
In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold

Arthur Luigi, a man from Earth died and Gods of Old Valyria took him in House of The Dragon era to prevent the disaster of Targaryens and to reintroduce mankind about the Power of one of the most powerful houses of Old Valyria.

FroasT_King · TV
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22 Chs


A week had gone by after Arthur tamed Dragonfyre and today there shall be a feast for the birth of Baelon Targaryen. After Arthur conquering Dreamfyre, people were more than sure that he could tame any dragon. There were rumors that Arthur wanted to tame Cannibal which made the smallfolk filled with gratitude. In their mind, he became their savior. After all, the wild dragons disrupted their life. They ate whatever they could find, be it human or their animals.

On the other hand, Daemon used his authority as the commander of the watch to kill all the rapists, thieves and murderers that existed in King's Landing. He took care of them in a single night. Due to this, King's Landing became a safe heaven for the smallfolks. Although people did fear Daemon but they also started to admire him for keeping their lives safe.

To celebrate in the feast given for Baelon, many nobles from all over the seven kingdoms came to King's Landing. Besides, King Viserys wrote in his invitation that a meeting will be held for a change up in the council. Lord Otto thought that the King would remove Daemon from the position of Commander and send him to Dragonstone to keep Arthur in check. He couldn't tolerate Daemon while Daemon couldn't tolerate him. But he didn't know what the King and Arthur had planned beforehand.

Arthur had told Viserys to remove Otto as his Hand and give this position to Daemon so that he could create peace with his brother. King Viserys had already made up his mind to do that.

Now Rhaenyra was with Arthur to give suitable prize to the knights that survived the tourney. "What should I give them? I don't even know if they are capable as they all were defeated by you."- Rhaenyra spoke to Arthur loudly with a hint of pride in her voice. Arthur just chuckled seeing her behavio. That girl always wanted the world to know that her future husband is the greatest warrior and human to exist and she succeeded in doing so. Many people already considered Arthur as the strongest warrior in seven kingdoms.

Meanwhile, Arthur was considering if he should keep a friendly atmosphere with Ser Criston. After all, he became an enemy to Rhaenyra because she just used him for a night to satisfy her urges. He became infatuated while Rhaenyra considered it nothing. But Arthur doesn't consider them guilty. One lost her mother and all familial pity that encouraged her to satisfy her urge with Criston. The other one is just an idiot who loses his mind for a hole. In the end, Arthur decided that Criston should serve as a Kingsguard. He already made up his mind to not let any woman approach him and secretly manipulate him. Arthur had already made some friends in the castle. The maids, knights, some kingsguards were his friends. They provide him news.

"I think you should appoint Ser Criston as a Kingsguard and make him take the oath. As for the others, they are hopeless. Just give them whatever you want."- Arthur caressed Rhaenyra's cheek and gave his opinion. This show of love earned Arthur a giggle from his future wife.

After Rhaenyra all the knights 'prize', she linked her arms with Arthur and started walking to the nursery. Arthur along with Rhaenyra wanted to see Baelon. In the past few days, Baelon was always carried and nurtured by Arthur, Rhaenyra and Queen Aemma. Seeing Arthur taking care of her son so carefully, Queen Aemma already made up her mind to ask Arthur to teach swordsmanship to Baelon.

Soon the time for the feast came and Arthur together with Rhaenyra and his future in laws went to the Feast. Many nobles gathered around. King Viserys sat in the main chair. In his right side were his wife. Queen Aemma had Baelon in her lap. In his left side there were Rhaenyra and Arthur. Daemon was seating beside Arthur. He was smirking at Lord Otto. He didn't have any problem with Arthur for now. Arthur had already told him that Viserys would exclude Otto from his hand but he didn't tell him that Daemon would be in the next hand. Arthur wanted it to be a surprise for him.

"I am delighted that all of you have gathered for my son Baelon's birth. Baelon will be my heir to the Iron Throne as long as he remains just and kind. For now, enjoy the feast. After that, I will announce the change up in the council."- King Viserys declared the opening of the feast by raising his cups.

Soon, people started eating and gossiping about Arthur's betrothal with Rhaenyra. Lord Otto Hightower paid some nobles to spread a rumor in the hall that Daemon is being removed from the position of commander of watch. But little did he know that not only all the money he gave in this would be a waste but also all those would started mocking him.

Lord Corlys enjoyed the feast with his wife Rhaenys Targaryen and their children. Again, Laena was absently staring at Arthur. When Arthur removed a grain from Rhaenyra's face and Rhaenyra laughed a little, she felt that her heart was getting heavier. She unknowingly stopped looking at him anymore. Even when Lord Corlys was saying the King's recent change in behavior towards them and was crediting Arthur, Laena still didn't look up. Seeing her reaction, Rhaenys chuckled. She knew that her daughter fell in love. If it was any other person, she would have told her to refrain from this sorts of feelings. But as she fell for Arthur who is the best match up for a noble girl now, she didn't want to stop her. She also wanted the Velaryon house to prosper with Arthur's bloodline. She wasn't like those nobles who wanted male heir. If her daughter was more successful and had a child with Arthur, she would deem that child as the heir. In that way, both Arthur and she will have a certain strong field for reign.

The meeting began when Viserys raised his hand up. He stood up and pointed at Arthur before saying, " The man that you are seeing is a member of House Valhalla, one of the top houses that existed in Valyria. His name is Arthur Valhalla. As you all know, he won the Heir's Tournament which I issued for my son's birth. He won in the tournament not even showing his full strength. Riding my daughter's dragon Syrax, he rushed to King's Landing to help my wife, Aemma in my son Baelon's birth. Without his help, I can't imagine what would have happened to my wife and son. The realm owes a great debt to him. He can also tame any dragons. He decided to end the misery of people due to wild dragons and so he will tame the Cannibal, the fiercest one among them. As for his help to me and my family, I have decided that from now on, he will be the Lord of Dragonstone. As long as his house lives, The Valhallas will rule Dragonstone. I have decided to abolish the title 'Prince of Dragonstone'. The prince or my future children might go to Dragonstone to learn from Arthur as he is the strongest warrior. I would also like to announce that my daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen will marry Lord Arthur when she becomes 16."

Hearing all of this, people started cheering for Arthur. The lannisters, the baratheons, the starks etc all people believed that it was a good choice to keep Arthur as an ally. But Otto fuckingtower didn't like the idea. His face was filled up with anger as Viserys didn't tell Arthur to bend the knee infront of all these people.

'Looks like I will have to kill that boy and the princess. They are a threat to the reach. If they rise much more, they will be a problem.'- Otto started thinking and making plans. He planned to contract the Faceless men to kill Arthur and Rhaenyra in Dragonstone. But little did he know that it would be his end.

" Lord Corlys and my brother Daemon Targaryen had done a service to King's Landing and our rule. Lord Corlys brought out information about the Crabfeeder. Soon, they will be dealt with as they only bring problems to our power and rule. Daemon, as the commander of the watch, made King's Landing a safe place. Although the process shed blood but it was necessary. Due to him cleaning up those criminals, smallfolks and nobles can roam freely in King's Landing. As for his performance, I remove him from the position of the commander of the watch. From now on, he shall be my hand and help me in ruling my kingdom."- King Viserys again declared in a loud voice which made almost all of the noble's eyes to widen.

Even Lord Corlys and Daemon was looking at Viserys dumbfoundedly. One was surprised at the king's proclamation that he brought great news. The other one was surprised because his idiot brother had made him Hand and removed Otto.

Lord Otto fuckingtower lost all of his pride as there were mocking voice all over around him. Even Alicent nearly had tears in her eyes. She again started picking on her nails. In her eyes, her father was a great man. But due to the voices of the nobles in the hall, she knew that her father sucked at keeping King's Landing safe. Otto didn't even think that Viserys would remove him from his hand. But he knew that it was a plot from Arthur. When he saw Arthur barely blinking in this decree, he knew that it was his plan to remove Otto. But he couldn't say anything because if he did, his house might get annihilated.

"Lord Boremund, I would like to talk about a certain topic that you did. Come to the throne room after this feast ends."- Viserys spoke again narrowing his eyes which made Boremund Baratheon sweat. Even his dress was nearly drenched by his sweat due to the king's decision.

All the nobles present in the room knew that they shouldn't mock Rhaenys Targaryen anymore. Unknowingly, the hostility in Rhaenys's eyes decreased a little. She and her husband was thinking what plot was Viserys cooking now.