
In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

A man by the name of Chris decides that instead of studying that night he will play some rainbow with some friends well little did he know it would be the last night he played rainbow at all Ps I’m kinda ass at writing

Kaguya_otsutsukii · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

New home

As Chris looks at the door he sees a person staring through the peek hole he responds "Well you have my attention, it's all I can give in here" There is an amused chuckle on the other side of the door the voice says " how would you like to be on a team working for the government deal with supernatural threats, I've gotten reports from many people who have seen your work including Deadshot himself that you would be a perfect member of the squad" the voice says as the door opens showing a very short black woman standing there with armored guards standing behind her with guns trained on him.

As Chris ponders the idea of joining the suicide squad as he responds "What do I get from this deal because it seems you just want me to do it for free" He says as he stands up in his cell "You will be compensated" Waller says looking at Chris who stood around a foot taller then her "you will lose 26 years off your sentence and have a cash reward of 200,000 dollars for every 5 years of service now do you want to get out of that cell or stay and sit locked in here tell the end of your days" she says "I will give you a week to think about it" she says as the peephole slams shut and she walks away.

not soon after chris summons Flores to chat with him as the new deal runs through his head "I think I should take it" he says to Flores "It gets years off my sentence which doesn't matter as I would be escaping anyways but I also get to make connections with other figures in this world" chris says as he looks at Flores " we think so as well it is just a good deal, even I would have taken it" he says as the guard walks by his cell "but what about my other plan, plan gas chamber" "it could be plan b if this one doesn't work but until then I say work with them" Flores says "alright it's settled then I'll accept the deal"

1 week later

as Chris sits on the cold stone floor the peephole swings open as a women's voice echos through "So your answer Mr.Redfield" Chris looks at the door "I accept the challenge" he says as the door swings open reviling a fat black woman on the other side "well then let's go" she says as the 2 of them are lead to the front of the building "get into the van we will leave shortly" she says as he opens the door to see the rest of the squad, there is Deadshot, Harley Quinn, black spider, el Diablo, yo-yo, and iceberg all sitting in the van "oooh so your the new member nice to met cha the names Harley" she says with her hand outstretched as Chris sits down mostly ignoring her "well arnt you a grumpy one" she says putting her hand down "just trying to make a friend she grumbles as the van starts "and we are off" Harley says as everyone groans "oh I know what we can do introductions I'll start the names Harley now what about you guys" she says as every one looks away from her "man you guys are no fun" she says as hours pass the van stops and the back door opens "welcome to your new home" Waller says as they are enter the Belle Reve Penitentiary.

Sorry for the late chapter stuff has happend in the last month or so my great grandma died we had my grandpas memorial I got a week of food poisoning and I got addicted to dead by daylight playing wesker lol but I also had a writing block

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