
In Danmachi world with Obito's power.

The remake of my previous fanfic with same title. There's no much change but if i just upload it on the same book, the review Will be different with the story', so i decided to make another book with same title.

KissShot6 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

8 Hostess of Fertility event

Just as promised, Tobi and Bell go to the Hostess of Fertility together. They walk while talking about Bell's growth. According to him, he grow faster than he thought. It certainly because of his skill, 'Liaris Freese'. Liaris Freese increases the speed of Bell's growth as long as he is in love, or as long as he have a deep feeling into something that makes him want to be strong.

But, Hestia hides that skill and didn't tell Bell about that.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrive at the Hostess of Fertility. The place is crowded with adventurers. They are drinking, eating, talking, but no one in there is fighting. Well, of course, who dares to fight in front of Mama Mia. She is strong. And all the staff is strong too. Plus there's goddess Freya in there. Well, no one knows about that fact though.

When they looked inside the pub from the entrance, they were welcomed by Syr.

"Ah, Mr.Adventurer, you really come. And….." When she see Bell, she happy, but then when she realized that Tobi come with him, her face become uncomfortable. But of course she covered it with her smile. And Tobi realized that.

"Why you looking at me like that? Even me can get hurt if a beautiful lady like you look at me like that, you know?" ask Tobi with a sad voice.

"Ah! No, I didn't meant that. It just…I feel kinda sick today, hahaha…" She said, "Btw, we didn't introduce ourself yet, right? My name is Syr Flover."

After that they introduce themselves. They go inside the pub and sit on the counter. Just like in the anime, Mama Mia give Bell a big bowl of noodle, well, Tobi too. With 'bang' Mama Mia put the noodle in front of them.

"So you are Syr's acquaintance? Even though you are a adventurer, you are cute, aren't you?" She said to Bell.

"Don't tease me please." said Bell, his corner of his smile twitching.

"And you are…" Mama Mia glare at Tobi.

Tobi who get that glare flinched and hide behind Bell who seems counting something.

"Hey, Bell! Did I do something? Am I not welcomed in here?!" Tobi ask Bell while shaking his body. But Bell busy with the counting.

"Mama Mia, I already said that I just feel sick before. There's nothing to do with him." Syr approach them 

"Hahhh, well, if you say so." She said while putting another food in front of Bell. Bell who saw that gasping hardly.

"But I didn't order it!?" Said Bell.

"Don't be like that, this is our special menu today."

Bell turn his head to see the price of the food on the wall.

"Today's special menu….850 valis?!!"

"How's it? Did you have fun?" Syr ask 

"I feel like get robbed."

Syr just chuckling when she heard that.

"Um, Mama Mia, where's mine?" Tobi ask.

Mama Mia who already working on the next order, glaring at him.

"Hiiiiieee!" Once again Tobi hide behind Bell.

But after that, Mama Mia give him the special menu.

After that, just like in the anime, Syr told Bell that she like the place, how different people always go to the pub, and how she like to meet a new people.

Tobi start eating his food with lifting his mask a bit so he can eat the food but make sure his face is still covered. Good thing no one looking at him so he can eat his food with ease.

The food is good. It is definitely tastier than any food that he has eaten since he came to this world. It can be compared to the food from his world but since the food variant in this world is still not that much, the food from his previous world is still win.

"Nya!" He heard Anya's voice from the entrance, "The customer with reservation is arrive, nya!"

In an instant all the eyes watching the entrance. It's Loki Familia. On the front is Goddess Loki herself, behind here is Finn Deimane, Tiona and Tione Hiryute, next is Bete Loga, Gareth Landrock, Riveria Ljos Aif, Lefiya Viridis, and last is Ais Wallnstein.

Tobi can hear the murmur from the other customer. For Bell, when he see Aiz, his face become red. Syr calling him while waving her hand in front of his face but in vain.

"It's useless, he will like that after he saw Ais. Just let him be." Said Tobi to Syr.

Syr see him eating the food while lifting his mask but still covered his face. She want to ask about that but she cancel it.

"Good work out there in the dungeon, guys!" Said Loki with a beer on her hand "We're having a feast tonight! Drink up to your heart's content!!"

After that Loki Familia eat and drinking while chatting to each other.

"The Loki Familia are our regular customer." Said Syr to Bell, "It seems their Goddess, Goddess Loki, really like this place."

Bell just watching them while thinking that if he come to this pub often, he can see Ais more often. Tobi on other hand didn't care and just eating his food.

'This fish is pretty good, I wonder what fish is this?'

Bell without touching his food, well he did eat it a bit but after he saw Ais, he stopped, watching Ais eating her food. Loki try to sneak behind her but she get punch to her head instead. Bell really adore her, he memorize every movement that Ais do.

And not long after that, the event started.

"Hey Ais, tell us that one story!" Bete who seems drunk a bit talk to Ais.

"That one story….?"

"You know, that one! About Minotaurs that got away! Remember, you finished off the last one on the 5th floor! You know ; Tomato boy! A whimpy little kid who's obviously just start adventuring, got cornered by Minotaurs that ran from us. When Ais cleaved the Minotaurs apart, its stinky blood got all over him, and he looked like bright red tomato!"

Bell who heard that flinched. His body froze on the spot. And he clenched his fist on his knee while looking at the floor. Tobi saw that, but he didn't say anything.

"And after that, that tomato guy running away while screaming! Our princess just save him but he ran from her!" Bete laugh while tapping his knee, "How pathetic is that!?"

"I think in that situation, he can't be blamed." Said Ais.

Bell's clenches become harder and harder. He grit his teeth and his body trembling.

"Enough, Bete." Riveria said, "It's our fault in the first place for letting the Minotaurs ran away from the 17th floor. You should be ashamed."

Bete bang his hand on the table.

"Hah!? What's wrong with saying trash is trash?"

Bell's hand that clenched his knee become a fist. But not because he angry to them, he angry to himself.

"Well then, Ais, What do you think? Just hypothetically, who will you choose between me and that tomato dork?"

"Bete, you drunk aren't you?" Said Finn.

"I'm asking you, Ais! What if that tomato dork came up to you, said he liked you, would you take him?" Bete ask, "No way, right? A whimp who's weaker than you has no right to stand beside you! You yourself would not allow that! A whimp is not good enough for you! Not for Ais Wallenstein!"

After Bell heard that, he stand from his seat and start running away. Syr chase him to the entrance but Bell to fast for her. Ais who saw that also try to chase him but he already far away from the pub.

"Did someone just dine 'n' dash?"

"To dine and dash at Mama Mia's place, the guy's got guts, that's for sure!" Loki said.

After that they ignored what just happen but Ais still stood in front the entrance.

"Bla bla bla bla, you are so noisy, you know." Tobi said after he put his mask on, "Can you lower your voice a bit? My food's taste is bad right now because of you, you know?"

Bete who heard that froze a bit with anger. He look at the counter and he saw a guy with black cloak with some red cloud in it and wearing a orange mask.

"Haahhhh?" He said angrily, But a few seconds later, he realized who is he, "You, didn't you that guy who ran away after you saw us? Hahaha, what the hell a coward like you in this place, hahaha!"

"Oi Bete, cut it out." Said Riveria.

"Well, yes that's me. Give applause for him! Even someone like you have a good memories, huh?" Said Tobi while clapping his hand.

"What the f*ck did you say?" Say Bete, glaring at him.

"Hey, stop it! And you, stop taunting him!"

"Then why you not put a leash on his neck? That surely can calm him. Oh, maybe he prefer bone better?"

"I'M A WEREWOLF!!" Bete said while trying to attack Tobi. But the other member of Loki familia stopped him.

Tobi walk approaching them. He activate his Mangekyou sharingan and said with his deep voice,

"If you want to dance, I'm ready anytime. Just for your information…." Tobi take the scythe from the Kamui Dimension. His eyes shining red from the hole of his mask. "I'm really good at disposing a trash."

The atmosphere in that room become heavy. Loki Familia who saw Tobi's eyes from close, surprised. They never saw an eyes like that. And with their instinct, they know that his eyes is dangerous. And his scythe. It was weird looking scythe with the handle's long. It was for one hand. And the usually a scythe is just a tool for farm, but the one on the Tobi's hand is make them feel uneasy.

'What the hell is he?' All of them thinking the same.

Syr, even though he didn't saw Tobi's eyes, her head hurt again. She didn't activate her ability, but her head is hurt.

Loki that close to Tobi become very uncomfortable with his presence. Especially his eyes. Even for her, his eyes seems very dangerous.

'This guy….'

But before the atmosphere become more tense, Mama Mia punch the counter and the counter split into two, well, just the surface.


Tobi who heard that put down his scythe and send it back to the Kamui dimension. Bete still glaring at him but he sit on his chair.

Tobi back to his usual self and approaching Mama Mia.

"Hahaha, sorry Mama Mia, but my food became bad when I heard an annoying voice, you see?" Said Tobi while scratching the back of his head, "By the way, this is the payment for my food and that guy who ran away. Well then, bye bye everyone!"

Tobi put the money on the counter and leave the pub.