
In Honkai with Tom Cat

Because of a single choice, Li Huan traveled through time and space, ending up in a collapsing world. Dead soldiers, Honkai beasts, Herrschers—gradually, all these dangers appeared before him. "I think I'm doomed." With this thought, he decided to take a chance on the system's newbie reward draw. In a flash of light, a blue-gray cat, standing on two legs, appeared before him. "Take back what I said earlier—I think you're all doomed now." Having drawn the epic character Tom, he vowed to bring laughter to this world together with Tom. Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is a translated fanfic and please check out the others as well Advanced Chapters in Patreon https://www.pat reon.com/senatuspopulus/ OG: 人在崩坏,和汤姆当搞笑角色

Senatus · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 38: Is This Reward Really Okay?

Li Huan glanced over at Kiana, who was still letting Raiden Mei rest on her lap, showing no signs of waking up.

He turned his back to Kiana and, rubbing his hands together, broke into a sly grin.

Since he had some time, he might as well claim his reward.

"Let me take a look!"

[Why are you acting like you're up to something shady when you're just claiming a reward?]

"Shut up, it's called ceremony, okay?"

With a snappy retort to the system, Li Huan eagerly pressed the button to claim his mission reward.

[Reward received. Two random, high-quality items or skills have been added to your inventory. Please accept them.]


Wearing a mischievous grin, Li Huan opened his inventory. Indeed, two new items had appeared—a strange-looking object and what seemed to be a book.

He clicked on the item to check its details.

[Equipment: Dream Hammer]

[Quality: High]

[Attack Power: Minimal]

[Effect: When attacking an enemy's head, there's an 80% chance to induce forced dizziness.]

[Note: You should know that comedic characters never kill; at most, a hit to the head will make them see stars.]

After reading the description, Li Huan fell silent.

The good news was that he had a weapon now.

The bad news was that it didn't seem like a powerful offensive weapon at all, far from what he had hoped for.

Sure, the effect was strong—an 80% chance to dizzy the opponent if hit on the head—but headshots were notoriously difficult to land.

Still, it was better than nothing.

Li Huan took out the Dream Hammer from his inventory. As he examined its appearance, he couldn't help but feel a bit speechless.

The Dream Hammer looked like a simple wooden mallet, with star shapes on both striking surfaces. It was quite plain.

He hefted it in his hand, noting that it was light enough to be wielded easily with one hand, making it simple to swing.

As much as he wanted to test its special effect, Tom was busy knitting, and he couldn't just attack the two girls. He decided to wait for the next unlucky dead soldier to test it on.

With anticipation, Li Huan put the hammer away and turned his attention to the skill.

However, this skill made him frown even more.

[Skill: Dream Jump]

[Quality: High]

[Learning Requirement: None]

[Effect: Allows you to forcibly jump into the target's consciousness.]

[Description: As everyone knows, comedic characters can freely enter other people's dreams without any logical explanation.]

[P.S.: The cooldown time for each jump is one hour, during which you will be forced to stay in the consciousness world for an hour. Please be cautious, as everyone's consciousness world is different. You can, but can only, bring one companion with you on the jump.]

"What kind of skill is this..."

Li Huan looked at the skill with some frustration. "Sure, jumping into someone else's consciousness sounds powerful... but what use is this skill right now?"

[You figure it out. If you don't like it, you can recycle it in the shop… but I'd suggest keeping it. You never know when it might come in handy.]

"Skills can be recycled?"

[Yes, but you know, recycling it would give you less than what you'd pay for it.]

"I guess I'll keep it then. Who knows when it might come in handy." Looking at the skill in his inventory, Li Huan recalled the last time he received a skill disk, and hesitated. "It won't be another disk this time, will it?"

[No, not every skill is handed out the same way.]

"Alright then."

Li Huan took out the Dream Jump skill from his backpack. This time, instead of a disk, it was an actual book with "Dream Jump Quick Mastery Manual" written on the cover.

"This one seems normal enough." Li Huan was pleasantly surprised. "Do I just need to read this book?"

He opened the first page.

[To master this skill, first eat this book.]


Li Huan quickly closed the book, realizing he had been too optimistic.

"What the hell is this…" Li Huan stared at the book in disbelief. "Last time, a monitor smacked me in the face. Now I have to eat a book? Why can't these skills be given to me directly like the 'Bare-Handed Blade Catch' skill?"

When he obtained the "Bare-Handed Blade Catch," it was directly imprinted as a skill. But these last two skills had been more and more ridiculous, truly frustrating.

Don't think he's overreacting. It's just that these things are hard to accept.

[That's just how comedic items work. You should embrace this setup.]

"Embrace your mom!"

If there weren't people around, he would've thrown the book on the ground.

"Stay calm, stay calm, Li Huan. Keep it together."

Taking a deep breath, Li Huan forced down his anger and looked at the book. "No choice but to eat it, huh…"

He glanced back at Kiana, who didn't seem to notice what was happening, and Tom, who was still focused on knitting.

Making up his mind, he took a bite out of the book.


To his surprise, the part he bit off came away easily, and after chewing a bit, it felt soft like bread. It was actually edible?

As he chewed, Li Huan could taste a rich, scholarly flavor…

The more he chewed, the more intense this scholarly taste became, and Li Huan's expression grew worse.

"Damn it… This thing tastes exactly like paper."

It's like turning a pile of dirt into something edible, decorating it to look like a delicious ice cream cone, but it still tastes like dirt.

The essence hasn't changed.

This thing might be edible, but it still tasted like paper—bland and hard to swallow.

With some difficulty, Li Huan forced himself to eat the whole book, nearly choking several times in the process.

After enduring this ordeal, the skill "Dream Jump" appeared in his skill list.

"That was pure torture…"

Li Huan, looking pale, patted his chest. He could only hope that he wouldn't have to go through this experience again.

"But honestly, these last two draws haven't given me anything particularly good."

Li Huan felt a sense of disappointment and frustration, realizing that defeating the Herrscher of Thunder hadn't been as rewarding as he had hoped.

Are these rewards really okay?

Just as he was wallowing in his disappointment, someone tapped him on the back.

Li Huan turned around to see Tom standing proudly behind him, holding something in his hands.

Looking closely, Li Huan saw it was a dark blue sweater with a yellow fish knitted on the front, along with the letters "CAT" in black yarn.

To be honest, it was quite well made.

"For me? Thanks, Tom."

Li Huan stood up, patted Tom on the head, and accepted the sweater.

But the moment he touched it, his pupils suddenly contracted.



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