
Chapter 4: Resting up in Chaldea

I blearily opened my eyes, looking up at the familiar pure white ceiling of my room.

What time is it...?

"It seems you are up, Master."

A sudden soft voice spoke from right next to my bed side.

I slowly sat up, my upper body bare as I only sleep in my black boxers. Turning my head slowly, my onyx eyes met with soft jade eyes.

Arturia Pendragon smiled softly. "Good morning, Master."

Of course I did what any man would do in this situation.







After kicking Arturia out of my room and hastily getting changed, I now sit across from the Saber servant in the cafeteria, my legs crossed as I regard her with a stern look.

"Arturia. Why were you in my room?"

"To watch over you as you sleep. We never know when the enemy will attack, Master."

My eyebrows twitched. "We are in a safe facility."

"It was attacked before."

"That's different! Just-Just don't go in my room when I'm asleep! It's not right!"

"Why not?" She tilted her head.

"Because you're a girl!"

"Wha-!?" Arturia slammed her hands onto the table. "Master! I am a servant before I am a girl!"

"That's not how it works and it doesn't change the fact that you are, in fact, a girl!" I yell back.

"This is absurd!"

"Bull shit it is! This is common sense!"

"Here's your food, master."

A bunch of food was placed on the table by Shirou, both Arturia and I instantly forget about the argument and start digging in.

"Puha! Man that hits the spot!"

I paused in my eating to look over at Cu(Lancer) with a small bit of disgust. "Really, you're drinking this early?"

"Of course! I'm a servant so it's not like it's unhealthy."

I rolled my eyes before going back to my food. God how does someone cook this good!?

It's been roughly a week or so since Mashu, Fou, and I have returned to chaldea after destroying the Fyuuki singularity. I ended up staying unconscious for around two days, Roman said it was due to the forceful rayshift that I underwent when we first got placed in Fyuuki.

Once I woke up, I met Da Vinci. To be honest, I've been staying away from her! It bothers me that she is so welcoming of the idea of being summoned as Mona Lisa when Da Vinci was originally a guy.

Anyway, after meeting her, I then got a small lecture from Roman as to what is going to happen from here on. The Doctor said that there will be roughly seven singularities, none of them are found just yet. He estimated that the first one will probably pop up in around two or so weeks.

Of course after that was done, I then summoned the servants...and didn't that suck!

It's actually Gacha! Though unlike in the game where you get them by completing missions, Chaldea has a whole bunch of saint quartz. Apparently it was Zelretch that helped create the system, so that pretty much explains it.

Though I can actually make use of the black keys I got, I'm sure we have to fight some kind of demonic things that they will be effective against. I also got some kind of cursed Shinai with a tiger charm on the handle.

My current servants are Mashu, Arturia Pendragon, Shirou (EMIYA), and Cu Chulainn (Lancer).

"Hey, Arturia."

Said Saber servant finished chewing and swallowed before turning to me. "Yes, Master?"

"I need someone to spar with, someone who wields a sword. As much as I would like to ask for help in wielding a sword, mine is a single sided eastern blade while you have a western styled, in other words that won't work out very well. However, the experience of sparring with a heroic spirit will be very helpful for the future."

Basically I don't have a style in swordsmanship. In the forest I never really needed a style as I was going against monsters. However, going against the servants in Fyuuki made me realise that I really need more experience against humanoid enemies.

I need to learn how to properly wield a sword, only the higher ranked jutsu will actually work against a servant and knowing how games work, I'm sure that the enemies get progressively stronger. Though maybe I shouldn't try comparing it to a game....haah.

"I see no problem in helping, master." Arturia nodded her head.

"Hey, don't forget you owe me a spar as well!"

"Yeah, I remember." I nodded at Lancer, a small smirk forming.

I may not like needless violence that costs people their lives, but I have no problem with sparring strong opponents. I guess I was effected by becoming an Uchiha after all...

"Well, Why don't we have a spar now then?" I grinned.

"Your on!"


Chaldea has numerous facilities, it was made to provide all the comfort needed for both masters and servants. This includes things like a large bath, a gym with equipment that servants can use, and of course an area where the servants can spar.

The sparring room wasn't all that amazing, just a large white room with a protected area so people can watch without getting in the way.

In the center of the room is Cu and Issen, standing across from eachother with their weapons in hand.


The sound of a hammer striking an anvil rang out in Issen's mind as he reinforced his body in preparation of confronting Cu, his sharingan already on.

"Are you both ready?" Shirou asked from the side.

Cu nodded with his usual smirk while Issen smiled softly and nodded his head as well.

"Alright then...BEGIN!"

Cu vanished, Issen's eyes widened before he caught movement behind him with the sharingan and quickly leaned to the side just as Gae Bolg stabbed where he was previously.

'Shit, if it wasn't for my eyes then it would have been a one hit KO!'

With this in mind, Issen hastily turned his EMS on while batting away the lance. Cu smirked as he easily recovered and stabbed once more at Issens chest.

This time the uchiha was able to read the trajectory and successfully parried the attack using minimal movement.

Cu didn't falter in his attacks, his speed inhuman as he continued to send out lightning fast attacks, Issen managing to block each one.

Issen dashed forward, forming a rasengan in his left hand. His EMS spun as he read the movement of Cu and jumped into the air before stepping down on the spear, kicking off of it and flipping behind Cu.


The spiraling orb of chakra was shoved towards the lancers back, only to be blocked by Gae Bolg. The attack exploded, sending both combatants away from each other.

"Damn, Lancers really are fast. However, are you faster then my eyes?" Issen grinned.

"Heh! Don't get cocky, brat! You haven't seen anything yet!"

Once again Cu was already in front of Issen. this time the boy flickered away just as the thorned spear stabbed where he was previously.

Cu didn't need to look as he switched his grip on Gae Bolg, stabbing behind him as Issen appeared.

Issen leaned to the side and stabbed Kusanagi at Cu. Said lancer used the middle of spear to knock the sword down before moving to the side of Issen and sent a kick at his open side.

A purple ribcage formed around Issen, a skeletal hand shot out and bat Cu away.



A large spectral skeleton formed, letting out fierce growl.

"So this is your spectral warrior thing, huh? Let's see how strong it is then!"

The large skeleton held up against Cu well, but gained multiple cracks in the 'bones' as it was unable to actually hit the fast Lancer.

The susanoo held up both of its sabers before slamming them down, sending out arcs of energy at lancer.

Cu dodged them but was forced to swirve in midair to avoid a spear made of lightning.

'Chidori Straight Spear.'

Susanoo vanished allowing Issen to use the chidori attack, Issen won't use more then the skeletal form in this fight.

The two opponents got ready for round three before charging forward.


"Hehe! It's my win!" Cu said as first blood goes to him.

"Yep. It seems I've got a ways to go, though both of us were holding back our more lethal attacks." I said calmly, healing the cut on my cheek that marked Cu's win.

I could have used the armoured from of Susanoo, but this room is made for spars, not all out battles. I'm pretty sure my susanoo can be ranked as a high level NP, even Madara called it 'destruction incarnate'. Though that was the complete full body version....

Not to mention I can't use Amaterasu or I'll injure Cu more then we are supposed to. Of course this goes both ways though, Cu didn't use his NP nor did he use lethal force.

Though I do believe that I can overwhelm him if I used all my strength. My lack of experience lost me the spar more then anything else.

The spar lasted for roughly fifteen minutes, not bad at all.

"Hmmm, we should do that more often. I can use the experience."

"Hah! Now your talkin' master! I'll be willing to spar anytime! Now then, I'll be off to the cafeteria."

I snorted at hearing that, he's most likely going to go and drink is heart out again. As expected of a celtic hero...

"Hmmm, Master. I'm looking forward to our spars as well." Arturia called out.

The saber servant was now dressed in a white blouse with a long blue skirt, black stockings, and brown boots. The same outfit she wore in Fate Stay Night if I recall correctly...though how does she even have that?

...eh, it's none of my business.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." I smiled, wiping away the sweat that formed from the spar.



Reinforcement is basically the only magecraft I cared to learn. God didn't really give me any books on magecraft other then the basics of the basics. Of course I can use structural grasp as well, but just those two.


Human reinforcement took a bit of time to get down, but thanks to it I can not only augment my strength but my durability as well.

For example, currently I'm reinforcing the durability of my muscles instead of strengthening them. This prevents the muscles from ripping earlier, allowing me to preform more of the work out. Normally I can do around 1000 push ups without reinforcement, with reinforcement...


I can do around 5000. This helps me train my reinforcement even more as it requires concentration to be able to keep it going while working it out or fighting.

I sucked in a breath as I laid on the floor, sweat pouring down my bare torso and face.

After a few minutes, I start doing sit ups with the same method as my push ups.

I need to have a strong body to handle the susanoo, and numerous jutsu. My goal is the eight gates, along with lightning armour.

The lightning armour is a bit easier for me considering the fact that I've master lightning release. At this point all it takes is some practise, which I currently have some clones working on it.

The eight gates however...that will be more difficult. I still haven't truly figured it out as I don't have anyone to show me, instead I have a scroll that explains it to me....

Apparently even Kakashi was only able to open the first gate, allowing him to use the Front Lotus. So it probably won't be for a while before I can use it.

After doing the sit ups, I move to squats. While I'm doing physical training, I have numerous clones doing other things like chakra control, reading up on jutsu, adding other nature elements to rasengan, practising hand seals, learning fuinjutsu, etc.

They usually dispell themselves by three's so my brain is completely overloaded with information. Shadow clones are amazing, probably the most useful technique I know.

After my physical training is over, I use medical jutsu to speed up my regeneration to have my muscles fix the tears but still get stronger. It causes an itchy sensation and is quite uncomfortable, but it's effective.

I have zero fat, having a six pack with slim yet defined muscles that contain explosive power. I have to admit, it feels pretty good to walk around with a six pack. In my life I was more on the skinny side, so it's a good change.

My torso is also mostly free from any scars other then a particularly bad one on my left shoulder and one on my right side. The first one was when I was training in the forest of monsters. I wanted to attempt a full body susanoo, but I the pain was too much and I only lasted for 30 or so seconds.

Unfortunately it sslipped my mind that since the complete body susanoo is fucking huge, almost every monster caught sight of it and a strong monster investigated, almost killing me.

Once my muscles are healed, I then go into the lotus position to expend my chakra and then let it regenerate, similar to those cultivating novels I heard about.

I continue this for around an hour before going to the bathing area, washing off all the sweat and grime that accumulated from the training.

Overall the training takes numerous hours, but not as long as it did in the forest.

This life style continued on for another week before Doctor Roman made an announcement that the next singularity was found...

Here it is!

This is a shorter chapter as it's really just a resting period. After the first Singularity the event story lines will start to pop up and will take time between singularities.

I plan to release two chapters back to back to make up for the shorter chapter!

Thank you for reading!

Train_Heartnet_0767creators' thoughts