
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Supporting his exhausted body, he slowly sat down, lying on the table.

"What, Mira, that guy, But Lisanna was just playing with Natsu" Macao, who was sitting near him and dressed in white, said disgruntledly.

Macao's full name, Macao Conbolt, mainly uses {Purple flare} magic, is a kind of fire that neither water nor wind can extinguish. Besides {Purple flare}, he also uses {'transformation magic}, the ability to turn oneself or a part of oneself into someone else or object, he is a powerful wizard.

"yes, what else is there like the Erza faction or something that looks very competitive."

Wakaba with a pipe in his mouth, responded with a smile his full name is Wakaba Mine is a good friend of Macao, and the magic used is {Smoke magic}. Fight with all kinds of smoke.

Mizuki, lying on the table, heard the conversation between the two of them.

Suddenly. Looking up and asking the two,

"You just said, What happened to Mira when Lisanna played with Natsu?"

"Oh, Mizuki. You must have been beaten badly by Mira, tsk, that violent woman."

Macao heard someone ask. He turned his head to find that is with a panda eye Mizuki and then smiled and said:

"In the afternoon, Mira that girl found out that Lisanna this day has been playing with Natsu in the park a hatching game, but also there to create a secret base like the place to play fun, she so happy that she has not been home for several days, So Mira was so angry that she smashed the table without saying a word..."

With Macao's explanation, Wakaba added on the side, He finally understood one thing, he was very wrong. It was Mira who knew Lisanna hadn't been home for days and didn't want to be angry with her sister, so she cast the anger on him.

"Abominable, Mira, this guy." Mizuki is very upset, Anyone who was treated as a scapegoat would be upset if he was beaten for no reason. However, if you can't beat it, and it makes little sense, what can be done?

"Mizuki, are you okay? Sister Mira is really, why is she so violent?" After a while, his friend Elfman hurriedly ran back from the outside, and after looking around, he immediately turned towards him. Ran over to her.

"It's okay, Elfman." He shook his head.

Although Mira had an excuse to beat him up, he just looked miserable, but there nothing wrong at all.

"It's okay." Hearing him said it was okay, Elfman let out a long sigh of relief.

"By the way, where did you go today? I haven't seen you to the guild all day." Seeing that Elfman was not nervous, he suddenly thought that after coming to the guild today, he had not seen his shadow, and was a little curious. and asked.

"Earlier this morning, my sister found a simple task for me to complete alone, saying that she wanted to train me..." Elfman explained to his friend his actions for the day...


Early the next morning, when the sun had just turned bright, the door of his room was kicked open.

When he heard the movement in his sleep, he half-opened his eyes in a daze. After seeing Erza standing next to the bed, he greeted her in a daze, "Ah~, it's you, Erza... Early~"

After speaking, he turned over and returned to his sleep.

"Get up for me, today's training begins." Erza, no matter what he is doing now, seeing that he has woken up, also said hello to her and dragged him off the bed. After discovering that he had re-entered the dreamland in a daze, Erza slammed his head with a fierce punch.

"Ahh-- " Immediately afterward, he seemed to have just discovered Erza, and said in a daze: "Erza? Why are you here?"

"Huh, you are finally awake." Erza put her arms around her breasts and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten that you asked me to train you how to use weapons yesterday?"

"No, I didn't forget. It's just that it doesn't need to be so early? Isn't it good to set the time in the morning or afternoon?" He asked in a puzzled way, rubbing his still aching head.

As soon as his voice fell, Erza immediately resolutely denied: "Then how to do it, the morning and afternoon should be reserved for tasks and should not be occupied by training. Therefore, the only time that can be used for training is morning and evening. Compared with the evening, I prefer the morning time."

Seeing Erza's serious expression, he understood it would be impossible for him to sleep late today, so he simply got up and went to the woods where Erza trained yesterday to start a new day of training.  

Time passed and the sun gradually rose. On the training ground, Erza held a long wooden stick and hit his helmet with one blow.

"I said, your steps should be more flexible. Standing in a place like a wooden stake, there is no other possibility other than being defeated." Taking back the wooden stick in her hand, Erza explained to him with a serious face.

"I understand, let's do it again." He helped his helmet and said once again.

"Forget it, it's almost time to go to the guild, let's continue tomorrow." Erza did not respond to him, and the wooden stick in her hand disappeared instantly.

Hearing this, he took off his helmet and looked up at the already bright sky. The pitted armor on her body that was beaten by Erza also disappeared instantly: "I didn't expect that time flies so fast, it's already this time before I know it."

After tidying up, the two returned to the guild together. The guild was already lively. Most of them sit together and chat, and some choose the tasks to be performed in front of the task panel. Among them is Mira.

Seeing that Mira was choosing a task, Erza immediately walked to the task panel, and he swayed to Cana and sat down.

"Hey, why are you coming with Erza today?" Gray, who was sitting opposite Cana and chatting with her, raised his hand and asked curiously.

"I asked her yesterday to train me about the use of various weapons..." Mizuki, who was already a little sour and weak in his body, said slowly after strenuous exercise in the morning. But before he finished speaking, Gray suddenly guessed: "Then she ran to your room this morning and called you up for training, right?"

"How did you know?" He was taken aback and asked with some doubts.

"I guess." Gray smiled and said: "With Erza character, it is easy to guess that she will do this."

"The people who know Erza the best are Gray and Natsu. It's normal for him to guess this."

As soon as Gray's voice fell, Cana explained to him with a smile.

"That's right, I was beaten by Erza at least three times a day. I don't want to know it." He nodded and said approvingly.

"Hey, what does it mean to be beaten by Erzs at least three times a day? You said this is, but for me and Natsu who was beaten every day for three days is nothing."

Gray immediately denied and explained to the two of them.

"Really? But as far as I can see, that fellow Natus seems to take you every time, right? Anyway, it is the same every time I see it." He immediately said after Gray finished explaining.

"Such words..." Cana immediately fell into her thought after hearing his words, "... it is really like this."

Not only Carna, Gray, after listening to his words, also thought about the situation every time he was beaten by Erza.