
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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51 Chs

Chapter eleven

Amelia waited for Chad in the car, she had been waiting for him for the past three hours.

She saw him coming from afar and started to think of ways to make life frustrating for him.

He entered the car and there was this evil smirk on his face.

"I came back so early." He said and Amelia gripped the steering wheel in anger.

"Yes you did, three hours is so early." She said through her teeth.

"I've changed my mind I would stay in Paris for a month instead of two weeks," Chad said and Amelia shot up.

"Why?" She asked knowing that the longer Chad stayed in Paris the more frustrated she would be.

"Cause of you," Chad said smiling.

"You bast..." She paused, she knew that if she insulted him it could lead her into trouble.

"What did you say?" Chad asked with his tone of voice very serious.

"I said, it is no problem, your Highness, I even want you to stay in Paris for a longer period." She lied and gave off a fake smile.

"It better be." He said glaring at her and she gulped. "Now take me to my lodge." He ordered and she frowned before pulling the car out of the parking lot.

"Why do you want to stay in Paris for a month?" She asked him and Prince Chad turned and looked at her with his blue piercing eyes.

"Didn't I say I am staying here for a month because of you?"

"I'm sorry, your highness." She said and fixed her eyes on the road.

"Didn't I sign a contract with you?" He questioned and she turned her head as swiftly as possible towards him.

"So you are going to help my brand?" She asked surprised as if she was just sure an elephant wearing a waistcoat.

"Yeah, I will." He sighed. "What can I do when you coerced me to sign your documents."

She giggled evilly, she was way beyond happy hearing that the prince would still help her grow her brand.

"Thank you, your highness."

"Take me to your boutique," Chad ordered and Amelia started laughing.

"Which boutique?" She said laughing.

"Wait, you don't have any boutique?" Chad asked surprised.

"Well, I do, but not here in Paris, the rent here is so damn high. I have a tiny-- very very tiny boutique back in KU." She used her fingers to demonstrate how tiny her boutique was.

"You got to be kidding me." Chad sighed and I pinched his nose. "Then we have to get you one here."

"Really?" She thought that her ears were malfunctioning and imagining things.

"I won't repeat myself," Chad said and groaned.

"Sorry, your highness." She apologised and Chad smirked, he liked how she acted.

"Where do you want your brand location to be?"

"I'd love it to be in KU since I need a replacement for the old one but Paris is a very good location because of the opportunities." She stated and sighed.

She wanted the boutique to be in KU because she stayed there and she was not ready to move to Paris but Paris, well, it was a fashion city and it would be a nice place for a brand like hers to be there.

This was a very tough decision for her.

The rest of the drive was silent-- but Amelia's thoughts were not silent, she was still thinking of the location she would choose for her new boutique.

When she arrived at the hotel that Chad was staying at, he turned and look at her and then he smiled.

"You know you can have a boutique in both places?" She turned to him as swift as lightning.


"Yes, I will get you boutiques at both locations." He said and narrowed her eyes at her, he did not know why he was doing this, she always frustrated him and yet he wanted to help her, even though he unintentionally signed a contract with her he had the power to terminate the contract.

'This was so frustrating' he said in his mind and sighed.

She hugged him unexpectedly and Chad was quite surprised. She quickly straightened herself.

"I'm sorry for that." She said blushing and Chad laughed.

She glared at him and it made Chad laugh harder.

"You are so funny." He told her and she shut her eyes. "I see no difference between you and a three-year-old child."

"Don't blame me I am over-excited." She chirped.

"For the past two weeks that you have been driving me, I have never seen you smiling unless you want to frustrate the hell of out me that is when this creepy smile crawls to your lips."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you saying that I am lying?" Chad's tone changed immediately.

"No-no your highness."

"Do you want to get beheaded?" He tilted his head and he had this uncanny smile on his face.

Amelia became afraid and she tried to hide from his deathly glare.

He started laughing and she became confused.

"The way you were scared was quite funny." Chad's aura changed back to normal.

"You sounded scary." She quipped.

"I was faking it. Common we are not in the 15th century, I can't behead you." He said and chuckled. Amelia became relaxed.

They were at the entrance of the hotel and Amelia manoeuvred the car to the parking lot.

When she parked the car she waited for Chad to get down but he did not.

"Aren't you going to get going now?" She asked him and he grinned.

"Are you chasing me out of your car?"

"No, I am sorry, your highness."

"When is your next fashion show?" He asked and she lowered her head.

"Ehm, I don't have any, when I tried to get to one I got rejected," she said with a low voice.

Chad placed his hand on her shoulder, "I heard that there is a big fashion show tonight here in, Paris, we are going to display some of your clothing styles there."

Amelia's eyes became wide like large saucers.

"But I don't have any models, I don't have any influencers, I don't have anything at all and I wasn't even invited."

"There will be top models and influencers there so that will create good publicity for your brand products." He told her and she looked at him as if he was deaf or he could not understand what she just told him. It would be almost impossible for her to do good without any of those.

"But..." He placed a finger across her lips.

"Shhh. Hear me out, Amelia." He muttered. "You have me, no need to worry about those, I can get any kind of model for you with a flick of my finger, just have faith."

He removed his finger across her lips and she breathed.

"But we weren't invited how are we supposed to get in? Do you want them to throw us out?"

"If they throw us out then I will declare war on this city for their insolent behaviour." He tucked his hand into his pocket and brought out a black shiny card. "And we have these."

Amelia stared at the Black shiny card in between his fingers with amazement.

"What is that?"

Chad grinned, "A black card there are only ten of it in this world."

"It's so shiny." She commented as she stared at it. "What is it used for?"

"With this, I have access to anywhere in this universe and with it, I can grant anyone who I desire access to anywhere in this universe, so the fancy show tonight in 'D'Glamour' won't be a problem for us." D'Glamour was a popular event centre in Paris and it was known for holding prestigious fashion shows.

"Where can I get one?" Amelia asked and Chad laughed, he laughed so hard that Amelia thought he has ran mad. He put back the black card into his pocket and opened the car door.

"Get what you want to display ready I would be picking you up tonight at your place, we are going to break into the show." He said and chuckled and she just nodded. He threw her ID card that he was with at her and she picked it up.

"Thank you, your highness."

"Call me, Chad." He winked at her and then left.

Amelia looked at her ID card and held it to her chest and sighed, she thought Chad was going to be with it forever but she was glad she had it back.

Her eyes searched for Chad but he has already entered the hotel building, tonight would be the first time her brand was participating in a fashion show, and she was so happy. She started wondering why someone like Chad would want to support her, he was a top celebrity and he was also a Royal so this would have a big impact on her brand but she smelled something fishy about this, even though he signed the documents without reading it, he had the power to terminate the contract and he was not so dumb not to read the documents before signing.

'He is definitely up to something' Amelia said to herself. 'But what is he up to?'

Chad's disguise made it easy for him to move around the hotel, no one even knew that Prince Chad was lodging in this hotel, he used a fake personality and documents to get a room in this hotel, he had a penthouse in Paris so no one would ever expect him to lodge.

He entered his room and started laughing like a maniac, he fell to the ground and rolled on it, laughing.

His room door opened and Russell his attendant walked in.

Chad stopped laughing he stood up from the floor and straightened himself.

"You know it is scary when you laugh like that, one will think that you are mentally unstable, your highness," Russell said and bowed.

"Excuse my lack of manners," he grinned. "I couldn't help myself."

"Well, I have made preparations for your flight back to KU," Russell told him.

"Well, I am postponing it for another two weeks--I have a fashion show to attend."

"Noted, your highness."

As Russell was about to leave his room, Chad called him.

"Russell," he called. "Do not let your eyes off her, always keep your eyes on her."

Russell nodded and with that, he left.