
In D&D World with Anime System

An orphan boy who lived a hard life in our Earth but one day, his life changed.

Maro14 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

I Want To Live Like You

Year 2022~

An orphan boy was weeding a lawn with his bare hands in front of a beautiful house. His condition was really poor. He was sickly and frail. His body was also showing signs of beating which was courtesy of his ' relatives ' . But it was nothing new and he was used to it right now. Not that he didn't raise his voice, he did. But the conclusion of that was terrifying, he ended up in storage seller with many bruises and injuries. It was either his luck or should say bad luck that he didn't die.

After that he never rebel against his ' family '.

He did whatever they said, he even dropped from school.

He started working in a shop as worker but it wasn't for himself. He was ' paying ' his ' family ' to stay at their house. The shop owner was a kind person, who often helped him by giving him food. During his mid teens, he learnt the boy life was more miserable than he thought. He decided to give the boy something which any teenage boy desire. In his break time, he allowed the boy to use his office to have his lunch. He also introduced the boy to light novels, manga and anime. All of them became his solicitor in his hellish life. He admired many characters and wanted to be like them.

One day when he was going ' home ', he heard a lot of noise. When he arrived at source, he saw a house on fire. It was a terrifying scene and he was about to go. But he stopped because he saw a terrified face of a little girl behind a window glass, whom face was stained with tears. Suddenly his body moved and he went in. He went straight to upper room without caring about his wellbeing. He reached the door with slight burns and opened it by slamming the broken leg of a burning chair which was destroyed in the process. He went in, he carried the girl. He ran back but fell with the stairs but he covered the girl.

He was injured, bruised and burnt but he carried the girl who was already unconscious. He was staggering and the roof near the door was about to give in, when he saw the crying face of the girl's parents. He threw the girl towards her father, who caught her successfully. But when parents were happy to have their daughter safe and sound in their arms.


The roof gave in and fell on the boy. Parents were shocked, they called for help. But it was already late. The boy was burried under debris and his eyes were about to close. The reason, he did all this was that he saw himself in the girl's place. He didn't want the girl to live a life like him. Which was literally hell. In his final moments, all his favourite novels, mangas and animes favourite characters flashed before his eyes and he had a single thought.