
Wonderful And Scary

#Chapter23 Wonderful And Scary

Ellie picked up the piece of rabbit meat that she had received from Watson after they had shot the poor creature dead, skinned him and barbequed him. During this whole process, Ellie had made herself scarce, not fond of the savagery.

Her stomach was grumbling with hunger but looking at the smoked rabbit in front of her, she knew she wouldn't be able to stomach it.

She looked up from her plate and was met with the sight of Cece devouring the meat without any difficulty, she had spiced the rabbit up after all. Ellie wished she had her appetite and stomach cause she was indeed famished, just not famished enough to eat a wild rabbit.

She heard a chuckle from beside her and looked towards her boyfriend who looked at her amusedly, chewing the meat as well.

She gave him a dirty look.