
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Dragon egg

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Mizuki, who was fully asleep, dragged his lazy body to the guild. The guild was already vivacious. Erza and Mira competed daily, Lisanna, Levy, and Cana are chatting happily together.  Elfman sat next to the three of them and listened quietly.  Gray didn't know when he took off his clothes clean again, wandering around in the guild wearing only a pair of underwear.

Seeing Mizuki pushing the door in, Gray raised his hand and said: "Hey, I heard you are already a C-rank wizard? And your magic is very good at finding things?"

"Who did you hear?" Seeing Gray raised his hand to greet him, he also raised his hand. Hearing Gray's words, Mizuki asked in confusion.

"Everyone said that," Gray replied casually.

Hearing the voices of Gray and Mizuki not far away, Elfman turned his head and shouted at him in his modest voice:

"Hey, Mizuki!"

He has been with Elfman for the past six months and immediately distinguished his voice. After bidding farewell to Gray, he walked over and said: " what's the matter?"

"I told my sister about our mission yesterday, but my sister told everyone in the guild about your magic this morning." At this moment, Elfman apologized.

"Well… I didn't care" Mizuki didn't blame Elfman or even didn't care at all.

Seeing that he didn't care about it, Elfman heaved a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you are not angry."

"Why I need to be angry? This is not a shameful thing. Anyway, everyone will know it slowly. It's a little earlier and later." Looking at Elfman, he looked relieved. It's hard to imagine the state of being a brainless man in the future.

While the two were chatting, Natsu suddenly ran in from outside, still holding an egg about his height in his arms. He also loudly claimed to the people around that it was a dragon egg, and then ran straight to the guild's counter, begging the Guild Master Makarov sitting on the counter with joy: "Grandpa, hurry and use magic. The dragon inside will hatch!"

However, at this moment Makarov didn't know what the giant egg was in front of him, but topaz on the preciousness of life, he hit Natsu on the head with a stick in his hand and said: "Idiot, Life is the most precious. No magic can blaspheme life. If you want eggs to hatch, find a way by yourself."

Natsu didn't think too much about it. He didn't care if he hit his head. He just paid attention to how to hatch the dragon, so he asked inexplicably, "Then what should I do?"

Lisanna, who was attracted by Natsu noise, came over and said with an innocent smile: "Raising an egg, it seems very interesting. Natsu, I will also help. ?"

"What, Lisanna, do you want to help? Great." Natsu's attention has been focused on the hatching dragon egg. Hearing that Lisanna wanted to help, he naturally agreed with pleasure. Immediately afterward he whispered: "But, how can I hatch this egg?"

"It's very simple." Lisanna snapped her fingers, and a magic circle appeared in front of her. In an instant, when she received the magic activation, Lisanna turned into a big bird, and then she covered the egg with her wings to explain to Natsu: "Just use your body to raise the temperature of the egg-like this..."

Before Lisanna had finished speaking, Natsu anxious, snatched the egg from Lisana and said, "Temperature? I'm the best at this. Look at me."

With that said, as a user of the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Natsu sprayed the dragon's breath on the egg. Such a scene immediately caused the others to lose their color, and Gray kicked Natsu away and used his ice magic to cool the egg. Erza and Mira, who had stopped the confrontation came to the front. After knowing what had happened, Erza raised her fist and punched Natsu's head fiercely, and said: "Idiot, using such a high temperature directly will bake the eggs."

Natsu clutched his head and replied with an aggrieved expression: "How do I know Lisanna told me to warm the egg to hatch the dragon inside."

"Lisanna said to warm the egg with the body's temperature, but did not say to bake it with fire." At this moment, Elfman, who was dragged by Mizuki to come here, heard what Natsu say so he immediately opened her mouth to defend her sister.

"Yes, we heard it. Natsu" As a very serious person, Erza certainly wouldn't wrong others. However, she also understood that this was because Natsu lacked some common sense. So she said:

"Just right, this is a good opportunity for you to learn about the preciousness of life."

Seeing everyone talking about Natsu, Lisanna immediately suggested to Natsu: "Natsu, there are so many people here, shall we go to the park to hatch the eggs?"

"Okay. We'll set off right away." Natsu immediately ignored everyone and picked up the egg and went out with Lisanna.

At this moment, Mizuki showed a smile on the faces of the two who were going away together. He knew in his heart that it was not a dragon in that egg, and it won't be long before a Happy stupid cat can bring infinite fun to people should be born.

The protagonist who hatches the egg has gone, so naturally, the others should do what they should do. Thus Mira and pulled Mizuki over and said:

"Hey, Mizuki. I heard Elfman say yesterday that your magic is very useful for finding things. After a while, execute a one with me."

Mizuki was taken aback for a while, and he was surprised: "If your task is with combat missions My magic can't help you at all. Why do I need to come with you?"

"What? You don't want to?" Mira immediately raised her eyebrows when she heard his words, put her head in front of his eyes, and asked with a vicious look.

"That's not the case, I just don't understand why do you need me" He saw Mila like this and immediately responded cautiously. The current Mira is not like her future self yet. Although she has a kind heart, she has a very good personality, and she hates other people's veto of her ideas.

"It turned out to be like this." After Mizuki explained, Mila's face looked a little better, and then she folded her hands on her chest and explained to him: "This time I will be commissioned to collect a magic herb in the forest. This kind of herbal medicine is very troublesome just to find. Your magic is very easy to find. When we find the location of the herbal medicine, we can go directly, and the rest will have to be turned around in the forest. It is too troublesome."


({A/n: Tell me if something wrong, I got sick(flu) btw })

-There's wrong with space..