
Reincarnation? No thanks I'll go to heaven!

{POV Charlie Brown}

So Aqua showed introduce me to the Goddess who cursed me and I went pale. I was afraid and questioned what sins my past life committed.

The goddess in front of me is a beautiful woman with voluptuous figure who is wearing tight fitting greek outfit that showed off her legs and assets https://assets.yandycdn.com/HiRez/SA_S6134_EDIT.jpg but I wont be fooled. I know whom she is! she is the bug goddess from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu.

You may be like why Charlie how do I know shes that bad! It probably the Light Novel that portrayed her as bad. Maybe if Iwahashi Tomoki hadn't gotten into a argument with her things wouldn't have ended up so bad. I mean who yells at a goddess right! Your probably thinking that right? well you would wrong! The bug goddess is a vain egotistical and arrogant by dismissive way of proceeding others and specially the physical features. She also holds little shame or regard to others and summoned horrible people to be heroes because of their looks. One is Hitler wannabee who wants everyone to view the same way she does and wants only humans to live and the other is a person with a geass power that forces women to have sex with him and be his sex slaves and men to no longer be around. I am so f*****

I calm my nerves and try to give my best smile but I know it came out awkward and bow my head a little trying to not to show my face from the fear that she may f me over. then I greet her and while still bending down "Charlie Brown greets you and on behalf of my parents thank you for taking care of them" I said while cursing her in my mind. Thank her why don't I just punch her for fucking in the ass with a little monkey.

POV Bug goddess

I hear that 'their' son is about to be reincarnated. I was nervous because I hope he isn't as scary as his mother... and the father what kind of father would want me to curse his first born son. Take away some of his luck. What kind of luck did will the boy originally have anyway? I shake my head and frustration as I walk to Aqua's realm. I still don't know who they were they were in my world but they weren't 'Hume' they were more attractive than them but they pretended they were, Also I the guy seemed more powerful than I and the woman... I couldn't feel a thing. I seemed to have forgotten about them till today...ugh no one will tell me. Aqua seems to know but she pretended she didn't. (Aqua is bad at lying)

When I arrive I see Aqua has set up camera's. I look at them and then Aqua in question what is she doing? He starts talking about his past and stuff... I was bored and wasn't paying attention I was just looking amusement at her realm. Its not every day you go to a different gods realm . Oh they're going to introduce me, As soon as he sees me his heart starts beating faster and he lowers his head to talk to me. I was thinking of course as I looked up and impose my chest I see Aqua gritting her teeth and I smile and then look at him and froze.

The boy in front of me is handsome no gorgeous. (and naked) He has long hair and a perfect 8 pack (and naked) he has a... she smiles and thinks maybe she should have him as a new boy toy. I'd probably leave all my other.... wait its still to early to be thinking all these things.

He greets me and I happily smile and say "So their son has finally returned. it seemed during my nap they had you. So why is it you called me it better be important." i tried to play it off as im busy. why is my heart beating so fast and im getting wet just thinking about having that thing inside of me. wait calm down me I have to play it off be cool be cool. I just want to jump him so bad and ****(her thoughts went derailed right now)

POV Charlie Brown

Man as soon as she came in she starts looking down on me. If I could I would push her down and shove...what am I thinking thats horrible. first on who this goddess is and her being a bitch. plus why would a god let a mere mortal near them. (if he only knew) I really am stressed out.

"Well I ask you to remove the curse you set on me by my parents"

"huh oh sure here you go"

white light hit me. I if I said something along the lines of feeling lighter and a sense of clarity I I would be lying! I felt the same no I felt like I had a huge burden place on me

"Umm what happen?" I asked nervously

"Like you asked I removed the curse I set on you and your original luck is back teehee " she smiles and laughs I want to strangle and smack this girls ass..."wait what original luck?"

"huh didn't you know? you originally had something random your father said it was called

Owner of Unconventional Luck (Bad). But no one is able to look into your stats to see what that is and what it does it is unknown. Your father said someone informed him his child will have this so he asked me to curse him to prevent it from being activated. "

"wait wasn't that the price for going to earth? to sacrifice my luck" I asked confused

"huh oh no your father is the one who said that I was going to ask for something else but then she insisted " her body shakes" I actually forgotten about all this till today"

I look at Aqua who is fake whistling and just give up and then ask "ok give me back the curse Im a little scared with the Unconventional luck" it sounds way too familiar. if it is what I think it is its no wonder my father cursed me...

"sorry once it removed can't place it back"

"...I see wait why did you remove it so fast then you should have told me first then I wouldn't have"

I complain to her

She bows down and says sorry dont hate me please forgive me.... wait what did she have this type of character first Aqua then her...

"nev never-mind well thank you please raise your head you helped me more than you know I look at her and smile put my hand out to shake her hands."

She looks at me then turns around and says "Why would I want to be touch by a mortal if you were a god that be different. but mortals and gods are too far apart you have to reach ****** if you want to touch me." she walks away she then feels like she forgetting something but shakes her head thinking hope this inspires him to get stronger arm pump... i need to ask Aqua for the video later

I look at her walking figure and wonder da fuck shes talking about. did she realize when I was going to touch her hand I was going to slap her... wait don't gods have the ability to read minds wait then she knew I was thinking about awww' I crouch down and then look at Aqua and think ' wait then Aqua knows I was checking to see if I legs and looking if I could see her... and knew I was thinking of..

Then Aqua laughs and says ok its that time. then light blinded me and I see someone and do a death note scream https://youtu.be/aPulAk0nuT4 the person in front of me is Rodcorte, the God of Transmigration...why because of course it is the worse possible god.

POV Third Person

Rodcorte looks confused at the boy. he then looks at the Blue haired goddess and she just shrugs her shoulder and he looks at the boy and says

"Young one I am Rodcorte, the God of Transmigration. you have been summoned here because you meets my requirement to be sent to another world. Right now the world needs to be developed and I need you to help to do this in that world. (there are many other reason too but you dont need to know). The world has statuses elves and dwarfs even monsters. Doesn't that sound like fun. going on an adventure saving the world. If you dont want to you can go to heaven.

The boy looks at Rodcorte while he explains everything monotone voice. the boy then looks at Aqua and she gives a knowing looks and explains heaven is boring and nothing to do

Charlie then goes to Rodcorte and says

"Okay I made my decision"

"You have" as he smiled

"Yup I want to go to heaven take me there right now"

"Ok so first I will give you a....Wait what don't you want to go on adventure isn't that what you people normally do?" he looks at Aqua

Charlie Brown shakes his head "no way I doesn't want to die"

Aqua then says "but don't you want to find out about your family and who you really are and think of the fun and....

"stop right there I don't give a rats ass about the past! I just want to have a peaceful life and settle down I dont want no conflicts."

Aqua then looks at Rodcorte and then the boy and says "I understand.... its your decision I personally think that heaven is a prison but to each there..."

"PRISIONNNN, ok lets get to the other world status power yay that sounds awesome. I get to know more about my parents and everything adventure HOORAY!


"come on we don't have all day I have to develop this world haha. it will be fun and I can get lots of babes yeah thats why I'm going. Its not like i'm afraid of heaven prison so TRANSFER ME NOW"

Rodcorte was about to say something and Aqua jumps in front of him and says" I know this world is under your jurisdiction but I have a perfect stuff for him.

POV Charlie Brown

Aqua looks at me, and said with her divine voice : "You're very brave, young one, so let me give you a mother as a reward. Would you like a golden-haired big-breasted elf mother with an extreme yandere personality, or a black-haired big-breasted sadistic human mother with a tsundere personality?"

"I choose… your mom, dammit! What I really want is to quickly reincarnate!!"

Aqua smiled at me: "You are a honest lad indeed, so let me gift you both mothers. From now on, you will have two mothers!"

"Did you even listen to what I said?!"

A formation covered my feet and I curse in my head. I also hear Aqua going Psssttt laughing...I start cursing at her as I am reincarnated.

POV Ends

After Charlie leaves the bug goddess returns hurrying and screams wait I forgot to give you ********

then Rodcorte then says "oh no I forgot to register him for that world so his soul isn't ********** and he wont have ******** but I also didn't give him a ************.we wont even be able to monitor him.

Aqua then looks at the two and starts laughing

they then look at her and anger and say ""SHUT UP THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. your the reason why they can't chose there own ****** ""

""shut up it was his fault not mine, she storms out and leave

the bug goddess then leaves too leaving Rodcorte in his realm

He then thinks well Charlie wont be able to develop the world much now (yet alone survive it)... if I had sent him to another place to train first then go to Lambda I could have fixed the issue. he then looks at earth the place Charlie came from and sees a terrorist attack killing the people on the boat. He sees one boy sacrificing himself to save a girl (even through it was in vain) and knows hes the one and he summons 100 of the non terrorist to his realm. Thinking its best not to tell them everything. Selecting the best powers to help everyone. knowing that he wont make a mistake again he then summons each person by name giving them each powers. When done he has a satisfying look thinking yup I did a good job. then as he is about to relish in his good job he then hears a voice say what about me... he looks and realize he gave the powers to the wrong person. In fear that Aqua was going to make fun him he hurried gave him excess mana and hoping he'd kill himself with bad luck. the boy scream but Rodcorte didn't care he looks around thinking well im sure this wont bite me in the back...

/// Added Auxiliary chapters but they contain spoilers

So what did you think the MC finally reincarnated.

So in case your wondering who the boy was it was Amamiya Hiroto. I might do a side chapter about him but that be later on

So yes the MC was reincarnated without gifts...you may be pissed off but don't worry its better in the long run to not be monitored by the gods.

He also was born with a power in which anyone would kill to obtain because if they obtain it they would be able to ... well its too early to say

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