

" If what you're telling us is true Madara, someone is manipulating things behind the scenes." Satoru and Suguru sat in the presence of Yuki, Ieri, and a blue haired beautiful girl, as they listened to Madara.

" Are you sure of what you're saying darling? It's a pretty bold claim even for you."

Yuki said as she looked at Madara who was facing them.

" Darling??" Everyone looked back and forth between Yuki and Madara as they tried to process the words that had just come out of her mouth.

" Congratulations Yuki senpai. Didn't know you had already set your sights of Madara. Even though he's just 17, he's a good young man. I offer you my blessings from the bottom of my heart!" Satoru stood up and excitedly looked at Madara who sighed and facepalmed. Even Utahime and Ieri has unnatural look on their faces.

" Can we focus on the subject? And please stop spreading misunderstandings. I don't want any rumors spreading, I wonder what my parents will say if they find out." Madara spoke the last parts of his sentence in a low tone as he felt chills down his spine for no reason.

" Didn't know you were such a mama's boy." Yuki laughed with Utahime and Ieri as she sat down.

" I'm very sure of what I'm saying. In fact, I saw this falling out of the body of the cursed spirit when Ichigo and I exorcised it. Look familiar?" Madara spoke seriously and pulled out the devilish looking finger from his pocket.

" From what you've said so far Madara we can assume that this person is gathering the fingers of Ryoumen Sukuna, the king of Curses from the Heian Era and making little experiments on them. We need to be careful."

Suguru said after deep thought.

" Why can't things just be normal for once." Utahime sighed and said.

" That's not the only thing. Over the past few weeks, I've been having these strange dreams, or visions, of the future and the only thing I can say is, we need to prepare, and grow stronger. Evil days are coming." Madara spoke with a sigh. Ever since he achieved enlightenment, he had received a new ability called the Nightmare. A passive technique which allows him to see visions and dreams

of an impending doom.

The downside of the technique was that, some of the visions he could reveal, if they wouldn't have a massive effect on the timeline. Some he couldn't.

" Why don't you tell us about it then, so we form contingencies." For the first time, the blue haired girl spoke up. She was Mei mei, a second grade sorcerer at the moment.

The moment she spoke, everyone looked at Madara as if they silently agreeed with Mei mei.

" If I tell you what will happen, it won't happen, and when it doesn't happen, it would cause massive changes to the timeline, creating an untold number of paradoxes, or flashpoints, something that would be extremely dangerous to our world. " Madara spoke as he sat down. This ability was both a blessing and a curse and he hated it.

" I literally don't understand a single thing you just said." Ieri looked sat him in confusion, and it wasn't only her, everyone did, except Satoru.

" What Madara is trying to say is, everything is necessary for another thing to happen. Changing something that has been predestined in the timeline of the world would have an untold number of effects on the world. " Satoru explained in layman's terms.

" So basically you're saying we should just sit back and wait for disaster to happen?" Yuki looked at Madara and asked.

" The only way to avoid the calamities if the future is to possess overwhelming strength to protect those you love." Madara spoke with a sigh.

" That's all I can say, I'm sorry." He added, stood up and left.

" Come on guys. It's not like we haven't faced calamities before. We have and at that time, we didn't even know something of that sort was going to happen. Now we know, and we have the chance to make ourselves stronger." Satoru spoke with a serious expression, probably for the first time, which caused everyone to look at him.

" Easy for you to say hotshot but not all of us were born with the six eyes and the Limitless." Mei Mei spoke and left with Yuki leaving the others in the room.


Garden of Solitude...

Madara sat with a focused look as gazed the waterfall.

" I don't really know what attracts you to this place apart from the shade and the cool air." A laughter sounded out from behind him as he turned around to see Yuki walking towards him, as she sat down and gazed at the waterfall with him.

" It's almost like your little uhhhh garden of solitude." She said with a smile.

Madara immediately let out a small laugh. This was exactly what Ichigo had called the place before.

" I shouldn't have told them right?" After a few seconds of silence, Madara spoke breaking the quiet atmosphere.

" You did what you thought was right. And it was. If for nothing at all, I'm convinced I need to stay put and hone my abilities to extremity." Yuki smiled and said.

" Things would've really been a lot devastating if you had kept these things from us." She spoke once more with a sigh.

" Sigh. What a cruel world. The worst mistake anyone could possibly make is to be weak."

Madara sighed as he looked in the distance.

" You sound like an old man sometimes. I can't believe you're just seventeen." Yuki chuckled as she stared at Madara's side profile. " Pfft." Madara laughed a bit and shook his head.

" Well, aren't you going to prepare for the School Exchange Programme? Some of the students from Kyoto are really good." Yuki spoke as she looked away,

" Nah. It's alright. I believe I'll do just fine." Madara spoke confidently as he smiled afterwards.

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