
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Shrek Elders Visit 2

-------------3rd Pov--------------

Entering the room, he found it crowded with Shrek students, He looks around recognizing some but he stop moving as he saw a girl in her late teen with red hair and eyes, although he know who she is for some reason his breath was taken by her, and the only thing he thought of at That moment was how beautifully she was.

luckily he was been awaken by a pricking feeling on his neck side before anyone noticed, well except elder Cai Mei'er and Ma Xiaotao who never let him leave their prescription from the moment they saw him, of course for different reasons.

Ray Coughed and look at the elder Song " it's been a while elder Song, how are you doing"

some of the students look surprised at the easy-going tone he uses, but some of the inner students looked at him offended.

one of them stand up "you should watch your language kid!!" but to his surprise, Ray didn't even spar him a glance as if he didn't hear him, the Elders look at him with a steam look while Elder song warned him "sit down and behave!" surprising everyone.

But when she turned to look at Ray, she found him looking at Ma Xiao Tao while in deep thought "Ray?" she called him but to her surprise, he freaked out before calming down with a puzzled look, but when he looks back at Ma Xiaotao in the eyes again, they both look away with red faces.

thanks to her close position to him, she can feel his soul power jumping out of his control, the same as his heartbeat which is surprising for her, as in the little time she meets him he asked her many times and both of them come with a method that gives perfect control on the heartbeat that even the elders of Shrek start to use as it helps in controlling emotion. and he shows one of the best proficiency in it, so seeing him losing control she starts to get worried.

But before she asks, Ray said hastily "Since you come with other elders it's probably a business, so please put your order, I will be with you after taking care of something" finishing his words he swiftly fled and closed the door leaving the people inside surprised.

----------Ma Xiaotao Pov-----------

I am finally broken through the emperor Rank, and today I will be escorted and some Inner court classmates by my master to hunt for soul rings but elder Song said we will be visiting a place before heading out.

as we headed there, some of the outer court students got called along with a teacher joining us, and from the conversation between my master and the elders, they are the students that will be working on some kind of shop on the recommendation of Elder song.

as we stop in a place I never saw before. close to the academy but well hidden, even so, in front of the shop you can see some people that I recognize their clothes as either some teachers or students from the other academies.

surprisingly the elder told us to wait, but Ling Lou Chen asked " elder do we have some Buisnes with 'Maestro'?" picking the interest of all the people around.

elder song Look at her "Maestro? you mean Ray?" Ling Lou Chen nodded but as she was about to answer, Dai Yaoheng said "to be specific 'Liquid Maestro' is the Name customers call him, but honestly, I am surprised that Shrek has a personal connection with the forest Breeze owner."

"I see, so this is the famous 'forest Breeze'" saying so I look at the shop in front of me, the Froset Breeze is a shop that become quite famous in the last few months, although I didn't have the time to visit I got the chance to drink and eat some of his products and I have to say its the best ever I test, I still droll every time I remember the taste, but that wasn't the only thing that made the shop famous.

this shop holds one of the last known alchemists, I never meet him but I got one of his pills from my master thanks to it I break through.

what's more, the evil element was surpassed and I hardly feel its effect these days, it didn't despair it's just weakened, and that made the owner value higher.

he started his business within Shrek city, and now he gets orders from all around the content but the weird part, is he doesn't sell his pills to anyone, very few even sow what he made let alone use it. but that didn't get any negative image for him, as some of his drinks and food had some miracle effects on pair with some herbs effect.

as we waited, the shop door opened, and a young man almost 1,80 meters tall with dark skin, black hair with red ends wearing a white butler outfit gave him a clean and calm look, and honestly, he was VERY HANDSOM!

I saw my share of men adult and young, but this is the first time I look at a man and got my interest in his look alone, probably even a 'Dai' won't be at his match and for some reason, I couldn't help but keep looking at him, is he the son of the owner?

after opening the door he look at us and sighed before greeting his customers 'is just me or did he kind of look sad when he saw us?'

as he enters Elder song also entered heading to the second floor, then after we got there, she took a golden color card with Shrek Symbol and put it in a hole beside the door and it was open.

"This the first time I saw a golden one, not to mention have another mark, can I ask what type it is?" Dai Yaoheng asked elder Song who look at him "Oh, you know about Vip Cards?" he nodded and show her a Black Card with a tree and some kind of wings as a symbol.

"Oh a black one, now this is interesting, anyone else had one too?" she looked at the other classmate, and only Gongyang Mo and Ling Lou Chen had them with the same symbol and different colors but elder Song Was surprised to see a red on in Ling Lou Chen hand, I look at my master and his wife's direction waiting for an explanation

he smiled and said "let's enter before speaking" as we enter, we were greeted by the large living room, a normal one but with weird mist reaching the knee.