
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

second elder meeting, and first Open day

------3rd Pov--------

after Elder Ling woke from her breakthrough, she thanked ray for the confusion of elder Song but Ray look at her with a smile "the second drink had this unique property if the person consuming it has a moment of calm heart while drinking it, he will see his regrets but from the other person perception, but that it, either found your answer our not its depend on the person itself"

understanding what happened, elder Song looks at him thankfully.

after some talk elder Lin' Er propose to patronize him if he had any idea he wanted to make public, and Ray accepted as it was in line with what he planned after they bid Ray goodbye they got back to the inner court to find all the elders waiting.

the first to speak was Qian Duoduo "congratulation on breaking through " while coming close but to his surprise, she hug him tightly before letting go, and headed to Yan Shaozhe and Cai Mei'er looking at the latter "sorry but..." before anyone noticed she punch Shaozhe in the face "now we're even "saying so, she turns to the other elder "Elder song will brief you all as I will take my leave to take care of something" she bowed before taking the still surprised Duoduo by the hand and leaving.

all the elders got back their surprise the laugh off Cai Mei'er "HAHAHAHAH, I told you she will definitely punch you someday from the look she always gives you, HAHAHAHAH, that was a good one!" laughing and hitting her tight, some will say that she is crazy to laugh at the misery of her husband, but she just happy that her old friend let go of her hatred as mater of the heart is uncontrollable, and also although short apology this was the first time she talks to her in ages.

all the elders started to laugh as they know the history of the 4 of them after some seconds they calmed down, but couldn't help but start to laugh again as Xuan Lao said making fun of them "SO you're saying that an over 100-year problem solved by A drink made by a 12-year kid or so?"

If Ray was Here he will think jokingly 'No, I am just this worlds ruler student'

as they start to disguise what and how to use the privilege, the unique privilege as anyone with eyes will know the value of what he putting in sail, and although he said and act as if it's an everyday thing, his value is raised more in the eyes of the elders, as to notice and help a title Duluo in breakthrough is something, not anyone can pull, never less a young man.

elder Mu said in a calm tone "next time you visit him please give him this and don't forget to invite him this time" he floated a badge to elder Song after everyone takes a look at the badge they were surprised, and elder Shaozhe "Master! Isn't this the guest badge!?" this badge is unique and hardly used in Shrek history.

Elder Mu smile "Yes, from what I hear from the deal the kid ultimately trying to help the kids in our Shrek, providing the kids in need a stable income, a good one at that, can let them with more ease and a higher budget to spend from, and it will be back to our pocket as most of the student will eat, or buy things from the shop's owned by Shrek" all the elder nodded

elder Xuan Lao continue "and don't forget the two rooms, probably you all noticed but he insisted on only two rooms because he didn't want to put a limitation on the rank, so thermally we gain to more places like the ones we had below but without limitation" on that Shaozhe said "but to have that unique effect and withstand two ultimate elements at least in his body, how can we be sure we ain't having a spy inside?"

on that, Elder Mu chuckles "I don't think so, I secretly observe him, and he gives me an unusual closeness feeling, adds with his peaceful and caring character he shows to elder Song and Ling... Shaozhe you should visit him next time, BUT with elder Song, and you will understand.

as the elders started to form plans for their next moves, the elder song said "I think him visiting here is a good thing." all of them look at her "I don't know if it has something to do with his life or his nature like that, the way he talks is more mature, and while talking about the deal he putts more important in the life of the kids he taking in. in honest though it was like talking to man not a kid in his teen"

all the elders keep silent as very few reasons come to mind for his mature mentality, but most of them weren't a thing to say good things about.

in the end, Cai Mei'er cut the silence "It was decided that Elder song will help me and Shaozhe to escort some of the inner court students, how about we visit him along with the kids you intended to send for work there before going?" elder Mu nodded "That good idea, and try to let the inner court student make contact with him first. anyone has anything to add?"

as no one commented anything they end the meeting.

back to Ray after they leave he ends up opening the coffee shop, and although it was in quite a hidden place, he got a couple of guests, but after making the first couple of drinks, people start to appear as if drawn by the smell. in hours, his ground floor and the little backyard were crowded, thankfully he had a couple of automata he used as servers for drinks (moving table)

the atmosphere was calm and cheerful, with some of the customers chatting and laughing, and others reading some of the books and novels Ray put inside as decoration to end up being read by some of the guests as time passed.

Ray keep serving drinks and food to the customers or chilling while enjoying the peaceful air if nothing needs his attention, or chatting with some of the customers, although he did a lot of work he like the cheerful and calm atmosphere, without him noticing its already night and after sending his last customer, he closes the door, took shower and head to 'Plana'.


and here are Today's Chapters, I hope you enjoy my work.

Don't forget the support, See Yaa next time