
In DC with probability manipulation

this is my first attempt at writing fanfic, as English is not the first language I will try to learn and improve along the way. MC lives with constant bad luck that plagued him. he tries to persevere at first but in the end, he gives up and becomes a shut-in. he spends his time lazing around on his computer reading comics, manga, and watching tv shows or movies. in the end, he dies, and giving compensation from ROB he got his wish for probability manipulation power and many more. Follow MC's journey in the DC universe as he tries to live his fullest in his second chance of living.

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13 Psychiatrists

I'm back at Gotham now, the city had become darker than before, more criminals are on the loose, the cop is being overwhelmed, and many are just corrupt.

I did a little research when I arrive in Gotham. the folcone family has control over the majority of Gotham and has been fighting a new group that is being led by Oswald Cobblepot in the shadow. James Gordon is now in Gotham but still a detective. Edward Nigma is also in The GPD as a forensic scientist. Harvey Dent is still a district attorney. not many supervillains appear yet. most of them appear after the emergence of Batman.

I already decided to help Gotham my way and prevent most of the people in Gotham before they turn to their evil persona.

to do that I choose to become a psychiatrist and help them out my way.

Gotham Year 2000

I'm on my way to becoming a psychiatrist since the internet has now become more popular. I decided to create a company called Golden Clover and created Youtube and Facebook.

The company and the server are now being managed by a bunch of AI that I also created for my convenience.

I have not reached out to Bruce or Alfred since I arrive at Gotham. heck Gotham has even forgotten me, I was gone for so long and with major crime rise, not many remember me. some of the professors in the university do and the dean. but not many.

Today is the day Bruce graduates high school. I even attend his graduation in the shadow. he did not notice but Alfred did, I just nod at him and disappear.

I also follow Bruce after his graduation party since I see something amiss from him. it looks like he found the person that kills his parents, Joe Chill.

I follow him to the worst part of Gotham and into an old apartment building.

#Bruce P.O.V#

I found him, I finally found him. the person that took my parents away. I choose this moment after the party to gain some alibi and confront the man myself.

I'm now in front of his door, I steel myself and check my bearing. my gun is ready if it is needed.

I knock on the door and when he tries to open it, I smash the door making him fall onto the floor. with my gun in my hand I go and mount him pointing my gun to his face.

I can see his face now, the same face from that night.

"are you Joe Chill ?" I ask still pointing my gun.

"yyyyeees..." he answers "please don't kill me, I don't have any money,please..." he pleaded.

"9 years ago why did you kill the Wayne Couple?"

"Who man? I don't know them?" he answers still crying.

"the couple in the alley, the one you kill and left the boy there!" I yell getting angrier at him

"I don't know man, I was drunk and high, I just want some money, I don't even remember that night man."

# MC P.O.V #

Bruce got angrier and punch the man in the head. but before he shoots the man. seeing the man tremble in fear and pissing himself bruce decided to leave.

seeing bruce left I also wanted to leave but I got the feeling that making me stay and watch Joe's apartment.

after some time I saw a shadow came to the apartment a man wearing an owl mask with a black outfit covering his body. he got closer to joe and stab the man through his heart killing him instantaneously.

it looks like my assumption were correct, the court of owls exists and is the reason Wayne Couple died. I think they feel threatened when the Wayne couple are getting famous and Thomas were preparing to be mayor of Gotham.

I assume that this is one of their ploys to get Bruce, giving him the man that kills his parent and also having dirt on him to be used in the future when bruce becomes the CEO of Wayne Enterprise.

But it looks like they fail since Bruce didn't kill Joe.

after that event, I am now on a mission on finding information on the court of owls.

Bruce also went to Tibet starting his journey to become the protector of Gotham.