
In Duoluo dalu with auxiliary system

"I came across a Chinese novel while randomly browsing on an MTL website. I thought I should also share it with everyone on Webnovel. In this novel, the main character is reborn in the 'Soul Land' universe with an overpowered system that grants him incredible abilities. However, he isn't initially overpowered. ] THIS STORY IS FROM MTL ) https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-auxiliary-upgrade-system/chapter-list/ STORY DOESN'T BELONG TO ME --- • SOUL LAND • { THAK YOU }

laotzu999 · Fantasy
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100 Chs


"You guy! You are playing tricks on me again, I have to make you look good today!"

How dare you say that you don't know yourself!

Ning Rongrong felt that her mood at this time seemed to have returned to the night before, still a familiar taste and a familiar formula.

Just such a fluttering sentence made her almost angry!

With that said, she directly revealed the spirit ring, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda disappeared in a flash, and the increase was increased, and she had to step forward and beat Lin Feng!

However, as soon as she approached, Xiao Wu was agile and stopped Ning Rongrong backhand!

"Brother Feng, what should I do?" Xiao Wu asked with a relaxed expression, raising her head.

This series of actions happened extremely fast, the group of colleges in line didn't see anything clearly, but thought that Xiao Wu was very powerful, and even Ning Rongrong, a great spirit master, could easily control it.

And the teacher of the second level, as well as Dai Mubai and Tang San, they watched a lot, they found Ning Rongrong's seven-treasure glazed glass tower!

The martial spirit of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is passed down in the same vein, and in the entire continent, only the direct descendants of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can have it.

The master's evaluation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is only one simple sentence: It is the most powerful auxiliary weapon in the entire continent, the best partner of all combat spirit masters!

Among the six symbols of the Wuhun Hall, one of them was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, which showed how famous this sect was in the Wuhun world.

Everyone was surprised, and Ning Rongrong was also surprised!

Although she was only an auxiliary spirit master, she often exercised herself when she was in the sect. At this time, with the increase in the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, her physical fitness was no worse than that of a normal war spirit master.

But now, he was subdued by an unknown little girl!

That powerful force pressed her arm, like a vise, making her immobile!

"Let go of me!" Ning Rongrong shouted.

However, Xiao Wu remained unmoved, just looking at Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly said: "Xiao Wu, how can you treat your classmates like this? Classmates need to help each other understand? Don't you let her go!"

"Oh." With a playful tongue sticking out, Xiao Wu immediately let go of Ning Rongrong.

Then asked: "Are you okay?"

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Ning Rongrong rubbed his arm, no longer yelling about hitting Lin Feng or something.

She is not stupid, Xiao Wu can easily control her without even releasing her martial soul, she must be very strong.

At this time, she ran out again, so it's better not to cause trouble, just keep it in her heart, and wait for the opportunity to retaliate later!

"Don't worry about her, come and test your spirit power!" After shouting to Xiao Wu, Lin Feng directly grabbed the crystal ball from Dai Mubai's hand.

Raising his hand a little, Lin Feng sent a trace of his own soul power in. The next second, the white light in the crystal ball was like a diamond. This was a sign that he was about to reach level 30!

At this time, the boy who had previously suspected everyone had already opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and even Ning Rongrong had no time to ask about the identity of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

Ning Rongrong himself was full of surprises!

She also understood at this time. If she can pass the first level, she must be no more than thirteen years old. Judging from the situation of the crystal ball at this time.

Lin Feng's spirit power level should be around the twenty-ninth level, which is extremely close to the 30th level!

This talent has already surpassed her! This makes her feel very unreal.

She, Ning Rongrong, was the first genius of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Her father once said that she was the only genius who had the opportunity to turn the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower into the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in hundreds of years!

At this moment, it's not as good as a wild boy who popped up casually?

The shock that Xiao Wu gave her just now was not so strong. After all, Ning Rongrong was only at level 26, and he was still an auxiliary soul master, and his physical fitness was not as good as other soul masters.

If Xiao Wu was a beast spirit, a twenty-first-level spirit master could beat her.

So in Ning Rongrong's view, Xiao Wu's level should be 25th.

However, in the next second, she was slapped in the face, because under Lin Feng's greeting, Xiao Wu and Tang San successively entered their spirit power into the crystal ball.

And the spirit power tested by the two was the same as Lin Feng, at level 29!

This... how is this possible? ! How come all three of them are great spirit masters at level 29!

Ning Rongrong felt that the worldview was collapsing.

Dai Mubai was also stunned. He thought that Lin Feng might also be at level 29, but he never expected that Xiao Wu with a poisonous mouth was also at level 29.

The teacher in charge of the test was also slightly stunned, and met three little monsters of level 29 at one time. Even if it was him, it was the first time he had seen him in so many years.

On the side, the boy who had just begun to doubt fell to the ground in shock at this time, which is really incredible.

"Brother Feng, how did you do it?" When everyone was surprised, Tang San came to Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

Just now Lin Feng asked him and Xiao Wu to come over and input their spirit power. Out of their trust in Lin Feng, they didn't think much about it, so they input it directly.

It stands to reason that the crystal ball should explode. There is no such thing at this time. It must be the cause of Brother Feng.

"I helped you input it." Lin Feng chuckled.

In fact, the principle is very simple, the crystal ball was caught by Lin Feng, and when the two of them input their spirit power, Lin Feng directly intercepted the spirit power of the two of them, and lost and went in.

So now, all three of them have become great spirit masters of the twenty-ninth level.

"Good! Good! Good!" The teacher of the second level said hello three times, his face was full of smiles, and his eyes were almost narrowed.

However, before he had time to say a few reluctant words, he put a small hand on the crystal ball in front of Lin Feng!

In the next second, the crystal ball burst out with a dazzling light. Although it did not cover the entire crystal ball like Lin Feng and others, it also occupied almost nine tenths of it.

This person has a twenty-seventh level of spirit power, Zhu Zhuqing!

She was also surprised at the side just now, but soon she stabilized her mind and came to test her spirit power.

"The twenty-seventh level of spirit power should also be able to directly participate in the fourth level!" The cold voice sounded, as if there was some kind of magic power, and the excitement of everyone was calmed down.

"Of course!" Dai Mubai nodded quickly.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong seemed to be unconvinced, and placed his hand on the crystal ball, staring at Lin Feng and said, "I can too!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the crystal ball also emitted a brilliant white light, and it seemed that the soul power level should be 26!

At this point, the teacher said what he said, "It is great that so many monsters have come to Shrek Academy once this year! It seems that I have hope for a salary increase."

"Mubai, you take them to the fourth level together!"

As a result, the group quickly walked towards the depths of the village in the envy of other students.