
21. He is not real

It was not easy to convince Guendolin that Quentin was not real. It was impossible because she could never forget how he made her feel. She remembered the feeling in her stomach when he looked at her, and the smile that came naturally to her face when Quentin smiled at her. She remembered that day when a guy tried to hug her in the process of meeting her at school and she held her hand to create distance between them. Then Guen looked at Quentin who was looking at her smiling proudly. Maybe it seemed to her , but she melted under his gaze. She remembered when he sat always next to her, at school, at home too during dinner. She remembered how his energy radiated from his body to hers even at a distance .

When they looked at each other there was electricity. When they were next to each other electricity exchanged from each other's body, imagine when they touched. So it wasn't easy to convince Guen that Quentin didn't exist.

Guen and Sinthia were sitting on one of the benches in the school territory, while Quentin was training in the grass with some other boys. Guen was staring at his body, he had taken his t-shirt off and she could distinguish the tatoos on his muscular body. All his right arm beggining from his shoulder was covered in tatoos. Than he had a wolf tatoo on his left leg up his knee and another tatoo on the back of his right leg under the knee. Guen was amused by his body, she had seen other male's bodies, she had seen muscular bodies before but never had been that attracted as it was by Quentin's body. 'My baby' , Guen thought looking at his gorgeous face , he smiled like an innocent baby , the beard made him look more manly but his face was like a baby. Sinthia caught her smiling to herself, what was wrong with her, how can she consider him 'her baby' just because of one kiss and his stares and his gentleman attention towards her.

"The new girl is eating you with her eyes." Colden, one of the werewolves laughed punching Quentin playfully on his arm.

Quentin turned his head towards Guen with a smirk on his face as she lowered her eyes quickly , her face was red from embarrasmant.

" You mean my mate. " Quentin turned his head again to Colden smiling proudly.

" Dude, no way. She is you mate!" Colden raised his voice shocked grabbing other boys attention.

" Lower your voice, she can hear you. " Quentin whisper yelled .

" She doesn't know it yet? "

" No , she doesn't know that we are werewolves either. " Quentin responded becoming sad .

" Hey has our future alpha found our future luna?" One of the other boys training went towards them as the others joined curious .

They gathered forming a circle while Quentin stood in the middle.

" OK warriors, I will tell you but I forbid you to mention this to anyone. Not even your parents, not even your mates. "

They nooded their heads agreeing. " Yes alpha."

" The new girl, the human named Guendolin is my mate. She is strong and brave, curagious and she will make a perfect luna. I never thought a human can be so strong and powerful even if she is not physicaly strong or she can't turn into a wolf. The thing is she doesn't know it yet that she is my mate, neither she knows that we are werewolves . We must keep it this way until she is ready. She has some personal problems that I will help her resolve. Because she is human she can't feel the mate bond." Quentin sighed as he finished his speech.

" I can't say that she doesn't feel the mate bond, she seems too attracted by you ." One of the boys , Chandler added looking at Guen then at Quentin and spoke again laughing.

" She is been looking for you since we gathered because she can't see you. "

" Yeah you should see her gorgeous face." Another boy Steven spoke laughing as he earned a punch on his stomach and a growl by Quentin.

"I am sorry alpha, I didn't mean it that way." Steven apologised holding his hand to the stomach.

" Calm down dude , she can hear your growl, you will scare her."

Colden reminded him.

Colden was his best friend since childhood, so he was allowed to call him dude and bro , not feeling obliged to call him alpha.

Guen noticed a change on the behaviour of the boys who trained with Quentin. They were showing attention and respecting her. Then the same attitude began from other students at school, then from the people in the town. She even saw some people bowing their head to her while she walked.

She didn't know that one of the boys told someone about her being Quentin's mate so the news was all over the town.

Sinthia at the time began to chat with Elizeo, she was on the clouds. Quentin and Guen's relationship was improved, but she always took steps back when it came to be in a relationship with him.