
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime & Comics
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It's Time

Ten years later....

Shang: What is this? Did you have a change in taste?

In a room of a wooden house, right in front of Shang was Yuanshan carry an infant bundled with cloths.

Yuanshan: What do you mean by change in taste? This is proof which shows Shaolin Sect is not as righteous as people thought.

Shang: And then what? You want to use this baby to attack Shaolin?

Shang: Did the desire for revenge make you stupid? For the sake of Shaolin's reputation, the father would be forced not to acknowledge the baby and you will be hunted day and night by the martial world.


Yuanshan: The what should I do? They have my son. This is the only way I think of to get him back.

Shang: Then you want Xiao Feng to acknowledge you who used a baby as a threat, as a father?

Yuanshan only managed to find Xiao Feng when he was fishing for food by the river. As a boy, Xiao Feng was playing half naked in the river. This reveals his identity as one of the Khitan people. Yuanshan was surprised to see a Khitan child being raised by the people of Han and decided to follow the child to his home. Overhearing the conversation by the Qiao couple, Yuanshan realized that was his son, and he could not get him right away as there are Shaolin martial experts around.

Madam Xiao goes over to Yuanshan and carries the baby away.

Madam Xiao: Such an innocent child.

Madam Xiao says as she cuddles the child.

Madam Xiao: If only this is our son…

Madam Xiao's words struck Yuanshan hard.

Yuanshan starts to think in the position of the child's father and was shaken at the thoughts of being forced not to acknowledge the child.

Yuanshan: What have I done?

Shang: It's not too late. Just return the child.

Madam Xiao: Yuanshan, please return the child.

Yuanshan: Even If I return the child, the father will not acknowledge him.

Shang: Then it is simple. Just place him near a place where the Shaolin monks are around.

Shang: They will hear his cries and take him in as their own.

Yuanshan: I'll do that.

Yuanshan takes the baby from Madam Xiao and goes out.

Shang knew the identity and the background of the baby. The child would be later named as Xuzhu and was one of the three protagonists of Tian Long Ba Bu.

His father was Xuanci who later becomes the head priest of the Shaolin Temple and his mother was Ye Erniang who offered herself to Xuanci for saving her father. After baby Xuzhu was stolen by Xiao Yuanshan from Ye Erniang, Ye Erniang went crazy and becomes one of the Four Great Villains that steals other people's babies and kills them in cruel manner. The six scars which are on the both sides of her face were caused by Yuanshan when he snatched the baby from her arms.

Shang's thoughts: Right now, Ye Erniang still can be saved. I will do something about it.

Madam Xiao: Is that any way for Yuanshan to stop from getting revenge?

Madam Xiao looks at the doorway where Yuanshan has left open.

Madam Xiao's words brings Shang back from his thoughts.

Shang: You alone might not be enough. Together with your son is possible.

Madam Xiao: Are you not going to stop him?

Shang: The ones closest to him are you and your son. I am only friend.

Shang: You should know how stubborn is your husband and all I can do is to make sure he doesn't walk the wrong path.

Madam Xiao: Thank for taking care of him

Madam Xiao gives a bow to Shang.

Shang: No. Please don't do that. I will feel awkward.

Shang rushes forward to stop the bow.

After some time, Yuanshan comes back and says that he left the child in the care of the Shaolin gardeners. He then walked back to backyard and continued practicing Shaolin techniques.

Madam Xiao could only shake her head and support her husband in whatever way she can.

Shang goes back into his room, browsing in the manuals and techniques he has obtained.

The remindar of twenty years passed quickly and Shang steps out of the room after closing the book.

He finds Yuanshan waiting outside.

Yuanshan: Is it time?

Shang: Yeah, it is time. My intel says that we might be able to see your son before the Beggar Sect's gathering.

Shang did not waste his stay in this world for nothing. He builds up a martial intel which consists of only women with Ye Erniang being the head.

Ye Erniang was convinced by Shang to be head of the martial intel when he shows proof of his son being alive and well taken care of.

The name of the martial intel was known as Red Shoes (Hongxiezi) which is based on Gu Long's Legend of Lu Xiaofeng martial detective novel. Female martial artists that join the martial intel are required to wear red shoes as recognition of a member of Red Shoes.

Following Shang's orders, Ye Erniang no longer steals and kills babies. She now sells roasted chestnuts at a full moon, killing men by giving them chestnuts laced with poison. This act is similar to what the head of the original Red Shoes, Gongsun Daniang did in the Lu Xiaofeng novel. The only difference is that Erniang did not disguise herself as an old woman. Her actions give her a place as one of the Four Great Villains.

Yuanshan: That would be good. I want my son to remember the faces of the attackers.

Madam Xiao: Yuanshan, are you leaving?

Madam Xiao appears from the hallway and asks.

Yuanshan: Yes, this time I will bring my son back with my own hands.

Madam Xiao smiles to that answer.