
In Hindsight

// WARNING: // SELF-HARM My life? There's no purpose. No reason. So if I die? There's no loss.

3xclusive · Teen
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4 Chs


A light shines against my eyelids and I slowly open them.

'I'm dead. I must be dead... Where are the angels? Where is God? Why isn't he here?' But I finally reach a hard reality, as I find that I'm looking up at the face of nurses, who are shining lights in my face and talking rapidly. 'I'm alive. I'm alive..'.

Everything sounds fuzzy. I still smell the ocean. Why are there so many people? I feel like I'm moving... Suddenly, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't died... I haven't died and I didn't. That was my only mission and I failed. Nausea hits me, so I do what I need to; I throw up all over my front. My body feels numb still and I can barely feel it, but my ribs ache like I've hit them on something.

More talking.

And then something pokes me, and I'm dragged back into the darkness.