

well, a boy dies from earth. but is reincarnated in opm world . see how hr leads his life meet his friends saves the world and gets the love of his life. #anime #sliceoflife #adventure #reincarnation ............

Parteek_Arya · Anime & Comics
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world introduction.

This the story of a boy,who died without even knowing the couse of his death..

For him he have several theories what happens to dead souls.. Like they loose their counciness and have their mortal memories erased ..and are sent to different bodies to live ..

In that time ,time and space and have no meaning..

THEN HE SUDDENLY AWAKENS IN HIIS INNER COUNCISNES..while it was being erased his memories were already partially erased..

Him: huh? Whats happening,am i dead but how and why is my mind foggy....WAIT wait why am i for getting my self...Ahhhhhhh...

No matter who i am and. What i became. i will always be me...


and those were his last thoughts before his own counceness his uniquness.his identity his memories HE was erased .

He was sent to be reborn in a world quite similar to his own ..In his original world people can't ever.. Remove their limiter.no matter what.

But this world people can remove those can controling their body 100% and using supernatural powers.. A world where peoples becomes demons and monster and aleins races and ancient earth gods..eternals,, celestals and monocops and more races that rule that

Or this world in other word was more complete version of one punch man world ..




Hi..it's been 6 months ,since I had a strange kind of awakening and those odd dreams stopped coming...

And most importantly i become complete again.

IT was when i was coming after giving a entrence exam for a coaching from city Q.I was almost at the entence of our society line when a monster suddenly hitted me on my back and i straight head coillided with the :wall.In just 2 seconds my whole eyes were covered with my own blood my left hand was numbed and i was full in focus like ,i had never been before..it was like i was getting enlightment or extreame aldreline rush.. But supprisenly my body was still giving its 100% .

Then i saw his fist coming toward my face and some peoples rushing toward me .I was barely able to dodge that and started running toward the hero "Leo" that i saw ..He was weilding a claw like weapon ..

After that my body just gave up..like my body's entire enery for used and now i am stuck like a car suddenly stopped on highway..

While i am was at it, the monster suddenly struck my head from behind..and while i was going to be uncouncious.

All I was saw the frog shaped monster being cut into 3 peices by leo.....with quite ease..


Later, that i woke up in hospital without any memories. Well that was quite funny when i saw the recording my sister gave me later.😅

It was like i woke up without any direct memories connected.


Nurse: yes,he is awake now but is in daze .

Ryuke:ok, now i want to enter,of you allow me..

Nurse:please,this way.

Inside the room

Ayar:'huh,wait who am i?and it doesn't even feel like i am missing any memories here.... Wait the question is am i different now that i dont have my memories.. A diiferent person...hmmm

Leo: it looks like you are awake, how are you?

Ryuke: (suddenly hugs him and starts to cry a little).i am so scared.when i heard that you were attaced by a weak monster.and an-

Ayar: Huh? Who are you, do i know you..hello.

Ryuke: wha-?, you don't remember me. I am your ,well I AM YOUR MOTHER.

She said with a smirk.

Leo thought : so, she is trying to play with his liitle brother.

Ayar:huh? I have a mother? But why do you look this young.

Ryuke:Da,i am your mother, now that you are completly healed.i think we should head back home.

Ayar: so, who is he ?

leo: well,I was the one who saved you ,while you were attacked by a momster.

Ayar:aaaahhh.. Alright well i cant remember anything right now..so i dont know if you are lying about being my mother, and you being fighting a monster.

Ryuke: Ok, lets go.home now

(At their home).

Mother: ah,sweeti i am soory,yiur dad and i weren't able to come to hospital to see you .I am happy to see you alright.

Him : Thats good, but who are you.?

Mother: wha-? I AM YOUR MOTHER.. Did you forget me my baby.

Him : huh? I thought she was my mother.

He says while pointing toward his sister.

His sister just wistle and looks away playfully.it was that she was enjoying it.

Mother:ah, look ayar she is your sister not mother and i am your mother while he is your father (she says while holding his fathers photo )

Him:aaaah,ok i am up to go and sleep and then i thunk about this mess..

He goes toward his room subcounciosly



The next morning ,I woke up and thought about what happened yesterday

And i was like what the fuck ,did my sister just played me yesterday while conpletly forgeting that i was attacked .YESTERDAY.

I straight up rushed toward my sister room and saw that she was going toward kitchen.

I rushed and tacked her.while giving a strange look .

She: hey, look what are doing and have you goten insane or gotten your memories back.

Me: you know what i mean, what is realtion between me being crazy and getting my memories back .You completly played me back then yesterday.do you even know what i thinking when you told me you were mother the whole time..huh

She:well, i was just playing and now that you got your memories ,you better check your result and see the fighting manual dad sent for both of us ..he was saying. that we both should start traning if we want to survive bw monster and its time, now thst we both were attacked once .while in our way to home no less.

Get it bro.?

Me:He always says that but rarely comes home and yes i get that i first thing i saw on my phonevwas that I. Passed .and can attent the highschool .In city A. and you ,hows your studies going.

Her: Its going well but i really think you should see the traning manual, Here see it.

Me : ok, lemme see ok weight traning .5kg on limbs whole da-? WHAT 5KG ON ALL LIMBS FOR WHOLE DAY .Are you kidding me .

Mother : Whats the problem kids.

Her:Nothing ,he just reading the manual father send.

Mother: oh ,that i am sure you both will be fine.

Me: oh ,you think that well i am fine. With it but what about her .

Her : huh , i am older and stronger than you .

Me : i dont think ,you were hospitalised for about a week when you attacked the last time.

Her : why ? You..

Mother: its all right you both should get ready for your schools.

Me : do i really have to go school already .arn't i sick i might still have amneaia you know.

Mother : that depend you sister.

Her: yeah, i am the boss today.and you are coming with me today .and you might meet the boy you were talking about in your school.

Me : ah, you may be right that dude was like dont talk with me. I am better .and all other stuff. With blond hair.

Her: whatever. Lets just go.


It took about 2 hours to reach city A.

And now that i think about it.i am feeling slightly more better and more complete .like i am better than me ,before i was attacked.

But, the problem is that I am currently wearing 2 kg on each limb of my body.

A total of 10 kg on my body..

And I know that I am going to get fucked at the end of the day.

And for my sister she is wearing just 4 kg on reach limb.good for her a little hell


So, the school is just a little unusual that I trains its students and sister is already in 3rd year. They are government associated school that trains students so that they can protect themselves and the world future ,they do provide 100% job rate .thats why only a few are selected

that was just the first day that I showed you of his life, he hasn't quite gotten all his memories yet .

and please do suggest ideas..

Parteek_Aryacreators' thoughts