
In HOTD with The Satou System

Note: This fan-fic assumes the HOTD timeline starts around 2013, and this is fan fic will have a harem. For those of you unfamiliar with who Satou is, look up Death March to a Parallel World Rhapsody, and you will learn about the system he has. My name is Victor, and I reincarnated into the HOTD world several years before the world went to hell with several gifts God gave me. Having been through military school, thanks to my father having no time for me, I learned all the skills and knowledge I needed to survive this post-apocalyptical world, and then some. Now all I have to do is keep the people I care about, and those who will follow me safe from harms way though that is easier said then done when the undead start mutating. Follow me on my journey as I go from High School Student to Warlord, and the crazy journey it takes to get there. ***I don't own the cover photo. If it is yours and you want me to remove it, let me know.***

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Chapter 54 - Busan and the Two Cyborgs

As the city came into view, the place looked like a ghost town. Most people had already fled the area according to my map, but some had stayed to try and weather things out. Assuming they stayed quiet the number of people here may escape the hordes that would come down here.

"This is quite a solemn reminder of how bad things are.", Pucca said looking at the signs strung everywhere asking for help.

"Everyone stay on your toes!", I said as we docked.

Getting the vehicles offloaded, the supply teams went out into the city to gather what they could. As my team and others went towards the storage warehouse, a familiar face appeared on the roof of the building.

"Well well well, I thought you would have died in China.", she laughed.

"Good Lord...you haven't been killed yet by a client?", Nathan groaned.

"Like I would let you one up me.", she retorted.

"Nathan, whose this?", Ryu asked.

"She...she is my rival in the archeology world, Lara Croft.", Nathan sighed, "We have bumped heads more than a few times on jobs."

"And I usually win.", Lara laughed.

"Haha, that's funny.", Nathan snickered, "Last three times we met who was it that got you out alive?"

"Meh, I could have done it alone...but I appreciate the assistance.", Lara said with a grin.

"You're THE Lara Croft!?", Saya giggled, "I have read about your adventures, your the reason I got into research and history!"

"You hear that, I have a fan.", Lara sniped.

"Whatever.", Nathan sighed, "You found away in?"

"No, I have been trying for four days to get in. I was hoping to find a boat to get out of here. I was working on a dig site when things went south. My team was attacked by undead in the forests, and we were forced to flee. Only a hand full of us survived, and the others ran off as soon as we made it to town.", Lara said.

While the two of the reminisced, and Renka turned to look at me.

"Your access card should work here, right?", Renka asked me.

"Yep, let's see what goodies we have inside.", I said pulling my card out.

Quickly dumping a large quantity of supplies inside before swiping my card, the system deactivated and let us inside. Rolling up the doors, the first things we saw were a handful of Samus Suits. Having decided to limit the number to ten, I wanted to ensure the number didn't match the exact number of my lovers. People were starting to suspect something about me so this was to throw them off a bit, hopefully.

"What are those!!!", Oriha said dashing past us to the suits, "These look badass!! Are those rocket launcher mounts, and maybe even a plasma cannon connection!!!"

"Slow down there Oriha", Yuko scolded, "We don't know if they are safe to touch."

"If I am going to die, I want it to be in a blaze of glory!!", Oriha giggled quickly putting it on.

"Why do we even bother.", Saeko said looking at her with a smile.

"I have the power!!", Oriha laughed like a mad scientist.

Making pistol noises as she made pistol finger gestures, everyone was content the armor was safe. Walking into the warehouse, we started moving crates of supplies onto the boat. Having the people onboard move things to where they needed to be, we were quickly getting things organized.

"You know, it's weird to see Norwegian and French equipment here too...", Guile said, "Just why are they here?"

"I am honestly not surprised.", I said, "Military Contractors outsource weapons manufacturing all the time, Uncle Sam pays very well and they want to keep as much as they can. It wouldn't be surprising if they bought military surplus from other countries, and sold it to the US."

"That's true, there are plenty of scummy contractors that would do that.", he agreed, "Still though, this is a lot of supplies to just leave."

"The US is in bed with Umbrella, without Victor no one would have gotten in. They pulled out of here because there was no need to stay, they knew this place wouldn't be breached.", Jeong stated, "The US Military systems are in complete lockdown, not even I could hack the system now. Without his key card you'd need a bomb to get in."

"That's fair, they probably left it behind expecting to get it when they returned.", Guile admitted.

'I forgot that he would know what should and shouldn't be on a military base.', I thought hiding behind my Poker Face, 'Better be careful about what items I put into supply locations from now. The next few drops will have to look like smuggler's caches.'

Keeping detailed records of what we were bringing onboard, Kyoko and Saori were busy notating everything before letting it leave their sight. Down in the mess hall, Namiyo and Kikyo were busy with several other women organizing the pantries for the incoming supplies. Like any good mother they wanted to make sure that the items closest to expiration were eaten first so nothing got wasted. While everyone was busy at the docks, things weren't going so smoothly in town.

---3rd Person POV---

Having gone for the shopping center area to find useful items, the group ran into a smaller group of high school students that were looting the area already. Seeing the group from the ship pull up, their group got into a defensive position. Telling Asami and Matsushima to stay ready on the .50 caliber machine guns, Kohta got out of Humvee with his hands raised.

"We aren't here to fight you, we are just here to loot same as you.", Kohta said loudly enough so they could hear.

"This is our territory!!", they refuted.

"All of us are survivors here, there is no need to be hoarding everything. This place is big enough both groups to loot without any problems.", Kohta remarked, "I don't want to have any conflicts with you, but I have my orders. Either we tolerate each other, or I have you gunned down where you stand."

Having his own group of loyal, loving women had done wonders for Kohta. The quiet, geeky guy he was in high school had changed a lot since back then. His lovers relied on him for mental stability after having to kill undead children, and their former comrades. Kohta's kindness won him their undying devotion and affection to the degree they'd run into a horde if he asked them too. Of course Kohta wouldn't ever be that heartless, but he understood how careful he had to be with them. One misstep by him could shatter the fragile minds they had left, so he was always leading them around with a steady, levelheaded approach.

Holding up two fingers, Kohta pointed them at the group signaling the machine guns to target the group. Telling them again to just share the space for the time being, he promised there wouldn't be any fighting unless they started it. With machine guns, rifles, and pistols trained on them the group stood down and accepted his offer. Waving back to his team, they lowered their weapons allowing the other group to breath with relief.

"Alright team, let's move out!", Kohta ordered motioning towards the left side of the shopping center.

Sighing from his seat in the personnel carrier, Itami was already over this mission. Used to be pushed into taking lead roles in operations, it was a new experience to be the one following someone else. That said the leader he was following was far too into this task. Since leaving the base he had been watching everything like a hawk, drove like a maniac, and setting a cozy atmosphere in the Humvee.

"Ugh...if you guys see any alcohol make sure you grab it!", Itami complained, "I am going to need it."

"Lieutenant, isn't there an anime store in this shopping center?", Kurata asked looking at a news article on his phone he had saved, "Says here this shopping center should have a magical girl exhibit that opened the day everything went sideways. I was planning on coming here to-"

"Alright people!! Let's move out!!", Itami shouted with a big grin on his face, "Come on man, get us moving!!"

The other people in the personnel carrier just sighed as they drove into the building. Once they were inside, the teams split up to divide and conqueror. Gathering the farming supplies first, Kohta checked things off as they were loaded up. Once they had a sufficient amount they started to search for food, clothing, and any medical supplies they could find. Using the opportunity to casually lead his team past where the exhibit was supposed to be, Itami almost fainted when he saw the exhibit was untouched.

"It's the limited edition...", Itami said as he listed off names and random facts about the figures in the glass case.

Looking at him like he was a lost cause, Kuribayashi shook her head as he dropped a sack to toss the figures still in boxes into the bag. Giggling like a child on Christmas, Itami started to sob a little saying he didn't think he would ever get to see another figure again. Taking the figures he wanted, Itami was happy to continue on with the main search.

"About time!", Kuribayashi shouted, "You spent fifteen minutes prattling on about pieces of plastic!"

"These are collector's items!!", Itami refuted, "They aren't just pieces of plastic!!"

Standing there arguing for a few minutes, the noise drew the attention of two people passing by. Rushing towards them, the two people burst through the wall startling the team. Spinning around to engage a threat, they immediately stopped when they saw two women standing there. The one on the left was clearly a cybernetic woman that was completely blue, and the one on the right looked like Sayo just with red hair.

<<<Picture Here>>>

"Uh...is this place full of crazy people like the Lieutenant?", Kuribayashi screamed, "Why are their cosplayers here!!"

"I resent that statement!", Itami shouted, "Those are clearly not cosplayers!!"

"Vocal patterns and facial identification confirmed, these are people from the JSDF.", White Queen said, "Red Queen these are the people that should be traveling with the anomaly."

"Agreed, take us to your leader, the one called Victor.", Red Queen ordered them.

"Hold on, isn't Red Queen the name of the AI Umbrella uses?", Kuwahara questioned.

"That is correct, we are products of Umbrella.", the women replied.

"Well there goes that!", Itami said and turned around, "RUN!!!"

Taking off like a bat out of hell, Itami and company wanted nothing to do with them. Understanding that they were clearly cyborgs they didn't want to engage them in a fight. Having seen test demos of Umbrella cybernetic tech, they knew they were outmatched in strength and firepower.

"Mayday, we have have a Code Red!!", Kurokawa said over the radio, "We have encountered cyborgs from Umbrella. I repeat we have encountered cyborgs from Umbrella, begin-"

"We didn't come here to engage in combat with you.", White Queen said hacking their communications, "We wish to speak with the one called Victor. Our calculations show that humanity will not survive without his assistance."

Not bothering to pay them any mind, the teams huffed it back to the vehicles. Jumping in with what they had, they squealed out of the shopping center heading back to the port. Looking around for any signs of cyborgs, no one saw any signs of them. Calling ahead to the ship, Kohta informed the group of the danger they encountered and that they needed to leave immediately.

---Victor POV---

"You ran into cyborgs?", I questioned looking on my map, 'I don't see any threats in their area...did they run into something else?'

Pulling up to the base a few minutes later, all of us just stared at the convoy. Getting out of their vehicles they looked at us with confusion till Red and White Queens jumped off the roof of the personnel carrier. Realizing they brought the enemy here on accident they were going to engage, but I told them to stand down.

"If they were going to attack us, they would have killed you to keep their arrival a surprise.", I sighed, "Unload what you got, and go back for the rest..."

"You are just as preceptive as our information suggested.", White Queen stated, "We are-"

"Red and White Queens...if you are from Umbrella and don't want to kill us those are the only two you could be.", I cut her off, "As the only two self-aware AI's in the company, I assume you are here for something."

"That is correct.", Red Queen admitted, "We have run the simulations countless times, humanity only survives if you get involved. The current situation has exceeded what our simulations suggested, at this rate humanity will be extinct."

"You came all the way out here to tell me that? Couldn't you have sent me a text message or email?", I questioned, "Besides which, just in the little bit of traveling we have done I could have told you that much."

"Your father is losing his grip on the situation, we determined our services would be best used with your group.", White Queen said matter of factly, "Our simulations show that you will need to start procreating with your women soon to keep humanity alive. We have augmented our bodies using the woman known as Sayo's cells, we are fully capable of siring children should you so desire."

"Jeez!!", Rika gasped, "That escalated quickly!!"

"Procreate..? Do you mean have babies?", Shizuka asked for clarification.

"Yes, humans refer to it as making babies or intercourse.", Red Queen confirmed.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me...", I groaned as several of the women in my harem looked at me like they were more than happy too, "If you are a computer, you should know having children without a safe place to hunker down is dangerous. I would be exposing them to unnecessary danger."

"That shouldn't be a problem for you, we have your mother's research on you. We know that you aren't actually human, but a higher evolutionary step for mankind.", they said, "Unlike the humans here, you are completely immune to every known infection and disease. In addition you body naturally adapts to any situation within seconds, theoretically you are the hardest thing to kill on the planet."

Hiding my anger behind my Poker Face skill, I was quickly realizing I had stepped on a landmine. They knew nothing about tact, and were going to spill a lot of stuff I didn't want getting out. The fact was that I needed to still have cover as a modified human, if things continued that would be ruined. Stopping them before the could continue on, I said I understood they knew a lot on me.

"For the time being you can join us. I want your word that you will not harm anyone on our crew.", I stated.

"Your order is acknowledged.", they agreed nodding their heads, "Now do you need assistance setting what humans refer to as...The Mood?"

"Hahaha!!!", the men laughed almost falling over.

"Dude this is going to be better than comedy hour at the bar!!", Guile jabbed, "You know how to pick them kid!"

"Shut the fuck up...", I groaned.

Sending the teams back to the shopping center, I turned to Red and White Queen who were standing by me like they were maids. I wasn't the only who thought this as Astrid glared at them for stepping into her realm of work.

"So explain to me what you mean by you have Sayo's cells.", I ordered.

"Sayo is one of many test subjects that Umbrella experimented on trying to create superior human life. Early work created terribly powerful people that Umbrella how to euthanize, Sayo's group is among the first successful people. Unfortunately they escaped into the world, and Umbrella had been looking for them for a long time.", Red Queen answered, "We have Genetic DNA on all test subjects, we decided to use her DNA as a basis to create semi-organic bodies to assist you better."

"So you are genetically identical to Sayo?", I questioned.

"No, we used her DNA as a base. Adjustments were made according to what our information suggested would be your optimal partner.", White Queen said.

"If you are going to become human, you need to understand you don't just demand someone start having babies.", I advised, "I may be different from everyone else, but they are still vulnerable to disease, weapons, and chemicals. Even if you say I am a superior specimen, I can't physically be everywhere at once."

"We have downloaded sufficient data to perform many forms of martial arts, we can ensure their safety.", White Queen stated, "Are you having issues stimulating your member?"

"Haha, he doesn't have that problem.", Rika jabbed.

"Thanks dear...", I sighed, "Still, I want to secure a safe place before I consider having children. As much as your simulations take into account, I still need to ensure I can provide for my lovers and the children. We still don't have farming going, food supplies are limited, we-"

"That is something we can't understand.", Red Queen answered, "We have complete access to the US Defense database, the supplies you pulled out of Okinawa and now this location are not on the manifests."

'Fuck fuck fuck!!', I thought keeping myself calm using Poker Face, "Are you suggesting that I loaded the items there? How would I do that?"

"We can't answer that, our data is insufficient to make that assessment.", White admitted, "The items appear out of thin air according to footage we have, we don't know where from."

"We have come to the conclusion that you have the ability to move items from one location to another with a thought.", Red Queen added, "All the items appear around you, not anyone else in the group. Our analysis shows that items appear when you are in a pinch or when you are in need. Whether it is conscious or subconscious, you appear to have some sort of mental power."

'I wasn't expecting them to make that jump...', I thought, "You are saying I am able to open like a wormhole or something?"

"Something to that effect.", White Queen stated.

"Wow!!", Shizuka giggled, "That sounds so cool! So what's a wormhole?"

"A hole in the fabric of space that connects two places.", Saya told her, "Do you have something like that Victor? That would explain a lot of things I have been thinking about."

"I...I honestly don't know.", I lied, "I mean it makes sense, but it's a lot to take in. Was I exposed to an Energy Fragment or something?"

"Your mother was researching them when she was carrying you, it is very likely you absorbed energy from that.", the two robotic women said, "If you learn to control that power, you could ensure your group is well supplied at all times."

"Yeah...you are asking a lot when I have no way to train that.", I laughed dryly, 'Oh boy...I am going to need to be really careful with these two here.'


Author Update: Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. See you all in the New Year!