
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chárter 6


It was a now or never moment, and Alex didn't plan to be the loser.


Change of scene

5 minutes earlier

Pov smith

As we made our way to floor 4, I was talking to my comrade in arms, Visent, we've known each other for almost our entire lives, time goes by fast, I guess 22 years in the darkness of Orario made us lose our youth.

As we approached the stairs, Visent suddenly started running at full speed.

I am a dwarf, and as such, I am a specialist in strength and endurance, but at the cost of speed, and this full body armor doesn't help, so I ran as fast as I could to try to find Visent, whom I could no longer see, but knowing where he was going, I set off.

After a few seconds of running down the stairs, I came across a *spectacular* scene, a Visent with an open wound on the side of his right arm, who must have had one of the two sabers his father *gifted him*, at that moment I knew, that whatever we were fighting, it was stronger than we thought....


Pov Visent

After feeling an intense bloodlust coming from the bottom of these stairs, I ran at full speed leaving a bewildered Smith, I knew there was no time to waste, after all, this bloodlust I've felt before, something stronger than me is waiting at the bottom of these stairs, so you may be wondering, why not wait for some high level adventurer to arrive? Of course that would be the first thing I would do, there would be no reason to risk it, but that bloodlust isn't directed at me, no, it's directed at someone else, how do I know, a thing or two you learn in the dark quarters of Orario.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw the cause of all that bloodlust, who was apparently pinning a novice against the wall.

These thoughts hovered in my head, but my body moved on its own as soon as I saw this scene, and without hesitation I threw one of my prized sabers, an inheritance left to me by my father before he died from an *accident* that occurred in the dungeon.


The *thing*, as if sensing my saber headed for its head, dodged to the right, revealing the scene I feared would occur.

I could see an aven.... No, the lifeless body of an adventurer, without a drop of blood, just skin and bones....

I shook my head mentally, I had to concentrate on the *monster* in front of me.

When I looked at the *monster*, my surprise was capital, he looked like a boy of no more than 13 years old, long black hair as black as night, eyes as red as blood, though skinny to the level of almost seeing his bones, you could still see he had a face compared to some gods.

The monster... No, the *boy* seemed to be analyzing me as well, a clear difference from normal monsters, which only pounced on you as soon as they sensed you.

For a second I thought about trying to talk to him, but stopped when I saw out of the corner of my eye the dead adventurer, yes.... Peace was never an option.



For a few seconds that seemed eternal, we stared at each other without saying a word, just waiting for a signal to start this battle.

When there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, which I guessed was Smith coming this way, the *boy* lunged at me at a speed I could barely respond to, but when he raised the only saber he had to parry the blow, suddenly claw-like gauntlets appeared on his arms, so I could only block one of his attacks and deflect the other, but he still managed to severely wound me in the right arm.

But just as he was about to pounce on me again, Smith swung his hammer with the intention of smashing the *boy* to a pulp, but only succeeded in creating web-like cracks in the ground, as the *boy* jumped backwards, backing up a few feet.


Smith: "Wow, you seem to have good reflexes."

Smith commented mockingly, ovbiamente trying to provoke the *boy*, since Smith has always been the tank of the group, that's why he wears that heavy armor all the time.

The *boy* as if he understands he's being teased, he just growls and shows his teeth showing inhuman long fangs, it seems he's easy to provoke I thought.





15 minutes later

Pov nobody

At the entrance to the 4th floor 3 figures were visible.

A dwarf with one knee on the ground, breathing shakily from exhaustion or wounds on various parts of his body, wearing obsolete cazi full body armor, and a hammer half his size stuck in the ground, probably from exhaustion.

Next to him, in a similar situation, was an adventurer entering old age, with wounds all over his body brimming with blood, with a barely usable breastplate and in his Left hand a worn tooth-shaped saber that still had blood on it.

And the last figure standing a few feet away from the other two, unlike these two, seemed to have not a single wound on his body, but this one had no armor of any kind, in fact, he didn't even have any kind of cloth from the hip up, just a pair of red patterned claw-like gloves, which still had chunks of flesh showing.

Of course these figures were Smith, Visent and Alex a few minutes into the fight, and as things stand it looks like the winner is already decided.

Smith: "ah... Ah...T...you and your damn regeneration!!!"

shouted between gasps an exhausted Smith, of course he was exhausted, after all they had hit Alex so many times that by now he should be just minced and squashed meat, but every time they managed to land a blow, in a second he disappeared like nothing, not even blood was left, it was as if he went back in time to before the wound.

Visent also wanted to complain, but the wounds he had didn't allow him to, he had lost a lot of blood and was still losing with every passing second, he only stayed conscious because if he gave up and died, Smith would die with him, he could never forgive him if something like that happened because of him.

Alex seeing his *prey* in that state decided to completely abandon his defense and charge with everything against Visent, who at this point couldn't even move, and so he did, he jumped with the intention of slitting his throat....


Sorry for the delay, in a few hours the other chapter will be published 👍.

Hephaestus' family and Freya's family have the same votes, those two are in the lead, with Hestia's family one vote behind both.

Alexander_sama15creators' thoughts