

Tao is a month and two weeks pregnant now, the nanny was cleaning up the house, Kris already employed her back, Liam was in school while Kris and Tao were in the room because Kris called Tao over to his room.

"Uhm Kris you called for me?" Tao said quietly

"Mnn..come sit down with me" Kris said while pointing at the space beside him on the bed, Tao then went over to sit down.

Kris then took Tao's hands into his hands which was surprising to Tao as he thought Kris called him for sex or blowjob or anything as that was how he has been treating him for the past one month.

"Tao?" Kris called which brought Tao out from his thinking Zone.

"Yes Kris, what is it...do you any problem" Tao asked worried about his love, yess despite everything Kris has put Tao through, Tao definitely still loves Kris.