
In Danmachi world with Obito's power.

The remake of my previous fanfic with same title. There's no much change but if i just upload it on the same book, the review Will be different with the story', so i decided to make another book with same title.

KissShot6 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

14 'We need to talk'

After that Tobi goes to the guild to change some of the Magic Stones that he has. Why not all, you may ask, it's because it will cause unwanted attention from the people. Maybe some mob villain will try to rob him or something, or maybe some Familia will be suspicious about him about anything that comes out to their mind. He simply doesn't want that. Imagine going everywhere and always meeting people who want to rob you, it will be annoying. So Tobi just changed some of them.

He gets 85k valis after getting cut 30%. It's quite a huge amount of money so he was satisfied with that. There are still a lot of magic stones inside the Kamui Dimension but he will just save them.

After that he went to the Hephaestus familia workshop to order kunai and shuriken since he was pretty sure that they didn't sell those. They say it will be done for around 2 or 3 days, and he ordered a lot of it. He also ordered a big shuriken that the original Tobi use when he fought Naruto, Guy, and Kakashi.

'As expected of Hephaestus Familia, their work is fast.'

After that, he goes to the Hostess of Fertility. Even though he already eats some food, he is still hungry. Yesterday he didn't eat anything besides breakfast, so it's natural that he was really hungry today.

Nothing interesting happened there. Bell and Hestia use one of the rooms to let Hestia rest. Just like in the anime, Syr teasing him, after Hestia wakes up she told him about the knife, Bell feels touched with that, and that's it. But Tobi didn't see those in person, he just ate his food in the Pub.

After he finishes his meal, he goes upstairs to check on Hestia.

When he arrives in front of the room, he can hear Bell's cry. Seems like Hestia already told him about the Knife. Without knocking, Tobi open the door with *Bang* and went inside.

"HESTIA-SAMA, HOW'S YOUR BODY?!" He said with a cheerful voice.

When they heard Tobi's voice, their gaze switched to him. Bell, who cry few second ago, stopped his cry and watched him. Hestia, who looks at Bell with a warm face a few seconds ago, looks into Tobi with anger.

Hestia takes the pillow behind her and throws it into Tobi.

"WHY YOU RUIN MY TIME WITH BELL?!!" She said with anger while throwing the pillow.

"I'm sorry!" Said Tobi who get hit with a pillow in the face.

Bell, who saw that, laughed a bit.

Tobi, who didn't have anything to do, decided to go to the dungeon a bit. It's already evening but there's still plenty of time before he feels sleepy. He also wants to explore the city but his body is itchy, wanting some exercise. But he didn't go too deep into the dungeon. He just went to the 5th floor. After his soul is already optimized with his body, he becomes much stronger than before, so his hunting becomes much easier. Even if he didn't use his gunbai, he now can kill the monster with just his punch and kick, but he still uses his gunbai since he didnt want his weapon become a waste.

He smoothly cleared the floor and arrived at the 5th floor. He meet a lot of goblin and kobold but he kill them with his gunbai instantly. He wants to go further but he think it's better to do it later in the future.

When he wanted to go back after clearing the 5th floor, he suddenly heard someone.

"Can you walk faster?"

Tobi saw a guy with black hair tied, red shirt and a sword on his back.

"Why are you so slow?" He said, "Tch, useless supporter."

Then Tobi saw a person with around 110cm height, with a big bag.

'That person is...Liliruca?'

"Hm?" The man saw Tobi.

But suddenly Tobi make a wood spear from his right hand and throw it to the man's head. The man, who can't see the spear because of its speed, feel something stab his head.

"Eh?" said the man with confusion before he fell to the ground lifeless.

"Eh?" said Tobi who don't know what he just do.

"Eh?" said Liliruca who also don't know what just happen.

"EEEEEEHHHHHHHH?!" said both of them, Tobi and Liliruca.

"Why you kill him?!" ask Liliruca.

"What?! I don't know!? My hand just move by itself!"

'What should I do? If I remember correctly she meet Bell when this man chasing her, but now he died!? Its bad if she and Bell didn't meet each other right? Oh f*ck what should I do?!"

"What kind of nonsense is that?! Dammit! I still can get more loot from him if he continue killing monster for a bit more but now he died!!"

"Ah, yes, you are that kind of person before you meet him."

"What are you talking about?"

"No, nothing. By the way, I will give you my magic stone, but I need you to do something from me. How's it?"

Tobi take out a lot magic stone from the Kamui Dimension and show it to Liliruca. Liliruca who saw that stunned for a bit and said,

"If you want my body, I will not take that, you hear me?"

"Well, that's tempting to be honest." said Tobi. " But no!! I need to refuse!"

'Guh, my heart is bleeding(sad emoji)."

"I want you to approach an adventurer and become his supporter. His name is Bell Cranel from Hestia Familia. He has a white hair and red eyes. He is the only member of Hestia Familia so you can find him easily."

"Why I need to approach him?" she asked with suspiciousness in her eyes.

"Well, well, just do what I ask and I will give you this magic stone, simple right?"

"Hmmm." she thinking for a few second and decides, "Well, if you give me the magic stone, then fine, I guess."

"Sweet. Ah, also don't tell anyone about this, ok?" Tobi give her the magic stone, "Well then, I will go first, ADIOS!!" Tobi said while disappearing with his Kamui.

He can use genjutsu to her so she will not remember who told her to approach Bell, but he need connection between the main cast. He don't know what will happen in the future. And there's no prove that it will he go the same as the anime. So its better to have back up plan, though he didn't think any plan yet.

After that he appeared near the entrance. It's already evening so it's already quiet.

Tobi decided to explore the city for a bit. But since the city is huge, he can't go to all the districts. But he managed to see some of the districts that seemed interesting. He sees Apollo Familia's mansion, that will soon be Hestia's mansion. He goes to the Market Area where he can find a lot of foreigners there.

Just like that, he arrives at the Entertainment District where Ishtar Familia lives.

'Uhhhhh, letsgo?'

Tobi walking through the district. There's a lot of people there since it is night. A lot of woman also trying to seduce men that pass by, Tobi included. But unexpectedly he didn't feel shy or anything. He just feel, normal?

Anyway, he just looking around and didn't plan to play with them. But suddenly he saw a familiar face. But that was not his friend from this world, it's familiar because he saw that person in the anime.

She  have golden hair with a pair of beast ears and a tail with the same color. She wears a red kimono and even though she is smiling, her face looks sad.


Haruhime's ears twitched. Even though Tobi's position is kinda far from her, the fact that she is Renard, she has hearing that is sharper than human.

Since she already realized Tobi's presence, he decided to approach her.

"Who are you? And why do you know my name?" She asked.

"Knowing and not knowing doesn't matter, Haruhime." He said, Tobi turned his body, so Haruhime just can see his back, and leaned to the wall, "Say, do you want a hero to come to save you right now?"

When she heard that, her face became more sad.

"Even if they come, they will not save me, because…."

Before she finished her sentence, Tobi cut her and said it instead.

"Because you are prostitute, is probably what you are thinking."

Haruhime's eyes widened in surprise. But a few seconds later, her smile and her sad face is back.

"Yes." She said, "Prostitute is a poison for hero. They always bring disaster to the hero. Prostitute's fate is to get slayed by hero, that's why, hero will never come to save me."

"Well, it's up to you to trust my word or not." He said, "But heroes that I know will help everyone whoever it is. They will even help the villain if they ask for help. But that is also why I don't like them. They are too naive."

Haruhime didn't say anything. She already gives up with the hope that Hero will save her. So why does a stranger like him say that Hero will come to save her?

'Please don't give me hope.' She thought.

In the story that she always read again and again, prostitute's fate is always get slayed by the Heroes. Even if the Heroes did save them, they will just bring a disaster to the Heroes. They will be mocked by the people, their 'Hero' title will be removed from them, they will thrown by  a rock instead of a bucket of flowers, they will not get accepted by the citizens, the people that they protect will reject them. Prostitute are a poison for Heroes. There's nothing good about saving them.

'That's why, the hero will never come to save me. They should not save me even if they want to. I don't want to become a poison for them. I don't want to make them dirty. I'm not worthy to be saved.' Is what she believed.

Both of them remain silent for a few minutes.

'Is it ok to remain like this.' He thought. 'I can save her, I can save them  so they will not suffer anymore. But what will happen if I do that? The future will change. The future that I know will change. Also there's something inside me that restrains me from interfering with their fate. Even if I can interact with them, there's something inside me that holds me to not change anything.'

Tobi doesn't know what to do. He has the strength, he has everything necessary to save them, he has the reason, so why he don't want to take action? Why does he stubbornly want to follow the story as it is?

'I see. I simply fear the future that I know will change. I'm afraid about the unknown from the future if I change something. I guess this is the cons that I get when I know the future. I will be stuck with it and fear the change.'

It's normal for people to fear the unknown, that is the scariest thing in the world. But he have the power. He can survive even if the future change. So why didn't he do anything? The fear inside him blocking him from taking an action.

'But what if, I just change the timeline? The event still happen but its earlier than what it should be? But with Bell's strength right now, he was too weak. And he is alone now, so it's impossible for him to save Haruhime. Make them meet earlier? No, that will not work. They need a trigger so they will become comrade. Use genjutsu to them? No, that was too odd in other people's eyes. Sh*t! F*ck you being X!! The last option is….me. I'm the one who save her. Sigh. Well, maybe later I can told her to join Hestia Familia, so there should be no problem. But I still need to involve Bell, so Freya will move. I need her to deal with Ishtar, it should be her and not no one else. But first, I need to tell Ishtar about Bell.'

Tobi can save her right now. He just need to go through the bars and take her into the Kamui Dimension. But there's a lot of people watching. Plus his appearance is really easy to remember. With no time, Ishtar familia will know him and chase him wherever he goes. He can just disappear from Orario with his Mangekyou Sharingan so they can't chase him anymore, but he didn't want to leave the city. There's still a lot of thing that he want to do in there. It's egoist but that was his real feeling. So he prefer to move the timeline more earlier. That way Freya will destroy Ishtar so even if he take Haruhime, there will be no problem.

"It's time for me to go." Tobi said, " I wish you good luck until your hero comes to save you." Like that, Tobi uses his Kamui and disappears from the spot and go to Ishtar's place.

Ishtar, who is right now in her room, watching the moon from the window. Soon, she can fight Freya and there's even a chance to make her back to heaven. She just needs to wait a bit more. She just needed to wait for the right time and the tool that she ordered Hermes to arrive.

"Just a bit more." She said while walking to her bed.

But before she reach the bed, she heard someone's voice

"Yo, Ishtar." Tobi said with his deep voice, he sit on the windows, "We need to talk."