
In Harry Potter, With a Random Skill

I wanted to create a story with an idea I rarely see used an this is that attempt.

Prolificlife · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Darkness

Chapter One

Waking up to total darkness surrounding himself. A tiny lighted figure sways with a breeze coming from nowhere , yet everywhere.

Where am I said the figure?

No where another voice suddenly said, sounding like a cross between a old man or a young toddler.

Looking everywhere around it the figure could not see anything, who said that?

It's just me the angel of death, mumbling sounds, of sector 234337.8.

I am sorry what was that?

Fine, I said it is the angel of death, Bob.

I am sorry to say but I kinda goofed.

What did you goof up, stifling a laugh, Bob?

Thought you would be quicker on the uptake, oh well. I took you instead of another soul, my bad.

Several minutes go by with the figure of light just screaming obscenities. After a while the figure appears to calm down and finally ask's a question. So can I go back?

Unfortunately it's already to late as I can't implant a soul into an older body nor can I ask upper management to fix it for me as I am on probation again.

After a few more obscenities, what do mean probation?

Oh nothing much just something to do with trucks don't worry about it.

Fine the figure says, but what can you do for me and why can't I remember who I am.

Oh sorry that's part of the process, it suppose to make it better for a clean slated soul to start off an stuff. I could get them back for you for a price, the darkness says eerily.

What's the price?

Mumbling noise coming from the blackness around him, umm that should do.

Sorry what again?

Sigh says death, your silence about this premature soul taking.


Aww come on how bout I sweeten the deal.

I am listening I say.

I can't raise the dead as that tends to scare the shit out of the mortals, but I can put you in another just forming body.

Nope that sounds creepy if I had my memories wouldn't I have the faculties to remember being born again an watch as it happens , I don't know anything about myself but I do know I don't want that.

Ok how bout memories and they don't come back till let's say preteen years, Bob says and I can give you access to them now for better choices.

What choices?

Well, Bob says, I can give you an opportunity here not a lot of souls get, plus you wouldn't want to wake up in 10 years an find out your in a body you didn't want right.

Fine I say.

Snap .....

All my memories come flooding back to me my childhood growing up , school all the formative years playing Dnd and video games an finally college an the inevitability that comes after. The drone of mediocrity the business life in cubicles sending paperwork back and forth for what seems like decades, the memories fade to the last one with me sitting at a local coffee joint in my city as I teeter over and black out.

3 hours later.....

Death hmm maybe I should have slowed that down, naw he's dead all ready no harm done.

I wake again to blackness remembering it all.

Bob says finally your up ready to make those choices?

Take it a deep breath , which is more metaphysical than really breathing, I start my rant of obscenities again.

3 hours later.....

Darkness, Mkay got that out of your system?


What can I choose?

Let me just show you.

All of a sudden a screen that is bright blue pops up in front of me. Wow, that's cool almost like an interface.

Race: Self specify

Sex: Male,Female

World: Self specify

That's it?

What do you want I am an angel not God. I simply don't got the juice, Bob says.

What about a golden finger as they say?

Well I could give you access to a random skill power best I can do and it wouldn't show up till you wake up.

Ok so I can literally pick any world/universe?

Ya any of them, even fiction though keep in mind if you try an say take over the world the fate system will activate an force that world back on track to its original destination.

So I can live there an possible help the main plot along as it were. But I can't say auto-kill Hitler as a baby.

Sighing, the darkness breaths out, In a nutshell ya.

Mkay I pick male and Harry Potter with crossover into MCU.

Are you sure they can technically exist as they don't really go to London in MCU movies an it's muggle vs technology?

Ya go ahead.

Ok, mumble, your funeral.

Poof an the light was suddenly gone from the darkened space.

I would have asked if I was a muggle or the time frame oh well. The darkness gets brighter as a tv screen comes on, now I can watch my favorite movies with a twist again. Guess I can make him at least born the same year as Harry and in Britain.

This is just a preliminary start if my English is bad sorry.

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