

Kris and Tao with Liam have been in the states for a week now, they have been going out for fun and Liam definitely was enjoying himself.

Yesterday, they went to the amusement park and bought ice creams, they also went for picnic in a cool evening before they finally returned home.

This past week Tao has never felt so happy in his life, he just prays that it continues being like this...call him selfish or whatever but he wishes for Kris to divorce Gulf and marry him so he would really have a complete family.

It is morning now and Tao was preparing breakfast for them. He then heard tiny footsteps behind him and looked back to see Liam walking towards him and rubbing his eyes with his palms

"Hi baby, how was your night?" Tao squatted and asked his baby while kissing his cheeks and neck

"It was fine mommy, aww stop kissing my neck..it's tickling me" Liam said while pouting cutely

"Awwn..my baby is so cute" Tao said with lovey-dovey eyes