
In DxD

Hiro finally figured out what world he came to.

"I can not believe you did not tell me that I came to stop in the DxD world."

[I thought it would be better for the host to find out for himself.]

"I can not believe I lost three years training, when I could be conquering all the women here."

Hiro paced the city, wondering what his next move would be.

"The first thing I need is money." Hiro began researching who were the corrupt politicians and business owners who exploited everything and everyone.

He spent a day visiting all the names he discovered, and with his sharingan made them transfer all their money to him.

Hiro drank coffee while sitting on a bench in the park.

Hiro leaned back and closed his eyes as the sun bathed his face, and he quickly fell asleep.

While Hiro slept, two people were the center of attention.

they just wandered through the park, but everywhere they went they could only talk about them.

"Let's sit down for a while." said one of the girls, they looked out across the park, but only one seat was available.

It seemed that no one wanted to sit on that bench, where a stranger slept sitting.

"We can only sit on the side of the sleeper there."

They sat next to the sleeping boy.

Hiro felt a chill run down his spine, he opened his eyes and as usual, he released some of his accumulated spiritual pressure.

Everyone in the park felt an aura of death spreading and pressing them.

The two girls next to Hiro reacted automatically, he felt two nonhuman presences at his side.

He jumped to the side, preparing to take his Zanpakutou, with his Sharingan he stared at the two in front of him.

He could not believe it, it really is two, he thought.

One was in front of the other, the nearest of him had long black hair stuck in a ponytail, her eyes were violet, and her breasts were wonderfully large.

Beside her another beauty, beautiful and long crimson hair, blue eyes and breasts almost as big as her friend.

Rias and Akeno froze as they stared into those scarlet eyes that seemed to unravel all their secrets.

They both had the same feeling about what would happen if they fought the boy in front of them.

Death, the cold kiss of death waited for the two at the end of this fight.

With cold sweat drenched her shore she saw the boy move, his eyes turned black and he said.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you, I've been alone for a while and I got used to not paying attention to my presence."

Rias and Akeno calmed down a bit after hearing Hiro.

"I really did not want to scare you, but by waking up and feeling the presence of devils, my instincts took over."

Rias and Akeno looked at each other, Rias turned to him and said, "So you know who we are?"

"What you are, I know, but who you are I have no idea." Hiro lied

"This is not the best place to talk, why do not we go to some more reserved place," said Rias.

Hiro nodded and followed the duo to a karaoke near the park.

"Is this the reserved place?"

"Of course, inside the room no one will get in the way," Akeno said as he smiled at Hiro.

Hiro looked at her smile and then at her breasts and could only think about how irresistible this girl was.

Akeno noticed Hiro's lascivious gaze, she then giggled, of course Hiro also noticed the girl's reaction.

"You know it's not cool to play with the hearts of others like that," Hiro said to Akeno.

"But it's you who can not take your eyes off me," she said with a playful smile.

"You do not seem to be uncomfortable."

Akeno approached him and said quietly close to his ear.

"With beautiful eyes like yours, I do not see why."

"For how long are you going to keep flirting, we're already at the door of the room," said Rias entering the room.

"It's just a lively conversation, to soften the mood of our first interaction." Said Akeno

"I do not see a problem dealing with flirting, but only if it's working, of course," Hiro said as he closed the door.

"But the question is, is it working?" Asked Hiro.

"Ask me after we finish this conversation," Akeno replied.

Hiro sat down in front of them.

"I think we should start by presenting ourselves formally."

'It's true we did not introduce ourselves, glad I did not mention any of them before.' Hiro thought.

"I'm Rias Gremory." She paused to see Hiro's reaction to his family name.

Hiro showed no reaction at all, he could not care less for her family.

"And I'm Akeno Himejima pleased to meet you."

Hiro looked at both of them and introduced himself.

"I'm Hiro Uchiha, nice to meet you."

Hiro did not remember his parents' surname, so it's obvious he would choose to call himself Uchiha.

They talked for a while, he told them that in the last few years he was raised by his grandfather, and that it was the old man who taught him about the supernatural world, and taught him to fight to defend himself.

Then Rias told his story to him, how she was the heir of the Grimory clan, and that she was currently studying at the Kuoh Academy and was President of the Occult Research Club.

After some time talking, Hiro thought it best to say goodbye.

"Rias, Akeno was really good at this conversation, but I think I'd better go, after all I still need to find a place to sleep."

When he was about to open the door he heard Rias call him.

"Why do not you spend the night in our club today?"

Both Hiro and Akeno were surprised by Rias' invitation.

"Are you sure ?, invite a stranger to your house, you devils are really bold."

Rias blushed a little and looked away, Akeno chuckled.

In the end Hiro decided to accept Rias' offer, and spent the night at the club.