
Simple life

#Chapter5 Simple life

/"Hello Miss Summers, I am officer Lilly, I'll be taking the day shift with you, ensuring your safety till Mariano Melaki gets caught and this is Patrick, he'll be at the door/" a girl in a police uniform, armed, came up to Ellie as Ellie opened the door to her apartment, escorted by another officer.

/"Oh, umm... hi, alright then, come in/" Ellie said opening the door for Lilly and they got in before she closed the door giving Patrick a nervous smile.

Ellie then turned towards Lilly, she had no clue what to do with another person staying with her at her place, specially a person she met for the first time.

/"I am gonna go take a bath, you can get yourself comfortable, watch tv, some snacks in the fridge/" she told officer Lilly who offered her a small smile seeing how Ellie got all awkward.