
Chapter 2

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Standing on the balcony walkway that led to Maggie’s place felt dangerously exposed to Mike. Maggie unlocked the door and they both went in.

Maggie immediately pulled off the black and tan hijab she had been wearing and dropped it on a small table near the door.

“Are we safe?” Mike asked.

“Should be. I’ve been staying here for nearly two months. No problems.” Maggie went to a drawer in the strip of counter that passed for a kitchen and took out a box of shells. She popped her magazine out and started refilling it. “If it fits yours, you can load up, too.”

He did.

Once, she was done, Maggie laid her gun in easy reach on the counter. “Want a beer?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

Maggie gave him a half grin and handed him a bottle from the refrigerator. She leaned back against the counter and reached for a bottle opener laying there. She opened her own bottle, handed the church key to Mike, and took a gulp from her beer.

“Well, that was a clusterfuck,” Mike muttered, taking a swig from his beer. “Any idea why?” He studied Maggie. She was above average height, raven dark hair, and dark eyes. Her skin tone was dusky enough for her to pass as a native Syrian on a quick glance. Her body was all taut muscle giving in to femininity with wide hips. She was not overly well endowed up top but it fit with her shape. Yeah, okay, he shouldn’t be checking out the DHS agent they assigned him to back up but, blame it on the adrenaline or something.

“I suspect Gafna decided he could sell the information about McCoy twice.” She chugged a couple more swallows from the bottle and set it on the counter. She grabbed the bottom edge of her shirt, pulled it up over her head and off, dropping it on the floor. “Ask me an hour from now. Right now I want you to fuck me.”

Hell, that was one way to burn off the left over adrenaline raging through him. It also meant she hadn’t missed noticing his visual assessment. Mike pulled off his own shirt and stepped close, pinning her lightly against the edge of the counter. He dipped his head and kissed her. Maggie looped her arms around his neck, pulled their bodies flush. They were both slightly sweaty. A crazy mad dash through a Middle Eastern evening accompanied by bullets could do that. God, her mouth was soft and lush against his. Her lips parted and he took advantage, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Her hands slid down his back and then slipped between them, undoing his belt.

“Are we doing this right here?” he asked, with a chuckle.

“Nuh-uh, I’m just doing prep.” She spun him to face the bed that was in the far corner of the room, neatly pulling his belt completely free as she did so. She cracked him lightly across the ass with it.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be.” He twirled back around and heaved her over his shoulder, carrying her in the direction of the bed, dumping her on the mattress.

She grinned up at him, and crooked a finger.

Mike lay down on top of her. He slid his hand underneath her and unhooked her bra, took it off, and tossed it somewhere toward the bottom of the bed.

She wiggled seductively under him, grinding her pelvis up against his. Maggie nipped at his lower lip, the underside of his jaw and his neck. “There’s too many clothes still on.”


It took a little scrambling and twisting for both them to finish disrobing. Maggie hung one arm down over the edge of the bed and opened a wooden box. The glimpse Mike got was of an assortment of vibrators and a box of condoms. She fished out a condom and handed it to him.

“Am I better than something battery powered?” he teased.

“Fuck yes.” She curled her fingers around his already hard prick and stroked him a couple of times. “On your back, Navy boy.”

“Oh really? Are you running this show?” He was both amused and aroused even more by her take-charge attitude.


Mike stretched out on his back, smiling up at her. Maggie straddled him, then plucked the condom packet from his fingers. She tore it open and rolled the condom down over his cock. Scooting forward a little to line up better, she rose up on her knees and lowered herself, burying his cock in the depths of her body. He moaned at the sensation and placed a hand low on her hip, then stuck his thumb in her slick folds, rubbing her clit.