
Alexandre Odin Black

when I woke up I was in a crib so it seems like I really was reborn in the world of Harry Potter

[mc] system are you there?

when I woke up I was in a crib so it seems like I really was reborn in the world of Harry Potter

[mc] system are you there?

[yes host]

[mc] system what can you do and where am i?

[currently the host is in an orphanage in London, as far as the mergers I have are status, missions, store, inventory and lottery]

[mc] system what can you do and where am i?

[currently the host is in an orphanage in London, as far as the mergers I have are status, missions, store, inventory and lottery]

[mc] system what year am i in?

[currently host is in 1981 a month after voldemort's defeat]

[mc] system show my status

name: Alexander Odin Black

age: 1

Magic: 10

strength: 4

defense: 3

agility: 3



A Metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who has the ability to change their appearance at will, without the need for a wand, spell, or potion.


Parseltongue is the language of serpents (as well as other magical serpentine creatures, such as Runespoor and Basilisk) and those who can converse with them. An individual who can speak Parseltongue is known as a Parselmouth.

[Alex] system because my surname is Black? Do I have any relationship with Black house and my skills were a gift from the system or was I born with them?

[yes host you are currently the heir to House Black because your father is Sirius Black and your skills you were born with them the system only made them stronger]

[Alex] What is the medical status of an average wizard baby compared to mine?

[host here is a status of a normal wizard baby]

name: ?????

age: 1

Magic: 4 (you have a magic power reserve

abnormally high for your age)

strength: 2 (you are stronger than a normal baby but nothing much above average)

defense: 1 (for some reason you are naturally tougher than a normal baby)

agility: 1 (you were born to run)

well it seems like i have monstrous magical power and all my other statistics are above average it seems like at least i won't have to worry about me having no talent for magic this is a relief

[Alex] system do you have a starter package?

[yes host would you like to open the package?]

[Alex] yes

[beginner package has been opened congratulations host received]

[10,000 magic coins]

[5 lottery tickets]

[lv.max analysis skill]

[strengthening technique]

[Alex] system that each of these serves

[magic coins] allow the host to buy spells and stuff like that

[lottery tickets]

allow the host to spin the wheel for a chance to win a skill or item

[skill analysis]

lets the host see statistics about other people and objects

[strengthening technique]

allow the user of this technique to push his body to the limit of the human body

well it looks like I received some very good things

after seeing all this I ended up getting very sleepy having a baby's body and really shit

leave your suggestions and opinions

_James_Jones_creators' thoughts