
In DxD as Raizel

This Fanfic is gonna a laidback and chill fic. If you want an overly serious fanfic, then this is not for you. This is one of those that you read while relaxing, so don't expect a dramatic plot for this. *There will be many flaws in this, I know since I'm a noob writer. So don't expect much from this. Warning: Semi-Op? Mc. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

True_Noblesse · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Injured Cat

"Rai, we three should go out today. I've been bored here in Grigori, we should take a break from training." A cute blonde haired girl is currently pestering a young boy with black hair and scarlet colored eyes.

Beside the two is another young boy with dark silver hair and light blue eyes. The dark silver haired boy just ignored the two beside him. These three were Jeanne, Raizel, and Vali.

The three of them just finished their daily training and was walking around Grigori, just to stroll. Raizel didnt teleport them directly towards the dorm, for some reason.

It's been a few months after Raizel started helping train the two, and their strength is growing fast. Due to Raizel's telekinesis, the physical strength of the two rapidly improved.

"I'm not free, I need to hunt some demonic beast here in the underworld as I need them for an experiment." Raizel says to Jeanne who was clinging on his right arm.

Jeanne pouted before her eyes shone, "Then let's go hunting, I will go with you. You should come too, Vali. It would be good for training and testing out your current strength." she says like a devils whisper.

Vali was about to refuse but hearing her say that he can test his strength got his eyes shining. Vali then turned to Raizel.

"Let's go Raizel, I'm sure we could hunt more if we go too."

Raizel just shook his head hearing Vali, 'He's too easy to tempt.' he thought

"Alright, lets go out hunting." Raizel said to which Jeane smiled brightly.

Raizel then teleported out of Grigori and to a random place in the underword, but not near in the devils territory. As they arrived at the place, Raizel quickly spread his senses and aura detection.

He quickly sensed many demonic beasts, but this ones are different than the one that attacked Heanne previously. This demonic beasts are much stronger, some even has the strength of high class beings.

"Alright, don't go too far. There are beasts with high class power here, so its dangerous if any of you go out too far." Raizel warned the two.



Raizel stared at the two especially Vali as he knew the latter would probably challenge a strong demonic beast to test his strength. But he just sighed as he can't persuade Vali.

But he left a bit of his aura so he can easily detect where and if Vali's life is in danger or if he went too far and teleport there in case he was in danger. He also did this to Jeanne.

"Alright you two, bring me some beast you kill. It's not a problem if their body damaged, then let's hunt." Raizel said and the two nodded then separated to Raizel.

Raizel also left and went into a direction where he sensed a fairly strong demonic beast with high class strength. He flew in the air towards the demonic beast's location.

Raizel passed by some thick and lush forests, along the way he also sensed some weaker demonic beasts trying to attack him. He just released a bit of his aura and those beasts were scared.


He speed up his flying speed and finally arrived at the location. It was a large lake, there are no sea in tge underworld, only lakes.

'Hmm...the demonic beast should be under the water, alright I'll just bombard it so it would come out.' Thinking so, he created several blood fields in the form of tornadoes, which appeared on the lake.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

The water were being destroyed by the blood field, yea destroyed not being brought up in the air. Blood fields can destroy things which it touched and it will only not destroy things or someone of the creator of it willed so.


Finally after a few seconds of bombardment, the demonic beast came out of the lake. The beast was a huge turtle like creature with a huge shell on it's back.

The shell has a metallic look on it and some spikes porteuded out of it along with the limbs of the demonic beast. And the beast is currently looking at Raizel in anger.


It roared and opened its mouth to attack Raizel by shooting an energy blast to him. The energy blast travelled to Raizel fast, but he just calmly put up a barrier using aura.

Then controlling his aura, he created spears and shot towards it's head. But the demonic beast pulled its head to hide inside it's shell.

"As expected, I guess I should finished this quicker." Raizel muttered before fully releasing his power which released a scarlet aura from his body.

Then he controlled the blood of the demonic beast to stop and freeze it solid. It was within his power to do so, as he govern blood and also because he has hemokinesis.

After a few minutes, the demonic beast finally died. And Raizel stored its body in a separate space he created using space magic. A very convenient magic to have.

"I should go see how those two are doing now."

Then just when he was about to go back, he sensed a life force of someone slowly weakening, meaning that person will soon die or if by some luck he/she can survive.

Raizel decided to check who it was, and flew towards the direction of the life force he felt. After just a few seconds, he arrived at the place and saw an injured black cat with two tails.

The black cat already has it's eyes closed. Raizel landed and approach the black cat as he felt familiar to it. But before thinking further, he first healed the black cat.

Then he carried it in his arms and decided to go see the two. This time he directly teleported to where they first came. And from then, he called the two to come back to the place he was in.

{You two, come back to where we first came. I've already got a perfect sample for what I need to do. You also don't need to bring back the body of the beasts you killed.} Raizel said through magic communication.



The two answered and Raizel waited for them to come back. When the two come back, Raizel saw they have some injuries. Well, Vali mostly has the injuries while Jeanne has minimal ones.

"Let's go back." Raizel says to the two. The two nodded but noticed the black cat with two tails on Raizel's arms but didn't ask questions.

Soon Raizel teleported them out there and directly to their dormitories. After the three came back, they separated to do their own things. Vali, of course, went to train as usual. On the other hand, Jeanne went to the library to read some books regarding sacred gears.

Now, Raizel along with the black cat which he laid on the bed was alone in his room. The cat was still unconscious, so he decided to train his aura control first.


(Black Cat. POV~)

A few Hours Later~


The black cat slowly woke up, it looks around confused. Then it saw a boy about 8 years of age, with black hair. The boy was currently in a meditative state, with his eyes closed and him sitting in a lotus position.

The black cat laid on the bed but it was vigilant but she decided to watch the boy as it knew it was saved from danger by him. After all, it was in a critical situation and close to dying but now it was fully healed up.

After a few minutes more, the boy then opened his eyes showing a scarlet-colored eye that looked beautiful yet it also gave a feeling that could see through the soul.

"Hmm...You're finally awake, I found you in the forest close to dying. Luckily, I arrived on time so I managed to save you." The boy says so with a small smile.

"Meow..." The black cat meowed as if thanking the boy.

"Are you saying thank you to me? Well if you are, then you're welcome. But you should be hungry by now, wait there for a but okay? I'll cook you some food to eat." The black-haired boy says to the black cat, who in return meowed.

"*Chuckle* Wait for me there, it won't take long." The boy then went to a corner that has a mini kitchen, then started cutting ingredients.

The black cat watched intently on how the boy skillfully prepared and cooked the ingredients he got. And after waiting for some time, the food was served to the black cat on a plate.

"Here, eat it." The boy says while putting the plate which has the food he cooked, in front of the black cat.

The cat stared for few seconds before eating. After the initial bite of the food, its eyes shined. Then it continued to eat the food at a rapid pace.

"*Chuckle* Don't be so hasty, I know you're hungry but no one will steal from you." The boy says but the cat still eats swiftly.

That continued for few weeks, with the boy feeding the cat. The two also slept together with the boy sometimes cuddling the cat, or the cat sleeping on the boy's chest.

And now after a few weeks of living together, the black cat with two tails was currently alone in the black-haired boy's room. But then something happened, and slowly the black cat transformed.

From the initial small black cat with two tails into a cute girl about the same age as the black-haired boy. The girl which transformed from the black cat has long black hair with split bangs and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils. She also has two cat ears and two tails, which are also black.

She was also currently naked, so after she finished transforming, she searched for some clothes to wear and found some of the black-haired boy's clothes.

She then wore the clothes she found. And now she was wearing a white shirt and black pants. The shirt is a bit big for her so it was a bit loose.

"Hmm, when would Raizel cone back, nya~?" Kuroka muttered but she remembered her sister. 'Shirone, I'm sorry I left you alone but you should be safe now. If I bring you with me, you would suffer because of my crimes. And I'm not strong enough to get you back.' she thought with sadness.

(AN: Please note that Kuroka doesn't know that Koneko or Shirone is also in danger and was almost got executed but was saved by Rias. So she thought like this, and didn't immediately search for her sister.)


Raizel just got back from training, and he was now in front of his room in the dormitory. Arriving, he then opened the door but was surprised to see a cute catgirl with long black hair wearing his clothes.

"Raizel-nya~ Your finally back," Kuroka says

"Who are you?" Raizel asks but felt like he knew her. Then it realization hit him like a bitch, "Wait...are you that black cat. I saved?" he asks but a sudden thought came to mind too after he said that.

"Yes, I'm Kuroka nya~ Nice to meet you and introduce myself properly nya~," Kuroka says

'So my guess was correct then.' Raizel thought by he decided to act as if he doesn't know her yet, "But if you can transform to a more humanoid form, or should I say why didn't you go back to your true form as a youkai. And why would you reveal yourself to me?" he asks

Hearing his questions, a sad look appears on her face but quickly disappears. "Before I say anything, I just want to say thank you." She said while bowing down her head.

"Don't worry about it,"

"...Then to answer your first question, I couldn't transform back as even if you healed my wounds, my powers still haven't recovered nya~. And I only recovered most of my powers after a week of staying here. But I decided to not transform back to this form and observed you nya~. And after observing you for a few weeks, I can say you're not a bad person. Which answers your second question, I decided to tell you since you're not a bad person. nya~" She says simply

"I see, I understand now. Then do you have plans for what you will do next?" Raizel asks

"...I want to become stronger. But...I don't have any plans about other things." Kuroka says

"Then how about joining my team, I will help you become stronger. I will help you train, and I've got some ideas on how you can quickly become stronger. though the process will be painful." Raizel says with a small smile, 'I feel like a bad uncle luring a kid with candy. But I can indeed teach her and help her become stronger.' Raizel thought

"I don't care if the process is painful, I'll endure it nya~ And if you can make me stronger, then I'll join you team nya~," Kuroka says seriously

Raizel nodded and that day, he

talked to Azazel and got permission to let Kuroka live at the dormitory he was in. So she was also given a room bear his room.