
In Danmachi world with Obito's power.

The remake of my previous fanfic with same title. There's no much change but if i just upload it on the same book, the review Will be different with the story', so i decided to make another book with same title.

KissShot6 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

11 Stress

Tobi open his eye. Now when he look to his surroundings, he saw a familiar place with a lot of cubic-like-thing everywhere. He is now inside the Kamui Dimension.

He lifts his body into a sitting position and checks his body. Now he wears his Akatsuki cloak and his orange mask is back. He checks his gunbai and it's placed beside him. Everything is back to normal.

'So, I'm not me in the end. But I feels like I can accept it now. Did he do something to me again? That f*cker!!'

Tobi's mind is calm now. But even though he 'feel' like he can accept it, deep inside his heart, he still refuses to accept it. There's still anger inside him. There's still a fear inside him. How he can accept the fact that he is not himself? No, he can't. But then again, what can he do? Nothing.

He remain still in his position for a bit more to calm himself. After that, he exits the Kamui Dimension.

To not make it suspicious for others, he appears in Hestia's old church on the same spot. He saw Hestia still sitting on the sofa. It turns out that he just disappeared for a few minutes, so the day is still early and Hestia is still in the church, also Bell is still sleeping.

"So, you are back." Said Hestia.

"Ahahahaha…." Tobi scratching the back of his head, "Well, I just shocked before, but I'm ok now."

Both of them didn't say anything after that. Tobi sat on the sofa and turn his head towards Hestia.

'Guess it will be a problem if she remember what happen. I hope this is works for God and Goddess.'

"Hestia-sama." Tobi call her.

"Hm?" Hestia also look towards Tobi.

Tobi who already activate his Mangekyou Sharingan when he goes back to the church, looks into her eyes, after he feel that she also looks into his eyes, he uses Genjutsu to Hestia.

Hestia, who was affected by his genjutsu froze on the spot.

"Forget everything that is related to my soul." Tobi ordered.

"Yes." Hestia said emotionlessly.

After that, a mass of pain came to Tobi's eyes. Blood started flowing from his eyes.

"Ughh!!" Tobi try to touch his eyes but because he was wearing his  mask, he just covered the eyehole from his mask. He turns around so if Hestia is back to normal, she can't see his face. He takes off his mask and he press his hand to his eyes, hoping the pain will be reduced. After 10 second-ish, the pain disappears. He wiped the blood on his face with his cloak.

'Is this the side effect of using my Sharingan towards God and Goddess?' He put on his mask again.

He turned around to Hestia again but she was still frozen on the spot emotionless. She is still affected by genjutsu. Tobi touch her forehead with his left hand and said,


After that Hestia went back to normal with a confused face, and didn't understand what just happened to her. But before she can say anything, Tobi stand up from the sofa and said,

"Well then, Hestia-sama, I have to go now."

"O-oke." Hestia said, still can't remember what just happen, "Thank you again for helping Bell."

Tobi just nodded and left the church.

After that, without delay, he went to the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, he take out the Gunbai from Kamui Dimension to his right hand and the scythe on his left hand. He walk for few minutes and finally 5 goblins appear. He run to them and with his Gunbai on his right hand, he swing it to one of the goblin on its neck with the edge of the Gunbai and kill it. He lift his Gunbai above his head and swing it down to another goblins head. He use his scythe to slice another goblin's neck and kick the other one that is charging at him. He channeling his chakra to the scythe and swing it vertically, a huge wind blade come out from the scythe and kill the remaining monster, and after few second the goblin disappear dropping the magic stone. He put the Gunbai and the scythe behind his back. Strangely the Gunbai attached to his back even though there's nothing on his back. After that he made a hand sign with his finger crossing each other to make a 'plus' sign.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Another Tobi appears beside him and starts to collect the magic stone. The real Tobi starts walking again and when his shadow clone finishes collecting the magic stone and store it to the Kamui Dimension, he follows 'him'(real Tobi) from behind.

"Let's search for another monster to release my stress." He take his weapon again to his hand.

But after 5 minutes of walking, the monster is still not coming. Can't take it anymore, he started to run. Finally, after few minutes of running, goblin and kobold come out from the dungeon wall. 3 kobold and 4 goblin. Without decreasing his speed, Tobi charging to the monster and jump. His shadow clone didn't join 'him' attacking the monster and just standing few meters behind 'him'.

Tobi kick one of the kobold on its head and use his scythe to cut one of the goblin in front of him. He swings his Gunbai while channeling his chakra, a huge wind come out from it and makes the monster fly backwards, but its not enough to kill them so he use fireball jutsu to finish them. He can kill them with his wind from the gunbai, but the explosion from the fire jutsu is satisfying so he use that instead. After the fight finish, just like before, the shadow clone collecting the magic stone.

"Tsk!" Tobi wasn't satisfied. He need more. He needs more sandbags. A lot of sandbags. His stress can't gone with just this.

Tobi start running, using his weapin to kill the monster that come from the dungeon wall. The monster from 1st-4th floor is not enough for him to release all the stress on his heart. The amount of the monster is keep increasing but he still feel the stress.

He keep progressing to the 5th floor. The walls on the 5th floor is green, and the structure of the dungeon also change. After a few seconds of entering the 5th floor, he was welcomed by a bunch of Killer Ants and War Shadow.

Without delaying, he began to charging towards them. He use his scythe while channeling his chakra into it to cut 3 of the Killer Ants on its head and killed them. He prepare his Gunbai and when he close to the War Shadow he swing the Gunbai to its throat and breaking it. The other War Shadow attacking him from all direction with their claw but their attack just go through Tobi's body. He jump and turns his body while kicking them and slice the monster with his scythe.

Not enough to release his stress, he keep progressing until 11th floor. 

After running for few second, 3 orc appears in front of him and a lot of imp surrounding him.

Didn't want to wasting time, he put the gunbai and the scythe on his back, Tobi make a hand sign and fire start coming from in front of his mask. But instead attacking the monster, the fire burning in front of him and Tobi turning his body while still using the jutsu so his surrounding burnt on fire. He immediately take the gunbai from his back, channeling his chakra to it, and swing it 360degree. A tornado start coming from his surrounding and the fire start illuminating the tornado, making it a fire tornado. The fire tornado approaching the monster and wipe them, burn them, and kill them. Of course the shadow clone is ok, the attack just go through his body.

After that he keep progressing until 13th floor. He meet a lot of monster such as Hard Armored, Silverback, and Infant Dragon.

Hard Armored since have a high defense, took time to kill it, but with channeling a bit of his chakra into his scythe and make the wind blade more powerful or the scythe's blade itself sharper, Tobi can break that defense. 

Silverback is monkey type monster. It's size is large and its arm strength is huge too. But since it can't touch Tobi, the strength become a waste and Tobi kill it with piercing his scythe on it heads while channeling his chakra to his scythe.

After that he met with the Infant Dragon, a  small dragon with a height of around 150 centimeters and more than four meters long. This time he use his fireball jutsu to kill it.

After he satisfied, he decided to exit the dungeon. He already release his stress, also he need to eat. He already in the dungeon for 8 hours, and he already get much magic stone. His shadow clone already gone by now. He check the magic stone inside the Kamui Dimension and all of them is inside it.

Before he exit the 13th floor, he can hear someone's footsteps from the entrance. He can just hear one person's footsteps but the footsteps are heavy. After a moment, finally the source of the footsteps showed up.

A tall and heavily muscular man with rust-colored hair and eyes along with a pair of boar ears standing there. He wears a dark blue sleeveless top with a red pectoral part with a collar like part, gray pants, and brown and gray shoes. Two giant sword can be seen on his back.

"The one and only Level 7 in Orario. 'King', Ottar