
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


going back to the moments before Ray lose conscice

----------Ray Pov---------------

while they inspect Xio Tao I felt a weird sensation inside me as if something trying to connect to me. not the type that makes you uncomfortable, on contrary a feeling of getting a call from my family and I was quite excited, but before I could think of anything I was assaulted by heavy pressure lousing my conscience, and the next thing I know is standing in a completely different place.

I was in the middle of a platform using 9 giant trees as pillars, each one had unique color with some description running all over them. He comes close to the edge of it to look below and like signals, pairs of lights started to shine from below the platform and spread all the way to the horizon between the bushes and trees.

after observing carefully, I figures those lights were actually reflections of light on the eyes of millions, if not billions of beasts of all kinds and types, and the weird part is they all boing to the platform he was confused but after turning back he found something wasn't there before.

an old man with dark red hear with a couple of other colors at the ends of it, with a strong body wearing a black kimono with a couple beat's designed in it with the same colors as the trees, the interesting part is he looks like me in my old life but stronger and older as I died younger.

with a smile never leaving his face "finally noticing me, have a seat will ya" he poured two cups of tea drinking from one after pushing on in front of me.

I did the same as him and then look at him "so, should I introduce myself or something?" he chuckle and ask "why didn't you do it directly?" I sighed and answered " you look like me you know? how much will be weird to introduce myself to myself?"

he laugh "sadly, no I am not you, more like I am the awareness of a part of your strength essence" I was confused but got something from it, probably a projection of some kind, I nodded "so I presume you part of me?" he shook his head "no, I am more like an echo of the general, while your's is part of the general"

I analyze his words and look at him and from the way he speaks he probably knows about me more than I know myself "then why do you call me here? if I had to know " he looks at me with a cruise face "you won't ask who I am?" I shook my head "I will probably get no clear answer from the way you speak, so let's get to the things that I will get without puzzles talk "

he looks at me seriously "are you sure, the moment you know, there is no going back, and with you still stuck I don't think your ready"

I was confused and looked at him "stuck in what? and ready for what" he answered momently "your past life? probably you never intended to face your regrates aren't you?" I was confused as I honestly don't feel any attachment to my past world, well except for a couple of mischief kids, but they will do just fine even without me. i titled my head " i was an orphan, with no family, no lovers, only the kids that I took care of from time to time, I don't see where the attachment?"

he shook his hand "No, no, I didn't mean it that's why. did falling in love makes you more stupid?"

At that, I feel my face start to heat for no reason, but then I remember what happened outside "That was something caused by bloodline, not my own emotion Right! is she ok by the way?"

he sighed and look at me as if giving up "you know what, I give up, anyway, you will understand what I mean later, let's talk about why you are here, and don't give me that face, she's ok alright!" I nodded then keep listening.

he sighed after looking at me for a moment "what a waste of time for nothing"

sighing again he start to talk "well first things first, as you know, I am one of the "instincts of origin' and this place is one of the deep mental spaces of this world, and as you know the.... what?" he started to explain and as I start to hear a lot of new terms I start to look confused and probably ther is a couple of question marks on top of my head now.

he looks at me and stares at me as if I was pulling jock on him "are you seriously don't know what going on here" I nodded to leave him disappointed and said "can you tell me how you got here"

I explain and to my surprise, he start to laugh then he look at me and said "I don't know if you were lucky or unlucky but that girl is your lucky star, here I will send you the general information" as he said so, information starts to appear on my mind. about the creation, about the world I was in and this one, and more importantly, about myself.

the more I revise the more I frown. and more I feel confused but remember something I never put in mind before, the feeling of stranger I had in my past life.