
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Special Grade

" Ugghh!" Within a large room that smelt like antiseptics, and on a large bed, a blonde haired teen woke up with a massive headache.

" Where am I? What happened to the others?" He mattered to himself as he disregarded his heavily injured body and rushed to the door.

" And where do you think you're going Mr.?" Suddenly, he heard a voice which made him turn around. " Ieri senpai?" He saw a familiar face in a lab coat, wearing hand gloves.

" Lie down and let me finish your treatment for the day. At this rate, I wonder if I'll even get married and have kids." She grumbled as she walked to the bedside.

" Ieri senpai what happened that day?" He asked as he felt a cooling sensation of positive energy immediately washing over his body bringing him both relief and relaxation at the same time.

" Satoru and Suguru brought you guys back. Although I don't know how brats managed to completely erase a semi grade one curse." She spoke with an uncaring face. She had seen too much and lost so much that she had become numb to deaths at this point.

" So what happened to my friends?" Madara asked once more. " I said Satoru and Suguru brought you back, all of you." She said with a snarl and immediately finished the treatment and left.

After she left, Madara lied down for a while and closed his eyes. He could instantly feel the boundless energy bubbling within his body, ready to erupt at any time.

Letting his mind sink deep into his consciousness, he found the huge hourglass reaching up to the boundless voids.

He slightly observed the golden sands which had now started pouring from one end to the other.

" Great Divination huh? A technique that allows me to manipulate temporal laws? " Immediately, it was as if a huge script was opened up in his mind as he closely examined it.

" Wait so if I have kids would they be able to inherit my technique?" He asked himself as a smile formed on his face before going back to examine the technique. As at now, he had three skills at his disposal.

The first skill of the Great Divination was called the blades of Eternity. Using cursed energy to construct blades that could slash through anything and couldn't be destroyed except by himself. At the highest level it could completely pierce through multiple timelines and slash through the rivers of time itself.

The second technique was called Halt. It was a technique that allowed him to completely slow down time or completely stop time. It could completely cover a radius of about 5km at the beginner levels and cover the entire continents at the mastery level.

For now he could only use it for 2 minutes,

twice a day. The last skill which was called flash forward, which was more of a speed type technique. It allowed him to increase the time flow around his body which could allow him to move at unnatural speeds.

Of course, having these techniques didn't mean he could use them instantly, he needed practice, loads and loads of practice.

After lying down for a bit, he immediately stood and put on some clothes and walked out of the hospital.

Walking out, he was immediately greeted by sunshine as he opened his arms and took in a deep breath.

As he walked to his hostel, he could feel the gazes if several students on him, but he ignored them and walked away.

Immediately he got to his hostel, he saw his neighbor and psychologist, Nanami sitting a small smile on his face.

" You need to learn how to control your cursed energy Madara, I could sense you from a mile away." Nanami smiled and said.

" How did the mission go?" Taking a chair and sitting beside Nanami, he began to describe the mission details and what exactly he experienced.

" That's one hell of a first mission my friend." Nanami spoke as Madara let out a laugh.

" You still have a long way to go my friend, you'll need to learn to use your cursed technique and learn to manipulate you cursed energy effectively.." Nanami added.

" And that is why both of us are here!" "We're here to ensure that he receives all the appropriate training a special grade sorcerer is supposed to receive." Immediately Nanami finished his statement, Suguru and Satoru teleported right beside them and spoke with grand gestures causing Nanami and Madara to sigh.

" Well done, Madara." Suguru clapped his shoulder and smiled, while Satoru ruffled his hair.

" As your seniors, we want to welcome you into the hall of Special Grade." Satoru spoke and pulled out a cake with lit candles.

The cake was completely golden in color and had the words Welcome Special Grade boldly written on them.

" You didn't really need to do this senpais." Madara facepalmed, yet a small smile remained on his lips. Gojo Immediately blew out the candles and took a slice and began eating as he laughed.

" Here Nanami, why don't you take a picture of us." Suguru handed over a camera to Nanami who sighed and took a nice picture of the three of them eating cake.

" You can begin training with us tomorrow Madara, but the old man wants to see you and you know better than to keep him waiting." Suguru said as Satoru picked the remaining cake and left.

" See you later Nanami senpai." Madara smiled and waved before rushing into his room. Then he took a bath and changed into his uniform which consisted of a bluish black long neck long sleeved shirt and black pants. Just like the one Satoru wore.

" I look good." After checking himself out in the mirror, he nodded and left his room, heading for the old mans office.

" Knock! Knock!" He knocked and patiently stood behind the old mans door waiting for a response.

" Come In Madara. " With a response from the old man, he entered and bowed respectfully. " Have a seat Madara." Principal Yaga spoke as he took his seat.

" How are you feeling? " The old man asked. " I'm fine Sir." Madara spoke with a stoic and calm face.

" I called you here for you to complete this form." The old man spoke and handed the same form he had given to him on his first day.

After a few seconds, Madara filled every single piece of information on the form and handed it over the old man

" Great Divination? Allows him to manipulate temporal laws....." Principal Yaga went through the form with surprise.

" Okay then take this." He searched his drawer for a while, before handing over a card with his personal details.

On the card, the two words Special Grade were boldly written. In the ordinary world, those two words might not represent much,but in the world of Sorcerers, it commanded respect, fear and honor from all.

" I've already informed your parents. They'll be flying over soon for a visit." He added as Madara only nodded.


" Sigh. I guess I should be happy right? I've finally proved myself. I'm even a Special Grade now, but why do I feel nothing." Madara asked himself as he sat by the lake in his Garden on Solitude.

Back then, becoming someone that was feared and respected and proving to himself was what drove him to his goals, but now that he achieved it, everything felt meaningless to him.

" I knew I'd find you here." As he was sulking, he turned around only to see Ichigo walking towards him with his right arm bandaged and a smile on his face.

" I heard you're Special Grade now." Ichigo said as he looked at Madara who seemed indifferent, even slightly uninterested.

" I was promoted to Second Grade well. I'll come around sometime for a spar." He laughed as he took a stone and threw it towards the lake causing it skiddle before finally drowning.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. This arc is officially over, a new arc begins. Stay tuned for more, and don't forget those powerstones
