling away form his attackers, He rubs the area where he was kicked. To relieve the pain, Looking up he sees 2 old man. Wearing the same suit. But one was wearing glasses and other had a scars on his face.

The guy who struck him, in the back of the head was wearing glasses. As he heard the scar man speak to the glasses man.

" Brother Shigeaki you have grown softer, If it was the old you he would have killed him with that kick".

The Glasses guy name was Shigeaki. Little Daniel also heard the guy response" brother Hiroaki i guess the time of peace and soft living might have made me soft, But now i will not be holding back".

Now both guys turn Their attention toward little Daniel. Shigeaki looks and speaks to little Daniel " Your a durable one. That kick have knocked out many gen 1 and 0 fighters, But your still standing, Interesting young one. Why don't you introduce yourself".

Both brothers look at him. Waiting for him to talk. Little Daniel rubs the back where he was hit. Feeling the pain going away.

He speaks to them in a clam tone "Daniel park, I don't know why you all took my friends hostage. But let them go now. I will stay in their place".

The glass guy Shigeaki feels amused at Daniel words and responds " let me teach you a valuable lesson Daniel, You don't negotiate with enemies".

The scar guy Hiroaki continues " To negotiate with enemies, You must use force and prove it, By using force you Can have what you want form the loser, That was the rule of our generation. But enough talk get ready no one is leaving until the target arrives. Get ready Daniel park".

After saying that both brothers get serious and takes the stance of kudo.

Little Daniel looks behind them and sees that yui ropes are lose enough to free her self. Now little Daniel had one task to keep the brothers attention on him. And buy time for his friends to be out of trouble.

Little Daniel stood his ground prepared for the battle that is about to come.

Story ends here :

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Leave a review if you enjoyed it. I know my writing skills and grammer sucks but i hope you can give me suggestions on how to improve it. Or make it a bit more readable.

Thanks for reading it. And see you all in the next chapter.