



1 year later

Jason got up from the couch as he saw Ellie's night blue BMW pull in beside his truck through the window of the cabin.

She loved that car, it was a gift from Jason when she had decided that it was better if she moved to California with him instead of him living with her in New York.

He was over the moon when she told him that.

He wanted to show her through a gesture of how grateful he was and that he would give her anything her heart desired when she was with him.

She had initially declined to receive the gift, she was hesitant and told him off for buying her something so expensive. The reality was, Jason was a millionaire, he might not show it off considering he wasn't really the materialistic kind but he was rich and why wouldn't he be, he owned a damn coffee farm, and was one of the biggest suppliers of coffee beans to multinational companies.

Ellie was shocked to hear that.