
In HOTD with The Satou System

Note: This fan-fic assumes the HOTD timeline starts around 2013, and this is fan fic will have a harem. For those of you unfamiliar with who Satou is, look up Death March to a Parallel World Rhapsody, and you will learn about the system he has. My name is Victor, and I reincarnated into the HOTD world several years before the world went to hell with several gifts God gave me. Having been through military school, thanks to my father having no time for me, I learned all the skills and knowledge I needed to survive this post-apocalyptical world, and then some. Now all I have to do is keep the people I care about, and those who will follow me safe from harms way though that is easier said then done when the undead start mutating. Follow me on my journey as I go from High School Student to Warlord, and the crazy journey it takes to get there. ***I don't own the cover photo. If it is yours and you want me to remove it, let me know.***

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Chapter 81 - Bison (3)

---Current Time, 3rd Person POV---

"So that's how it all happened.", Victor said to Bison holding him by his head.

"What?", Bison replied, "What are you talking about?!"

"I looked back into your memories to see what brought you here to die.", Victor told him gripping his head tighter, "You didn't come alone either, you brought backup as well. I guess you aren't as stupid as I initially thought, bringing Heihachi and Rugal to be your support was a decent choice. It's not going to be enough to save you though."

"You read my mind!?", Bison gasped in disbelief.

"Of course I did, you idiot.", Victor berated him, "I already know how to use your power as it's similar to something I was already practicing. Learning to use Psycho Power and Telekinetic Powers are very similar if you didn't know. Thanks to one of my partners I gained the ability a while ago, and have been practicing it in secret for a while."

Bison looked in disbelief as Victor showed off his own Psycho Power which rivaled his own. Having worked many years to accrue this power, seeing a child use it so casually pissed him off.

"Haha, this is very interesting.", Rugal laughed, "He copied your powers after being hit by it a single time. Now I understand your hesitation, and asking us to come here."

"Still though, I am not that impressed by this young boy.", Heihachi said observing Victor, "I hope you can entertain this old man, and not be a bore."

Glancing over at the other two men, Victor kicked Bison in the gut sending him crashing through several hillsides.

"Kid be careful!!", Terry Bogard shouted, "They...they aren't normal fighters!"

"Be especially careful...with my grandfather, he isn't as...harmless as he seems.", Jin Kazama warned.

Snapping his fingers, several more people dropped out of the sky in front of Ryu's group. Telling them that they were the remaining people Bison intended to use in case things went south, Victor told all of them to stay out of this fight. Saying they would stay safe if they stayed on the island, Victor told them no one would touch them.

"That's some confidence kid.", Rugal laughed, "You sure you have the muscle to back that up?"

Snapping his fingers once again, Victor changed from his Doom Slayer armor to one much more accommodating for a martial arts fight. Wearing loose fitting orange Gi with the symbol of the Turtle School on the back, Hayato started laughing when he saw it.

"So Kensei isn't only perverted master you know!", Hayato cracked up, "How did you go about meeting that old man!!"

"Grandfather, what are you talking about?", Miu asked.

"That symbol is from a man that Hayato and I both fought years ago.", Kensei said, "He goes by the name Roshi, but others call him the Turtle Hermit. Is that old man still kicking?"

"If one of his peep shows didn't kill him, yes.", Victor replied.

"Father...", Renka growled, "Is he the one you told mother and I was your goal to reach?"

"Uh...", Kensei gulped, "I am changed man now I haven't peeped on anyone, but your mother in weeks!!"

"That's good to hear dear...", Ju said placing a hand on his shoulder with a happy smile.

"...yes dear...", Kensei shivered.

Teleporting himself back over to the fight, Bison dusted himself off. Not wanting to be caught off guard again, he was focused on Victor now not bothering to worry about his lost hostages. Asking if his colleagues were going to join him, both of them were interested in Victor as well. The fact he had received instruction under the Turtle Hermit piqued their interest. Standing next Bison, the three men got ready to fight him.

"Shit...Victor is going to have to fight all three of them at once...", Ryu grunted, "We have to help!"

"No!", Zangief said, "We should respect his wishes, and stay back."

"But he-", Ken started to say.

"Stay out of this!", Victor growled, "You all will only get in my way. Focus on getting your friends and colleagues medical attention. Don't worry about me, these three aren't enough to take me on my worst day."

"Haha!!", Heihachi laughed, "You certainly have the guts of a warrior, lets see if you are all bark and no bite!"

Closing the gap between himself and Victor in an instant, Heihachi swung for a chest blow. Hitting only an afterimage, Heihachi was actually surprised that he hadn't seen even the slightest movement from the boy. He had completely slipped past his senses, and had fooled him. Reappearing in front of Bison and Rugal, both men were in disbelief Victor came for both of them instead of using the chance to strike Heihachi.

"You are are a fool for attacking two of us at once boy!", Rugal shouted as both he and Bison went to strike.

Effortlessly tapping their hands just barely off course, their strikes missing Victor by mere millimeters. Following through to use the momentum to through a joint knee jab in, Victor didn't bother blocking it. Smashing into his gut the two men assumed they would feel something burst, but instead it was their legs that almost shattered. To them it felt like they had thrown their knee into a mountain range. Hearing an audible cracking noise come from Rugal's knee, a look of pain appeared on his face.

"Damn it!", Rugal seethed in pain.

"Was that supposed to hurt?", Victor mocked them putting his hands five inches from their chests, "I was expecting more."

Forming fists and slamming them into their chests in the span of less than half a second, the ground behind the two men exploded as an overwhelming amount of force burst through them. Both men were sent sailing hundreds of feet away from Victor, and the landscape itself started to slide into the sea.

"What the hell...was that..!", Rugal screamed puking up a mouthful of blood.

"I...I...don't...know...", Bison wheezed having used his power to create a barrier to protect his body.

Unfortunately for him the barrier did very little to shield himself from the attack. Victor had foreseen Bison's attempt to protect himself, and forced the energy of the blow through the barrier as if it wasn't there. The only thing the barrier did was manage to hold his organs together. Rugal on the other hand had several ruptured organs that were slowly healing thanks to tech from Bison's group, but even still the pain was overwhelming.

"The Five Inch Punch", Ju said, "That was perfectly executed, and the raw strength your partner has is on the level of a monster Renka. Make sure he keeps it in check, with power like that he could become corrupt."

"He won't.", Renka laughed, "Victor is too nice to fall to their side."

"Very good boy!!", Heihachi cackled, "You aren't all bark after all!! Now show me more!!"

Lunging at Victor again, Heihachi unleashed a barrage of blows on Victor. Meeting each one head on with equal force, Heihachi could sense that Victor was increasing his skill every second they fought. The boy before him had an otherworldly ability to learn and improve his fighting prowess even in the middle of combat. Backing off for a moment to regather his thoughts, Victor didn't give him a moment of reprieve.

"You are too young to be trying to win an offensive battle with me boy!", Heihachi shouted throwing a powerful punch at Victor.

"And you are too old to be fighting old man...", Victor replied in chilling tone.

Not understanding what he meant, Heihachi suddenly felt like his right side felt lighter for some reason. Glancing to his right, he noticed that his arm had been cut clean off as if it had been done with a sword. Having used Bomb's Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, Victor had sliced through Heihachi's attack and had severed his arm without him even realizing it till afterwards. The cut was so quick and clean that there wasn't even a drop of blood coming out of the wound. It had cauterized when it was cut somehow.

Jumping back, and watching Victor stare at him like a Dragon staring at it's prey Heihachi's instincts told him this boy was toying with them. He had more than enough power to kill them, but he was humiliating them to send a message to the other's watching the fight remotely.

'I have never met a man like this...is this what the next generation is shaping up to be.', Heihachi thought as a shiver went down his spine, 'What exactly is this boy's upper limit?'

"Shit...", Jin gulped, "He...he actually seriously injured my grandfather..."

'How much has Victor been holding back in our training sessions...', Ryu thought, 'I didn't even see him touch Heihachi, yet it looks like a sword cut his arm off. The injury isn't even bleeding either.'

Hearing the sound of children running over towards them, Saeko and Yuko glanced back to see several children, including Saito and Honoka, looking at them in fear. Having forgotten the training they went through, the kids did the only logical thing they could think of and that was look for the adults. Since everyone was barricaded in their homes, the only adults were those near the bridge.

"Shit, why are they here?!", Yuko said, "You were supposed to go back home!"

Seeing the children running over, Bison saw a chance to level the playing field. The leader of the settlement wasn't going to sacrifice the lives of children, it was the chance they needed to force him to let them kill him. Teleporting over to them, the children's eyes went wide with shock and fear as they saw Bison appear in front of them with an outstretched hand.

"Shit!!", Chun-Li and Ryu spat rushing to intercept him but they knew they weren't going to be fast enough.

"I got you brats!", Bison laughed before realizing they had vanished from sight.

Reappearing in the middle of the group the children looked at the adults trying to figure out what happened. Realizing the kids had moved, Chun-Li looked back and saw Victor where they had been prior.

"What!?", Bison shouted catching a knee to the face from Victor.

Hearing what sounded like shattering glass, Bison's Psycho Barrier broke into billions of pieces before he was sent screaming through the hillside and far out of sight.

"So that's how you want to play it...", Victor growled, "Instead of fighting like men you want to fight like cowards."

Flying over to the mainland, he looked at Rugal and Heihachi who started to back away from him.

"Now you really pissed me off...", Victor seethed as the ground started to split beneath him, "Laying your filthy hands on my family is death sentence you bastards!"

Feeling the overwhelming amount of killing intent crash over them, Rugal and Heihachi both knew they really fucked up. They instinctively knew the kiddy gloves just came off, and they had pissed off a Sleeping Dragon. Every fiber in their bodies told them to run, but they knew they couldn't outrun him.

"Damn that Bison!!", Rugal howled backing away, "I knew I shouldn't have taken his offer!! No amount of power and tech was worth this shit!!"

"I didn't plan on dying today, but it looks like that fool sealed our fate here.", Heihachi laughed dryly, "I don't intend to die being branded a coward!"

"Neither do I!", Rugal agreed steadying himself.

"You both done making peace because in ten minutes your going to be seeing the Fiery Pits of Hell.", Victor growled.

Feeling the change in Victor's demeanor, Yoko and Yuko turned the kids away from the scene. Everyone knew he was out for blood now, and quite frankly no one blamed him for it after that low blow Bison tried to play. Watching him tear his shirt off, Victor lower himself into a stance most people hadn't seen before.

Vanishing from sight, suddenly both Rugal and Heihachi started taking blows at an ungodly rate of speed. It was so fast that neither man could even follow what was going on with their senses. Feeling Victor start breaking every bone in their bodies, the only thing the men could do was try to stay conscious. Blasting them away from each other, the land where they had been split open and the landscape shook violently.

"What are you!?", Rugal snarled, "Are you even Human!?"

"No, right now I am The Monster you pissed off.", Victor said appearing next to him.

"Die you son of a bitch!", Rugal shouted using the laser in his mechanical hand to attempt to deliver a deadly blow to Victor.

Watching in horror as the laser didn't even burn him, Rugal's eyes opened wide in shock.

'No...no...there is no way a human can take a laser without some sort of injury!!', Rugal thought, 'This boy isn't human!! Wesker tricked all of us!! He sent us here to be guinea pig's to see how strong his son was really!! That rat bastard!!'

Grabbing Rugal by his mechanical hand, Victor severed his whole arm off before using Zangief's Knee Hammer technique to bury him in the dirt. Coughing up a large mouthful of blood as he felt his rib cage completely collapse, Rugal looked at Victor standing over him.

"Haha...do you...expect me to beg for...mercy..?", he wheezed.

"You can ask for mercy from the Big Guy on the other side.", Victor lining up his next attack.

"Haha...your wet behind the...ears. You can't...kill me...kid.", Rugal laughed spit up more blood, "Beating the undead, and killing a living person are worlds apart. You don't-"

Unleashing a devastating chain barrage of Sonic Booms into Rugal, the crowd of onlookers were shocked by how brutal Victor was being. Even though that Rugal was a horrible man that made his money selling weapons to people just to watch them kill each other, this level of brutality was a bit much for them to stomach. Leaving nothing but a pool of blood, bone fragments, and a massive crater where Rugal once had been, he turned his attention to Heihachi next.

"Truly magnificent, a true prodigy!", he wheezed, "No wonder...your father doesn't fight you...directly. You are...are a monster parading around as a human."

"I am The Monster I decided to be a long time ago. The Ryōzanpaku are truly a great group of people, as are those that fight alongside Ryu and Ken. They don't want to kill anyone if they don't have too, and Ryōzanpaku go out of their way to spare people because they don't want to kill.", Victor said staring at him, "I can't ever be like that because I know how bad humanity really is, it's one of the few things my father and I see eye to eye on. Humanity is very flawed race as people like you are allowed to continue causing havoc all because you have power and wealth."

"That we are.", Heihachi agreed.

"When the world rebuilds, people like you can't be allowed to taint it.", Victor said as he entered the Musō Tensei, "Humanity can't continue to allow animals like you to live. I made it my goal that people like you will die so the New World isn't tainted by your cruelty."

"What an honorable thing to say, but it's a long road filled death to achieve that.", Heihachi told him.

"It is, but it's a goal that I feel is worth fighting for.", Victor stated readying himself, "I want to leave a world behind for my kids that they can thrive in."

'What's the feeling...', Heihachi said looking at Victor, 'His anger...it's completely gone, and I only feel emptiness...'

Not waiting to finding out what was going on, Heihachi rushed forward determined to die fighting. Throwing a powerful kick at Victor, all he saw was a trail of afterimages appear as Victor side stepped his attack. Launching a series of punches at Victor with his remaining arm, none of them connected missing only by a hair berth. It was if Victor was foreseeing the attacks, and was dodging them with little effort. Never before had Heihachi fought an opponent this versatile, but surprisingly it filled him with joy to fight someone of this caliber.

"Ha...haha!!", Heihachi laughed with excitement, "This is truly a good day to die!!"

"What the hell!?", Terry retorted, "Jin what the hell is he going on about?"

"He has accepted that he is going to die.", Jin said seeing the smile on his grandfather's face.

He and his grandfather weren't ever really on good terms. His grandfather was a cruel man that he had always wanted to kill, but never could due to the gap between them. Even when his father Kazuya fought him, there was still a gap between them that couldn't be closed. He wondered what his father would think if he saw this display himself. Watching Victor poke his grandfather in the center of the forehead with a single finger, everyone was a little confused what was going on. Even Heihachi was a bit taken aback by this, and looked at Victor like he was a moron.

"Aren't you going to kill me!?", Heihachi shouted as Victor started to walk towards where Bison had gone.

"Omae a mou shindeiru...", Victor replied without looking back him.

Before Heihachi could ask what he meant by that, he felt his death coming. Closing his eyes, his body started to expand unnaturally as if a bomb was going off in him.

'So this is the power hiding within him...', Heihachi thought, 'What a truly terrifying monster we awoke...'

Watching his grandfather swell up, and then explode into millions of pieces Jin was dumbstruck. Victor had used a single finger to kill his grandfather meaning that he could have killed him the moment they met easily. That thought sent shivers down not only his spine, but all who watched it happen.

"Get out here Bison...I don't have time to playing childish games with you.", Victor said looking at a hill, "Face your death with the tiniest shred of dignity you have left."

Behind the hill, Bison was trying to force his soul to leave his body to escape this death game but it wasn't working. No matter how hard he tried his soul wouldn't leave his body, almost like it was trapped within him.

"You finally realized that you can't escape as a soul?", Victor shouted out, "I sealed your soul in your body, when it dies you go straight towards reincarnation. Your soul got sealed when I grabbed you by the head, cheap tricks aren't going to save you this time."

"No!!", Bison shouted as the surrounding area started to shake, "I refused to die at the hands of child that has yet to even graduate high school!!"

"Wait what!?", Jin and Terry shouted, "Victor is that young!!"

"He's seventeen, turning eighteen in two months.", Saeko replied.

"I am tired of playing games with you child, now you will face the full power of M. Bison!!", Bison howled as the land started to raise up, "I will bury you here along with your entire miserable settlement!!"

"The only one dying here is you Bison!", Victor said as he started to float in the air, "You tried to use my son and daughter as a shield to hide behind. You'll die here, and the last expression the world will see on your face is terror. Mark my words your death will not be painless!"