
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Taking care of side activities (Restructured)

(This is it, I should have finished all of the minor stuff I wanted to write.

From now on the fun truly starts!

there will be a few thousand words to explain Levels and stuff like that, sorry for the people that already know.

And also, I will leave a question at the end, make sure to take a look and give me your opinion

I will try to be faithful to the original work but I also have my own monsters and creatures ideas to add.

The Novel focus will most likely change from the world in general to the Dungeon and the Mc application of his powers.

All of this may change as ideas pop up in my head.


This chapter is smaller than normal containing 2400 words if we cut out my commentaries)


If you see any grammar errors or Typos, make sure to warn me!

Thank you, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


'After having a hearty meal with Hestia in a rather expensive restaurant. Silver carried the drunk Hestia back home and went to sleep.'

Tomorrow will be a busy day…

'With these thoughts at the back of his head, Mellios soon went to the dream land'

/Buzz Buzz/

"Arg… What is this weight?"

'Opening his eyes to a new day, his first day as a Level 1, Silver was faced with a rather odd sight.'

How did Hestia get here?

'That's right, Hestia had somehow moved from the bed on the other side of the room all the way to the comfortable couch he was currently resting on'

"Urg… She is drooling on me… Sigh. Such a carefree Goddess."


'Mellios' hands turned green as he used telekinesis to make Hestia levitate.'

"The Church has tap water but it doesn't have a shower… I will fill a bathtub and take a shower."

"According to the Guild's rules I first need to report my Family before becoming an official adventurer."

There is no need to report my stats and skills, only my Level and Family.

"After that… I think I will go to that blacksmith and see if he is open."

Today is January 2nd, although I believe some stores are already reopening, I can't say for sure if he will open the shop.

If he isn't it's fine, not like I need those to challenge the upper floors anyway.

A basic iron knife is more than enough to survive there.

"But before going into the Dungeon I should contact one of those Construction Familias."

"We need some new furniture and a complete rework of the plumbing system…"

"Hum… Silver-Kun…"

'Hestia started to move on the couch, but she was certainly not waking up anytime soon.'

"... I will be back soon."

Following that, I picked a piece of paper from the messy items on the ground and wrote a letter, nothing too great, just a note on where I was going.

Knowing Hestia, she might get worried and cause trouble somewhere.

Following that, I picked some important items such as my money and potions and stashed them back in my inventory.

"Yesterday I didn't have time to clean this mess, I will leave it to Hestia…"

'After making sure he had everything, Silver climbed the stairs and made his way to the Northeast, the location of the Guild'

"It's very convenient for the Church to be only half an hour away from the Guild. The only problem was the ruins, having to go through a few broken roads is quite the pain."

'Silver opened the doors leading to the inside of the Guild, the place was quite bare having very few adventurers.'

"Looks like everyone is still enjoying the new year. Good for me, I don't need to wait."

I made my way to the counter where a tall Elf was currently on standby.

He seemed quite serious. I don't recognize him, he probably didn't appear in the series.

"Good morning, it's quite early. I am surprised there is someone up after the festivities yesterday."

Oh yeah, Ganesha made a "small" party to commemorate the new year, but me and Hestia ended up not going.

"Haha… I am just more resistant to alcohol, that's all."

"I am rather envious, one cup and I am down for good… As you can see, most Guild employees aren't here, they are probably home right now suffering from hangovers."

"Then why aren't you resting at home?"

"I can ask you the same ha!... Well, someone has to work otherwise we will soon have piles upon piles of paperwork. And I don't like that, so I chose to come and finish everything…"

He got close to me and said:

"I am even gaining a bonus."


"Stop stop! Before you attract attention… In any case, what can I help you with?"

"It's like this, I recently became an adventurer, so I came here to report and all of that."

"AH! That's a pretty simple thing to do… Where is that book… While I look for something, can you please fill this paper?"

He gave me a paper containing multiple blank areas for me to fill

"Name, age, parents, Head of the Familia, name of the Familia,..."

It isn't asking for my Level… What a dumb thing to think. Of course it's not asking for my level. I am here to register so I am obviously a Level 1.

Although they must have different protocols if it's someone coming from outside of Orario.

(Like any Familia that enters Orario with members already Leveled up. At least that is what I imagined things would go.)

/5 minutes later.../


'The elf dropped a large book on top of the counter, after that, he proceeded to pick up the paper'

"Let me see… Mellios Silver, son of Marcus Esca and Rubia Esca?"

"That right."

"Name of the Familia… Hestia Familia? I don't recognize the name…"

"It's a new Familia… I am in fact the first member of the Familia."

"So that's the case! So we have a new adventurer file AND a new Familia file! Ha! I love doing these…"

'He went to the back of the room and picked a large green book, he opened it and retrieved a beautiful crystal-like piece of paper'

'It looked like a thin piece of crystal'

"The process is simple, everything you need to do is to drip a small drop of blood of the paper."

"Just that?"

"Yup, we have a small nail to help in case…"



'Silver bit his thumb and let a small drop of blood fall into the paper'

He actually bit his thumb?! Doesn't it hurt?!

'When the blood made contact with the paper, it created a wave of magical light.

Slowly, multiple lines of hieroglyphs start to form in the paper, they twisted and fused together and after a few moments it turned into the image of a large fire burning inside a chalice/brasier'

"Ho… It's quite the cool symbol…"

"So you are Mellios and you are the first member of the Hestia Familia… Now it's up to me and some bureaucratic papers."

"There are only a few things left." He said

"Just tell me what to do."

"First, I would like you to call your Goddess as soon as possible. There are some papers she needs to sign…"

"Second, we need to assign a Dungeon advisor to you. Although your papers say you have some experience fighting monsters, right?"

"Yes, I trained and hunted many monsters with my family, my grandparents were adventurers you see."

"This makes things easier. You can either choose to just sign a few papers and be done with it, or you can come back tomorrow when everyone comes back and we can find someone to be your advisor."

"Knowing my Goddess, she will probably force me to get an advisor so I will not even refuse. Replied Silver"

"Don't worry, it normally takes around a month or two for someone to graduate from their advisor, although there are some cases where one will remain for much longer. It's up to you and your advisor to settle these things though."

"I see."

"And finally the third thing… It will be 30 K Vallis, please."



"Come on, don't look at me like that! Do you know just how hard it is to make this paper! It takes a severe amount of time and resources!"

"If you have any problem with paying, don't worry. We can offer you up to 3 months to pay, quite a reasonable amount of time no?"

Fucking hell...

'Silver reluctantly picked 3, 10K Valli coins, and handed them to the Elf'

'The Elf picked another paper and stamped something in it'

"Thank you! Here is your receipt! Within one month, we should have your Familia Seal ready! I hope you have a nice day and happy new year!"

"Before I go, I would like to ask a question."

"Just say it, I am here to help after all."

"Do you know of any Construction Familia around here? I need to have some things fixed and changed… It's better if they are fast."

"Hum… Close to here should be the Vishvakarman Familia. The only problem is that they are quite expensive, but they will do the job quickly and efficiently as you asked."

"If he isn't who you are looking for then you can go to that wooden board, a lot of Gods will advertise themselves in the Guild, so you may find who you are looking for if you take a look there."

"Is that all? If so, I once again wish you a happy new year!"

"You too Sir…"

"My name is Loiju!"

"Happy new year Loiju, see you around."

He was quite the nice fella that Elf… It's good to know that not all Elves are assholes.

"I will go take a look at the Smithy to see if my equipment is ready."


Sigh, it seems I was too hasty… Arg! I wasted half an hour of walking…

"Hey you! The boy with the white scarf."

I turned around to see a middle aged man with a bandana covering his head.

"You… The boy from a week ago! What a coincidence! I was just going to open the shop."

"Old man you woke up early huh…"

"Tsk! Don't even talk about that! My wife doesn't allow me to sleep for too long. Telling me to stop being a lazy ass and all of that."

"But let's leave these boring talks for another time, come inside, I have your stuff ready!"

"Then, excuse me."

"Oto… Here it is!"

'The middle-aged man came walking with a large sword and box in his hands'

He is stronger than he looks… Those must weigh more than 150 Kg together.

(Plus the box where the armor is stashed)

"The sword was fairly simple to fix, I recast the metal and added a few more materials, the core was rather intact so it was just that."

"The armor on the order hand…"

"I am not going to lie, it was a pain in the ass. It wasn't hard to fix, it's just the amount of small parts that it has…"

"Fixing each one and putting everything together took a very long and boring time."

"Thanks old man."

"No worries, just make sure to visit me again HAHA."

'His laugh was very loud, so loud that some of the birds resting on the roof of the house got scared and flew away.'

"Do you need help putting them on?"

"Yeah, if it isn't that much."

'The blacksmith proceeded to help Silver put on the armor. But it's not like he needed it, it's just that it would be strange if he left the shop carrying the armor on a bag.'

"Now that I look at it from this perspective, that set of yours looks pretty cool… It's just a shame that armor is just… Too ineffective."

"The way it was made gave me a lot of inspiration but its weight is simply too high!"

"Although Level 1 and 2 material were used in its confection, the weight of this armor is equivalent to some of the heavy armors I make for Level 3 adventurers, while its defense is at most enough to hold on against some high strength, Level 2 monsters…"

Although that made me a little curious about what damaged this armor…

By the shape of and type of damage I would say he received a heavy impact on his back… A very strong one.

"So overall, I recommend you to find a new piece of armor. I can make you one but it might take a few weeks. I am quite full of commissions now… That's why I came to open the shop so early."

"... Thank you for this… I am sorry for leaving early but I have quite a lot of things to do."

"Go on kid, if you need anything, my shop has all kinds of tools and items for you."

'Silver left the shop with a little bit of awkwardness because the size of his armor was a little bit too big for the door'

"Hum… I might have to change that door soon… This is the seventh time ever since I set up this shop a year ago, that I had a client get stuck in the door frame."

"And that boy… Red armor… White Scarf… Didn't I hear something like this a few days ago?"


"Nah. People talk about all sorts of things in those bars, It was probably nothing."

'He picked a paper and frowned'

"Tsk! That woman! She even wants me to cook now?!"

'After picking his gear Mellios made his way to the Vishvakarman Familia store and requested for the construction of a workshop and an update in the old plumbing of the Church.'

'He also bought a few pieces of furniture, but he left some out since he knew Hestia would want to buy some herself'

'The total cost ended up being lower than he expected, 100 K Vallis for the workshop and plumbing.

The real cost came from the extra tools that would come with the workshop and the furniture… Around 230 K vallis for everything.'

'After that, he wrote another letter as a way to prove these guys were the ones he contracted, else, Hestia might barge them from entering their house'

(I don't think this value is that high since just like weapons and armors can be made from monsters parts, why not furniture?

I can only imagine how expensive the carpet in Freya's house is.

And that fucking bed too… It must be a fucking tank to resist through all the fuckery she does every day with all sorts of strong adventurers.)

"Urg… Why is furniture so damn expensive?!"

I hope it fucking lasts!

… I need to find better places to buy these things…

"My money decreases every day instead of increasing… But not for long."

Now I can sell my Magical stones with no problem!

'With everything out of the way and a clear goal, Silver made his way to the Dungeon.

It was time to grind some Stat points.'






(Give me your ideas for who he should have as an advisor

We can also completely jump this development. It's your call.

I am in the middle kinda like 50-50)