
Attack of Voldemort-3


It was a nice sunny morning for Madam Poppy Pomfrey until she heard some loud noises coming from the main castle. She was already wondering what happened when she saw the face of the nightmares rushing outside the castle.

"Voldemort!" She mumbled it and rushed inside. No, she was not a coward but unlike other professors, she never kept her wand close to her. Grabbing her wand, she moved towards the castle but saw kids coming towards the hospital wing.

She found that two first-year students Dean and Seamus were carrying the first year's kids and bringing them repeatedly like rescue workers. They were bringing kids from all houses which were rarely seen as kids had strong house rivalry. Then it was like the never-ending tide of kids being carried by senior students to kitchen elves and then by professors.

Feeling distressed looking at such a large amounts of injured students, she started putting them in different sections around the room. She tried to divide the injured kids into 3 categories. Emergency, Serious and Normal.

Then she checked the kids in the emergency category first and tried to work fast. However, no one could have prepared her for such a large scale action. She hardly had potions or herbs required for numbing the pain or fixing the bones of all kids.

Just when she was thinking of a solution the headmaster barged in with another student. She checked the student and it was clear that his soul was injured by one of the unforgivable magic.

"Oh, Merlin! Dumbledore, take him directly to St Mungo. He immediately needs a dozen potions along with soul treatment. Hurry. The more you waste time here, the more critical situation will become. Please go now."

Listening to Poppy and seeing the terrible situation in his school, Dumbledore felt a sharp pain in his chest. The pawn on his chessboard that he arranged so carefully came out as a king and his one single mistake proved too costly for him. He would never let anyone hurt kids in his school but he himself brought such a tragedy on them.

Feeling distressed and guilty, he just called his Phoenix, Fawkes via his connection and then Fawkes who was sleeping inside his room flew outside the window. Minutes later, he landed on top of Dumbledore and they both vanished from the school grounds.

Severus brought Harry and Hermione to the infirmary and then he was also shocked looking at the mess his last master created with only his presence. Looking at Harry and Hermione, he said "If you are injured, then find a bed and stay there. If not, then try to help others. But no matter what, don't run and create a scene."

He knew both of them were fine but the rest of the students were not. Looking at such a large number of injured students, Poppy needed a helper. Minerva and others were already doing their best in applying healing magic but he was better than them thanks to his control.

Before Snape could do something, he was dragged by Poppy to a corner and she informed him of her latest problem.

"Professor Severus, you might bring some potions immediately as my stock is running low. I have not prepared medicines for so many injuries. This is a list of herbs and potions I urgently need."

"I see." Looking at the long list of potions and the quantity mentioned, Snape felt his lips twitching. He had most of the potions and herbs mentioned here and the rest he could grab from the greenhouse but the quantity is not something even he could arrange in a short time. Buying all these from the guild will sure attract unnecessary eyeballs and create chaos in papers.

"I think I can help Madam Pomfrey. Silvi and Dufus, give all the supplies you have." Suddenly a voice came breaking his thoughts and he recognised the hateful person.

Neville Longbottom was standing behind Madam Pomfrey along with two elves that were wearing butler-like dresses and carrying two suitcases. The view was funny and it felt like he was joking with him again. Snape felt his anger rising but before he could say anything, he saw the two strangely dressed elves nodding and then moving towards an empty area.

They started taking out a large number of potions in proper order and kept arranging them at one corner. In just a few seconds, there was a small mountain of potions and herbs in front of him.

"Why do you have so many healing potions, Mr Longbottom?" Snape blurted this stupidly.

"Well, these were part of donation meant for St. Mungo's hospital, thanking them for my parent's care. But now, I think we need them here more. Please madam Pomfrey, just pick whatever you need." Neville again showed compassion to his fellow classmates and madam Pomfrey could swear she saw white holy light coming from him.

With a relived heart, she just rubbed Neville's hair and then picked a few bottles of numbing potion.

After Severus looked at Neville for a few moments, he also grabbed a few bottles and then joined her. Whatever this Gryffindor student planned, he will think later. Right now, he had his work cut out for him.

It took the whole day and not until the nighttime that all the students were sent back to their dorms. All except one Weasley. The next day, a large number of owls were seen flying out from Hogwarts and even a dead professor, Professor Cuthbert Binns could feel students were scared and wanted to go home. No more the festivity or kid's laughter could be heard in the castle.

This was supposed to be the last day ending with a house winning a cup and friends leaving each other for the summer vacations but now students were scared and packing their bags in hurry.

Headmaster and Snape had gone to St. Guno's to check on Ron Weasley and other students left the school on their time silently. No one spoke a word or waited for any instructions from their professors. Who cares about house cup when Dark Lord is back and is attacking them inside Hogwarts!

When the tired and drowsy, Deputy Headmistress woke up the next morning, she heard the carriages rushing outside the school.

"Merlin!" She could only feel the mood of students and seeing such a situation, she was afraid that not many will come back next year. How will she reply to the parents and what will newspapers say now!

"How can we not see Voldemort hiding among us! Dumbledore might have gone old but even me, snape and all others! We let these kids down."

She said her thoughts out loud in the empty room and then walked outside. However, just a few steps later, she met Kingsley and other Aurors who were waiting for her.

"Professor Minerva McGonagall, you are the deputy headmistress and currently the highest authority present here. We must take you to the ministry for questioning related to yesterday's matters. Please come with us. Don't worry. Dumbledore will join us too."