
Kind of bullying

"What are you talking about?" Ning Rongrong's cheeks flushed, and she patted Ye Zhiqiu's arm, acting like a baby.

In this scene, Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo, who were about to scold Ye Zhiqiu, had their faces twitched slightly, and their expressions were filled with confusion.

But, in the end, they refrained from speaking.

After Ye Zhiqiu's salute, Tang San, Dai Mubai, and the others naturally did not dare to neglect it and also stepped forward to prepare to salute.

Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo glanced over the group of people. When they saw Xiao Wu, their eyes flashed at the same time, and they looked at each other, understanding the complexity of each other's eyes.

"Dad, Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, let me introduce you to everyone." Ning Rongrong beamed and went to the side of Zhu Zhuqing, who was on the left hand side of Ye Zhiqiu, and said, holding her arm, "This is Zhu Zhuqing, the youngest in our Shrek Academy and also my good sister."

After Ning Rongrong finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing calmly bent down slightly and said, "Zhu Zhuqing, I have seen Uncle Ning, Grandpa Jian, and Grandpa Bone."

Then Ning Rongrong continued to introduce each person one by one.

"This is Dai Mubai, the second-eldest of our group."

"Oscar, the youngest of the group..."


After introducing everyone, Ning Fengzhi nodded cordially and said with a smile, "They are all Rongrong's classmates. Don't be too formal; please have a seat."

The guest chairs in the Qibao Glazed Tile Clan were not too high, but they were large enough, resembling tatami mats. Each wooden chair could accommodate an adult in a half-lying position, so two to three people sitting together did not appear crowded at all.

The main seat was occupied by Ning Fengzhi, and on the lower seats were the positions of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, so it was naturally difficult for others to sit there.

Ye Zhiqiu took Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing and sat down first, under Sword Douluo.

The others found their own seats and sat down accordingly. Those who were couples naturally sat together, while those who were not sat individually.

The relationships within the Shrek group were clear at a glance. Ning Fengzhi and the two Title Douluos were mature individuals, and they instantly understood the dynamics.

The people from Shrek Academy were probably aware of Ye Zhiqiu's identity. He sat in the most stable position, not to mention that Ning Rongrong held his right arm and Zhu Zhuqing held his left hand.

While Tang San and the others secretly admired Ye Zhiqiu's courage, they also felt a bit anxious. Fortunately, those two Title Douluos were focused on him; otherwise, the chair under Ye Zhiqiu might have caught fire by now. Even so, Tang San and the others only dared to put their buttocks halfway onto the wooden chair, and Xiao Wu hid behind Tang San.

The atmosphere in the room became somewhat awkward because the two Title Douluos had been staring at Ye Zhiqiu. In this situation, few people dared to speak first.

Ning Fengzhi, the one who could speak, looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a smile in his eyes, seemingly having no intention of breaking the silence. In desperation, Ye Zhiqiu could only shift his gaze and take the initiative to break this somewhat uncomfortable situation.

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, are your eyes tired from staring? Why don't you take a break?" Ye Zhiqiu, seeing the two staring without blinking, couldn't help but kindly remind them.

"Don't play dumb. Aren't you planning to explain?" Jian Douluo looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said it with a stern expression.

"Explain what?" Ye Zhiqiu's expression appeared a little confused, as if he didn't understand.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo felt a surge of frustration, and their chests couldn't help but rise and fall. How could this kid pretend not to understand?

"Which one, Rongrong, and this little girl, do you plan to marry in the future?" Jian Douluo glanced at Zhu Zhuqing next to Ye Zhiqiu, and his words were concise but direct.

Sword Douluo's intention was clear. If Ye Zhiqiu said he wanted to marry the girl next to him, they wouldn't agree to Ning Rongrong's relationship with Ye Zhiqiu.

After Sword Douluo's question, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing both looked at Ye Zhiqiu simultaneously. Although they believed that Ye Zhiqiu wouldn't give up on either of them, they still wanted to see how he would answer.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and the others had the same thought.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly and said, "This matter is already quite clear. I want both."

Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo's expressions changed at the same time. Bone Douluo said with a cold face, "How can you be confident that we will agree to your marriage with Rongrong?"

"Grandpa Bone, nowadays, young people believe in free love. Your generation's concepts are too outdated. Forced marriages arranged by parents and matchmakers won't lead to a happy life. If you disagree, I might have to elope with Rongrong. Then, I'll send you a fat grandson from the Spirit Hall." Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands, looking somewhat helpless.

"Puff..." Ma Hongjun burst into laughter.

Dai Mubai and the others secretly gave a thumbs up, admiring Ye Zhiqiu's courage.

Ning Rongrong glared at Ye Zhiqiu oddly, secretly pinching his waist. What you said is so annoying; how can you say that to my grandfather?

"Hahaha, not bad. You're quite the holy son of the Spirit Hall." Bone Douluo laughed with a touch of anger. He was genuinely irritated this time and said angrily, "I heard that the Spirit Hall's Holy Land is extraordinary. It happens that I have some experience in this area. Do you want to try running away from me?"

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu sighed helplessly. After all, he had to take this step. Without showing his strength, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan wouldn't accept him and Ning Rongrong.

"Ahem. Grandpa Bone, I think this wouldn't be much of a challenge. I won't use Rongrong as a bargaining chip. Instead, let's compare something from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's treasury. How about this? If I lose, do whatever you want." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Bone Douluo and suggested it cautiously.

He deliberately avoided using Ning Rongrong as a bet so as not to further provoke Bone Douluo. However, Bone Douluo was stunned to hear that Ye Zhiqiu wanted to compare something from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's treasury.

The Seven Treasures Glazed

The Tile Clan's treasuries were scattered in many places across the mainland. There were three locations within the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan itself: two were openly known, and one was kept secret.

The open libraries contained ordinary items and were guarded by many spirit masters. Although there were not many items in the hidden library, the contents inside were the foundation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Only the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and the two Titled Douluos knew the top-secret location of the hidden library. Even Ning Rongrong was only aware of the concept of the hidden library but didn't know its specific location.

"Alright, let's compare. I won't bully you. I'll give you a minute to prepare," Bone Douluo smiled, with a playful glint in his eyes.

Do you really think that getting into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's treasury is so easy? One of the two open libraries was situated on the outer periphery and the other on the inner periphery. The nearest one was a few hundred meters away from there, and it was guarded by Soul Master sentries.

As for the hidden library, it was over 30 meters deep beneath their feet. Bone Douluo didn't believe that Ye Zhiqiu could find it.

"One minute?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled oddly and said, "Alright, since Grandpa Bone is so generous, then I'll make my move."