
In DC with probability manipulation

this is my first attempt at writing fanfic, as English is not the first language I will try to learn and improve along the way. MC lives with constant bad luck that plagued him. he tries to persevere at first but in the end, he gives up and becomes a shut-in. he spends his time lazing around on his computer reading comics, manga, and watching tv shows or movies. in the end, he dies, and giving compensation from ROB he got his wish for probability manipulation power and many more. Follow MC's journey in the DC universe as he tries to live his fullest in his second chance of living.

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Dorothy

---------------I'm changing from 3rd person to 1st person -----------------

Today is Christmas. It's been a while since I join the team, and I haven't fight any of the main bad guys of the doom patrol. As I remember, the doom patrol major enemy is the brotherhood of evil. But haven't seen them appear. Maybe it's just my luck.

I remember watching doom patrol in my previous life, so I know about Mr nobody. But I don't know which Mr.nobody exists here. Is it the same as the tv show or is it the comic book?

Chief has called us to gather. Its looks like we are going away this Christmas.

"Where are we going chief?" I ask the chief.

"We are going to a special place, and celebrate Christmas with my daughter" chief answer.

Acting surprise I say " you have a daughter chief?"

"yes I do Arthur" chief chuckle. "but unfortunately she cannot be with me here in the house due to some circumstance " I look to the chief as he answers with sadness in his eyes.

As we got on the bus. I see robotman in the back looking miserable in the back of the bus.

I got up to him "what's up robot man? Why so gloomy?"

he looks at me for a second and ignores my question.

I see that negative man calls for me.

As I sit with him he gives me the tell me the reason robotman look so sad.

It looks like that robotman accident happens on Christmas eve. he lost his wife and daughter that day.

As I sat there on the bus. I got to thinking that in the tv show robotman daughter is still alive. Maybe she still is in this universe. I need to look into it perhaps one of robotman NASCAR ex-teammates can help me out.

The bus drives until we arrive in a desert. Suddenly a town appears out of nowhere.

It is Danny the street. Danny is a living and sentient piece of urban geography who can magically and seamlessly place themself in any urban landscape at will, without any disruption to their surroundings. They can freely interact with any other sapient being through various forms of visual printing within their proximity.

I see many happy people, free to be who they wanted to be as I look around me. Many drag queens roaming around the street happy as they can be.

We stopped at the theater and went inside. It's filled with people inside. as we got there, we follow the chief to the backroom, and suddenly a door appears in front of us.

As the chief open the door, "Daddy!!!" a kid jump from the door yelling and hugging the chief. The chief falls down with his chair.

"Hahaha...how are you, Dorothy?" the chief laugh and hug her daughter Dorothy.

Dorothy gets off from the falling chief, and robotman help get the chief up with his chair.

In front of me is Dorothy. She almost looks like her counterpart in the tv show, a short girl maybe 6 years old, with a ponytail and a face that looks like an ape. She looks like she got her looks from her mother's heritage. (here is a picture don't really know how to describe her)

"uncle cliff, uncle larry, aunt Rita. How are you?" ask Dorothy as she hugs them one by one.

After she saw me, she ran and hide behind robotman.

"Who are you mister, are you a friend of my dad?" she asks with slight fear in her eye

Arthur thought she has some trauma. I remember she was put in a circus as a freak and was shown around as a freak by the chaos. she must be scare that I will judge her appearance."Yes, I'm new to the team, the name is Arthur, you can call me brother Arthur." I answer.

Seeing my honest answer and my straightforwardness, she then slowly approach me. As I handed my hand to shake her hand.

She accepts and shakes my hand.

We stay in Dorothy's room for a while. She is now playing with robotman and elastic girl with her toys.

The chief came to my side "it looks like she likes you. It's not often she can be comfortable around new people."

"why is she here chief, is there any reason she is not in the house with your chief?" as I ask the chief.

"she wasn't always this happy. I have never known her existence back then. But when I found her, she was in a cage in a circus being parade as the freak there. As I see many people see her, mock her, throw things at her. I was angry. But before I get to do anything. a monster appears and massacred all the people in the audience.

I don't know what that monster is but back then. after years of researching, I found some information." he looks at me with a serious face."Dorothy says its name is candlemaker. I found out that he was a being called egregore. A being created by tensions that surround historical crisis moments. And this was not his first time on earth. He was here many years ago, just like with Dorothy. He gave its host three wishes. But after the three wishes, it freed himself and began a massacre. It causes destruction after destruction until a sorcerer came and banishes it from our plane of existence. and now it's back and binds itself to Dorothy."

"How many wishes has Dorothy ask?" I ask the chief.

"two wishes had been granted. And that's the reason why I put Dorothy here with Danny for her protection," the chief answer.

Suddenly the building began to shake. And Danny communicated with us and told us of an intruder.

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