
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs


The black projectiles that attacked them looks like flaming black arrows.

Shang and Nazeebo goes for cover behind the rocks while Eucliwood uses Blood Rush to evade from the attack.

????: DIE! DIE! DIE!

A female voice can be heard saying that.

Shang's thoughts: Director! Wrong cast! Reaper is not supposed to be in Diablo Universe! This is not even Overwatch! Wait a minute! Wasn't Reaper a guy?

Shang slowly takes a peek from his cover.

A certain distance from where he sees, a black horned female figure with armor, is spinning around while firing black projectiles and a black bald figure with golden aura is creating mirror images to attack while evading the projectiles.

Eucliwood: Don't they look familiar?

Eucliwood speaks while appearing beside Shang from her Blood Rush.

Shang looks closer after hearing Eucliwood.

Shang's thoughts: Aren't they Valla and Kharazim!? Why are they fighting each other?

Shang thinks after recognizing the facial features of the figures.

Nazeebo: It appears they have awakened their powers.

Nazeebo says while he sees from another cover with his mask removed as his huge mask makes him a easy target.

Shang: Awaken their powers? You mean the power of the nephalem? Isn't that too early for them?

Eucliwood: Sonya and Johanna have already awakened theirs. Didn't they tell you?

Shang:... No.

Shang could think of an image of Sonya saying "Did I forget something? Oh, nevermind. He will find out sooner or later."

Shang: How did theirs awaken?

Eucliwood: Without you around, Sonya's annoying actions angered Johanna who immediately challenged her for a fight. Kharazim tried to stop them but he was stopped by Valla who said that he wouldn't want to stop a cat fight. After a few hours, Sonya turned into a red muscular giant with white hair and the other one turn into a giant knight with a shining body. Both of them start doing strange things like summoning spirits and casting magic which I never saw them did that before.

Shang: And the noise attract the monsters?

Eucliwood: It did. Thanks to the monsters, their powers went out and they returned to their usual form. I and the others did the rest of the cleaning up.

Shang: Oh, What about you? Have you awakened?

Eucliwood: Not yet. Maybe he is not the right one.

Eucliwood says as she looks at the witch doctor.

Shang's thoughts: Right, I guess it would be Land of the Dead versus Archon. Let's hope it will not happen in King Leoric's place. I guess It will be one hell of a mess if they fight it out.

Eucliwood: Looks like their powers are going to run out.

Eucliwood turns to look at the fight.

Kharazim who has been creating elemental structures, now changes to using his punches and kicks for blocking projectiles. Valla who has been firing projectiles, now changes to using her crossbows and tumbles.

Both of them go down on their knees after an hour.

Seeing they are down, Shang walks out from his cover and moves towards them.

Hearing Shang's angry steps, both Kharazim and Valla are surprised to see him when they turn to look at who is approaching.

Kharazim and Valla want to speak but Shang shows a hand sign to shut them up.

Shang: I only have one question. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?