
IN Harry Potter With a System


Dreamer_1297 · Book&Literature
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118 Chs


Adam Smith woke up in an unfamiliar place. He observed his surrounding and himself with a calm expression on his face. He noticed his weak, malnourished but functioning body. He traced his scar on his forehead, the famous lightning bolt shaped scar. Lucius Malfoy once rightfully told Harry ' This scar is a legend'.

So I was finally granted my wish, huh.. Now I am Harry Potter, the boy who lived. I am with Dursleys in the middle of an small island. Walrus, Horse and their pig of a son are sleeping while I am waiting for my birthday and Hagrid's arrival with my Hogwarts letter.

It is not that I don't feel excited but by now I know that the acts done during emotional state of mind are often rash and problematic.

Unlike those fan-fic protagonists, I was not granted my wish just because I died saving someone's life. No Sir. I indeed died saving the dignity and life of 2 women, I also met a higher being after waiting in line for sometime, I also told him my wishes but I was laughed at and mocked by them.

Their laughter, mocking and disdain towards my life taught me something. Just because you never harmed someone and believed in god does not qualify you as something special. Bad deeds indeed accumulates bad karma. but If you want something, you have to work your ass for it honestly.

Anyways they mockingly threw me an offer. I have to live 999 lives without any support, against all odds, doing good karma and they with send me to a world of my choise with one wish. and yeah that wish can't be something that will make me an instant powerhouse.

They at death department thought I will back out and give up midway but against all their expectations I persisted.

Was it tough you ask? It was hell... I was born with all kinds of problems physical, mental, economical, social. They tried their best to make me give up, to make me feel despair. But I just chanted that one line from Bhagwat geeta, " KARMANYE WADHIKARASHTE, MA FALESHU KADACHANA" meaning You do your Karma without worrying about its results.

At last after completing the whole ordeal, not only I was granted my wish by God itself, I also learned a lot about life. I was infact rewarded extra in the form of a blessing. God granted me immunity from instant death.

My wish was to transmigrate as Harry Potter just before my 11th birthday with a "1000 times positive result system."

Its function are self explanatory. It does not have any other system like function, not even a status screen. It will be in my background, performing its duties.

Now many would thinks I am an idiot to ask for such a useless system. No sir. I have contemplated about it during all my 1000 previous lives. Nothing comes free, everything has a price and when we are in a lower position where we are not even able to negotiate and at the mercy of another, we need to pay very steep price for most basic things. so I could not have asked for greater results, It was risky as they could change anything and make it impossible for me to survive and I would not even be able to cry at that unfairness.

it was a simple calculation infact. 1 times for 1 life. Furthermore, that "positive" word in my system makes it very Overpowered. All the result I will have will always be positive and best for me. For example:- I cast a stunner "stupefy", now if it is casted against a human then what's the use of overpowered stunner when a regular one does the job. In that case it will boost my understanding of this charm to the point that I can understand the very essence of this magic and cast it wandlessly and silently. It will automatically decide the best result, the "positive" result for me.

Now another example- I casted Avada Kedavara then my system will not let its negative side effects bother me. That's right, It means I can endlessly practice all magic without fearing any consequences.

As for lack of talent, hahahaha..... Here we are talking about Harry ducking Potter, being fate's bitch he might have a very tragic life but talent, he has in spades. It's just that his upbringing molded him such that he never really tried to excel.

Now that I am finally here I will make sure to surpass death atleast. I will make him regret messing with me.