
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

first step for change 5

the deer keep silence for will, then said "you said 'normal contract' so there is other type?"

Ray nodded " the normal one i call it ' agreement contract, the two sides gain equally, and for the other one, and i will be honest, its dingerous, as i don't have any proof that will be 100% its work, not like the other you have high risk too" looking at the deer waiting for her response.

"lets hear what you have first, and don't leave anything out" saying she layed down behind him, ray lean on her and said " the other one, and the one i intended to form with you, is what i name 'Fate Bond' this contract supouse to link our souls allowing you to bacome part of me, so i will have you as my soul ring, on the other side you will be linked to me instead of the world, so you can rise your age without fear of trublation." at that the deer flink a little burt not gone unnoticed by Ray "by the why you maturing speed will rise the more powerful i become as side effect" on that the deer look at him to see if he serious.

Ray nodded "yes, as you hear, and depend on the age of the soul beast he can tack more then one soul ring. on my calculation any beast below 9000 year can give one ring, between 10000 and 50000 can give 3 rinngs, between 50000 and 100000 can give to 5 rings, i didn't include anything higher."

the deer just look at the misty horizon absorbing what she heard 'in honest thought if it was a couple of years ago I will take it with no second chance, but....' looking at her child and start to get in really serious mode.

noticing the look she is giving, Ray figured out her train of thinking, a smile bloomed on his face for two reasons, first that he has a solution to her problem and second is the motherly love that he sow in her eyes, and as she was about to ask something.

Ray bites his hand leaving a drop of blood stane the fur beside the right ear of her child before the woundclosed at high speed.

after a second the blood took a tree with three fairy wings on the side's design and turn into black color.

as that happened Ray start to talk "the worst thing that could happen is our death, this dimension is stable, which means that even my death won't affect it" Ray pat the mark and smiled "this mark will let him enter and exit this place"

in the silent atmosphere he made, he put the same mark on her front right limb before making himself comfortable and closing his eyes "what i want is a partner that i can trust my back to, and to be honest, the only reason I chouse you is i can communicate with you if you dont want part of this it's ok, but you are welcome here just bring this little cute friend with you" he put his hand behind his head and start to doze of, uncaring that he leaning on a beast that can kill him easily, in end he sleeped as he is.

------The Crystal Deer Pov-------

"sigh...." i look at the human that just i dont understand, most of humans out there are either greedy or bloody in nature, the first thing that they think of for solving a problem is violence, a living evidence is how they archive power.

but the one in front of me, in his tender age trying to break one of the very principles in human society.

Although i never been in human city's or country before, i have seen many human and observed many cultivators, the consept of changing the system is something hard if not impossible.

"looking back, i never had this mush hard time tinking about somting"

i look back at the huma... no Ray with determination, then standing up and waking both of them up my child and Ray star to looking around when they sow me, Ray half sleep said "Ah... my flufy pelow....run away"

'puff... what this slopy creature!? now i looknig at him, although he speek mature for his age, his stil a kid' i smile and look at Ray waiting to wake up "Ray, you Said you whant to create a new way in this world, right? whay is that?"

hearing me he look at me and smiled" becouse its boring to walk a marked roed, i mean WHERE THE HELL I CAN FOUND MY TRILL IF I DO THE SAME AS MY PRESEDORS?"

'i see' i noded 'simple, and I Can say crazy, but change... bringing change? No. THIS IS THE creation of new history!' look at him again

"ok then, let's me follow you and see how you affect the world, i will be in your care" i said boing my head but he said "no its not you will be in my care, its i got your back! as i got yours, that partnership" ending his talk with masive and happy looking smile on his face.

he look back at my child and "little one how about you discovery the place around, as it will be your new home for while" my kid as though his intelligent still little low, he understand him, so he come running to me tackling me a little before he breaks in sprint to the forest direction.

after he dispair, Ray nodded toward me assuring i am ready, so i did the same.

then he start to gather soul power around forming some kind of array filed with words and Runs, after its completed he sign to me to take a position inside with him in front of me.

i took last look at the forest before setting in front of him, he look at me seriously "before we start, i never had ask your name" i look at him and said "i don't have one" he nodded and said "if its ok can i give you one?" i nodded so he continues "then how about Sophia"

yes... not bad name, so i will roll with it, so i nodeded again.

Ray smile and look at the sky for a moment and then back to me" i will start now, just relax and trust me partener" saying this he stamp his leg on the ground, causing the formation to shine brighter, and soul power start to envelope both of us.

inside i feel my strength coming back, a little over a minute and i am back to my prime, now i feel like something drow my essence out of me and drag it toward Ray, i leave it be, until my surrounding and i found my self standing on the top of a sea gold red in color not fare away from me Ray, no that just a spirtuel projection of him, wich mean i am in his spiritual sea.

before I could i come closer to him, he start to tremble, before cracks start to appear around his spertuial sea 'this is bad, he can't hold my spirtuel preser in here' as iwas freaking out and was about to seal the cracks I hear a mature woman voice behind me " you have a good heart, instead of finding a way to get out, you decide to help. but don't worry, just sleep for now" as i hear that i doze off"


alright, here is the second Chap today, enjoy.

also if you had a pic close to any description please put it in the paragraph comments as its help me to put some new ideas.

thanks for the support, See Ya