
In DxD as Yamoshi

I’ll think of one later

VelocityIV · Others
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3 Chs

I just woke up in Kuoh Town

With a sudden jerk our main protagonist wakes up from his bed and looks around in confusion " Is this for real?" He looked down at his hands and his body moving every limb possible to make sure that he wasn't dreaming and with a grin on his face he jumped from his bed

"WOOOHOOO, THIS IS REAL" he yelled in excitement, realization dawning on him "Yamoshiii! Get ready for school!" Ah, right. School.

Yamoshi once again looked around his room and found just what he was looking for carefully set up on his closets door knob, the uniform for skip Academy.

Before getting dressed Yamoshi looked into the mirror mounted on his wall and put on a wide smile

looking himself over "Looks like that lousy god really did what he said he would. And looking at my body I'm way more slim than I thought yamoshi would be... perhaps I have his body after the super saiyan god transformation?" shaking his head to stop the oncoming thoughts he grabbed his uniform and quickly put it on then made his way downstairs to his mother and surprise surprise..... Issei Hyoudou.

Yes, that's right, I decided to be reincarnated as a hyoudou. Why you say? Well this will most definitely be the easiest way of being involved in all of the main events. Genius right? Of course it is.

"What's up bro, ready to go gaze at all the beauties in kuoh academy?" Issei asked Yamoshi with a perverted smile on his face which I return earned him a smack on the head by his mother "Ise you need to stop being such a.... pervert or otherwise you'll never get a girlfriend" "You just don't understand CULTURE!" Replied the prominent pervert with a fist pump to the air. Our father gave a snort behind his newspaper and didn't say anything however no one shall ever know that even the father agreed, like father like son it seems.

Yamoshi gave a chuckle and sat down at the dinner table, evidently still in somewhat of a deep thinking mode. 'So if I'm in post SSG mode does that mean I've retained the god ki? Or was yamoshi not talented enough like goku to retain it in his body? Tch, maybe I should've made my wish to have gokus talent instead of yamoshi's body in this world' however before he could come to a conclusion he was also hit on the head by his mother and snapped out of the thinking " Yamoshi eat your breakfast, it's almost time for school" with a nod yamoshi ate his breakfast so quickly it surprised his family "uhhhh are you okay bro? I've never seen someone eat food so fast before" issei gave yamoshi a weird look and yamoshi looked at his family " I guess I'm just hungry also..... you going to finish that?" His father and brother after seeing yamoshi basically swallow his food pushed their plates away in disgust and allowed yamoshi to continue to pig out.

Minutes later they are at the front door and have left leading their mother and father looking at their backs. " sometimes I wonder how they came out so different, one tall and handsome and the other a

Pervert" Miki hyoudou sighed "Well they each got a trait from me of course, HAHAHAHA" Laughed out Gorou Hyoudou and went back inside the house.

At Kuoh Academy

Yamoshi walked with a wide grin through the schools front gates and looked at his brother who also had a wide grin, although of course for different purposes. "gehehehe look at all the beauties bro how could you ever miss this out in your life!" Issei exclaimed while looking at each female with a lecherous look which got him piercing glares in return "Guess I just wasn't interested in school " Yamoshi shrugged and stood still for a second "Right, forgot you were one of those geniuses who doesn't need to study or anything" replied issei followed with a click of his tongue. Yet at this point Yamoshi had switched his attention elsewhere.

And there it was, the sole reason he had decided to come to this world. Red hair, ample chest, and a beautiful face above all. " Rias Gremory " muttered Yamoshi, and almost on cue Rias looked down on yamoshi and gave him her signature smile. Returning it to her yamoshi mouthed a few words at her which shocked Rias but quickly she regained composure and disappeared into the room she was in. "I agree issei, how could I possibly miss out on something like this" Yamoshi said as he walked into the school, girls gawking at him from all around.

Epic transition

issei and yamoshi walk through the hallway towards their classrooms which do happen to be the same one, coincidence? I think not. Along the way yamoshi accidentally bumps into someone and instead of falling he stands upright looking down on the other person' must be my saiyan body' he thinks while helping the other person up, quickly realizing who it is. After helping her up he is met with a sharp yet serious look " You must be more careful around the halls mr...." "Yamoshi, it's yamoshi". "Ah the new student this year, well do be more careful yamoshi. My name is Sona the student council president I hope we can talk more later " Sona said and began walking away slightly tripping over herself after hearing the response from Yamoshi "I'd always love to talk to a beauty Sona kaichou" with a smirk he kept walking.

As they entered the class everyone turned to see an annoyed yamoshi being pestered by issei " lucky bastard how are you so handsome? Where are your genes from?" with an angry tick mark on his face yamoshi shoves issei away with his rather large hand and walks towards a seat followed by issei who annoyingly enough sits besides him.

Class proceeded as normal with the exception of yamoshi introducing himself and being gossiped about by both the female and male groups, one in admiration and the other in envy.

The bell rang for lunch and as Yamoshi was about to make his way towards the cafeteria of the school an announcement rang out through the classrooms "Yamoshi Hyoudou, you are requested in the occults research clubs room" with one of his signature smirks yamoshi made his way out of the classroom and to the clubs room which he specifically remembered from the show and the manga. 'It's finally time to see you' and he slowly opened the door to the room.

Another epic transition (A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNN)

I was greeted with the exactly as I expected, a room full of all of the members of the Gremory peerage each giving Yamoshi the once over especially the main person herself, Rias gemory.

"Please have a seat Yamoshi-Kun" Rias spoke and motioned to the sofa in front of her own signaling for Yamoshi to sit down " I'm sure you know who I am but just I'm case my name is Rias Gremory, and this is the Occult's Research Club" yamoshi nodded as he sat down and placed a hand on his chin to make it seem as if he were thinking " Ironically enough wouldn't you be considered the occult?" After he said that everyone in the room tensed up and got ready to fight which caused Yamoshi to throw his hands up in the air with a nervous look "Woah there I'm not an enemy I swear"

Rias put her hand up to halt the entire club and spoke" So you do know. I guessed it when you mouthed I know at me otherwise what else would it be" she sighed and looked back at yamoshi who was now smiling like a goofball

"Well princess Gremory I know lots of things, I know things that will be, things that have been, and things that will not be" replied Yamoshi who again had changed his expression to that of mystery

"Such as? You've really piqued my curiosity yamoshi-kun" was the first thing that came to her mind "Kaichou I don't think this man should be trusted" said Kiba with a hostile look on his face

"Ara ara I'm sure he's not dangerous in the way we think" winked the seductress in the room

With a loud laugh Yamoshi held his stomach unable to hold back and only stopped after a minute had passed "phew you guys are funny, anyways you asked what I know?" Rias nodded at the question " I know everything"

Rias gave a very loud tch and began to get slightly annoyed although trying her best to not show it "Again with th-" before she could finish her sentence yamoshi chimes and interrupts "The house of Phenex must be a real pain in the ass, eh princess?"

"How would you know about such a thing? And what does it matter?" Rias looked at yamoshi with a very questioning look waiting for a response "For one, I can help you solve your problem as long as not many questions are asked and you give me a reward"

"Heeehhh? And what would this reward be?" Yamoshi replied " You" this one shook Rias and a blush became visible on her face" w-what!? We barely know eachother and why would I escape one thing to be chained to another" yamoshi snorted at this and stood up now almost mad at her statement. His power flared very slightly'This is risky but it needs to be done, I still can't control this power and I need them for the future help' even the small power he flared up however caused a slight shake in the room and cracking on the floors and walls "Never compare me to that chicken. I'll say this once Gremory princess, I want you because of you not your body you may think I don't know you but I know you plenty. I'll help you get rid of Riser and you'll be mine not because of an agreement but by choice. This I promise"

Seeing the serious look on his face Rias only continued to blush and began to have thoughts of her own, what they may be nobody knew however she coughed and gained some composure to continue the conversation "W-well clearly you're a strong individual and the more help the merrier... I guess we can incorporate you into the team" Rias nodded in agreement to her own words and looked around " Objections?"

"Ara Ara, not at all" responded Akeno with a lick of her lips "Tch, no" followed up kiba and finally koneko who walked up to Yamoshi and sniffed him" you smell..... familiar" taking this as an invocation yamoshi patted the cats head and smiled at her.

"Well Rias-Chan, I'll be stopping by later today to get some training in with everybody so cancel all of your contracts " Rias gave a nod and stood up only to be pulled into an embrace with a surprised look on her face " We may have just met but I promise you I'll always be here for you" she smiled momentarily before pushing herself away in embarrassment and looking at akeno " Akeno escort yamoshi back to his class"

"Will do kaichou~ come on Yamoshi-kun let's go" akeno latched herself onto Yamoshi's right arm with her breasts pressed against him and led him out of the room towards his class.