
In D&D World with Anime System

An orphan boy who lived a hard life in our Earth but one day, his life changed.

Maro14 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

First Test

After the light, I was in the same place as before but tree behind me was destroyed. Suddenly, a similar light appeared. From it came out a knight armour?

Usman " Living armour!"

The armour flexed his arms and started moving towards me. I remember this guy from the game, he was a defence specialist. So.

Usman " Trace on!"

I thought about archer's bow and arrows when i spoken the traditional words. Soon, a black long bow and a arrow appeared in my hands. I quickly knot the arrow and shot at incoming knight.


It flew away and struck a tree.

Usman " Man! It's still moving!"

Then, I projected three arrows and shot at it.


After the smoke dissipated, it was still there. But it wasn't able to move. So, I shot another arrow and destroyed it.

Usman " That was easy?"

Luminous " Obviously, he was testing your power now and congratulations on your success."

Usman" Do I got exp? Can I level up?"

Luminous" No, tests won't give you exp. But you can level up through quests."

Usman" Entity really hates me. What about quests?"

Luminous" Quests will be given to you by my creator through me."

Usman" That's good. By the way, what's my class and if I am not wrong. My mp is filling automatically."

Luminous" For now, consider yourself a magic warrior because your weapons can do magic damage and yes, your mp is filling automatically."

Usman" Great!"

Then, I changed my clothes into archer's and I wasn't feeling the cold. Then, I checked them and.

Usman " Man! They are really resistant."

Luminous " But they still have a limit. Now, let's check your rewards."

Usman" At least entity give these."

Luminous" Correction, they're from my Creater."

My image of this entity was keep lowering.

Luminous " Congratulations! You got 7 Gold Pieces/GP, 3 Citrine, 1 Calcedony gems worth 50 gp and 1st level spell scroll charm person."

Usman" I am loaded. Can I use the scroll myself?"

Luminous" Yes, you can use your items without restriction."

Usman" Great. Now I should move but where?"

Luminous " I prefer, you move south because behind you is a forbidden zone."

Usman" Huh?"

I checked it.

Rigid Mountains of White Dragons.

Usman " Okay, south is better."

During walking south, I projected a minibar like goblin Slayer on my left side of waist.

Usman ' Do you know anything about this area?"

But there was no response.

Usman ' I see, I move forward on my own."


Usman" Huh?!"


Quest: Protect the coach from kobolds!

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Death of passengers in the coach.

I ran towards the sound and with my Hawkeyes, I soon saw the coach surrounded by 17 kobolds. Running towards them, I shot 9 with my three strikes. When I was about to get in their visual range, I projected the swords first time.

Usman " These enhance the user?! Awesome!"

I moved forward and decapitated two kobolds coming towards me. Then I blocked a strike from my right with my swords but it was weak. So, I disbalnced it first. Then, I slashed it to death. Then I jumped backwards and dodge the slash. I lunged forward and decapitated the kobold. By this time, other three were taken down by remaining 5 guards of 17!

Usman ' What the?!'

I checked them.

Guards Cr 1/4

So, they were weak from the beginning. I adjusted my swords behind me when a guard was coming towards me and another was going towards the coach. Remaining ones were robing the dead kobolds?

Usman ' So, it's legal.'

Guard" Gratitude young warrior! You were on time. By the way, where's your archer?"

Usman" It was me?"

Guard started looking at me curiously.

Guard " Your bow?"

Usman ' Oh I see.'

Usman " I dropped it coming here."

Guard " Then, you should hurry to retrieve it."


Usman" No, it's okay. It was already worn out and I was going to get a new one soon."

Guard" If you say so. Well where are my manners, I am Ian."

Usman" I am Usman, a mercenary."

Usman ' There weren't any adventurers in DnD?'

Guard " Strange name, you are from south, right?Can I inquired why you are here?"

Usman ' Southern have dark skin?'

Usman " I was here for retrieving this from a theif."

Ian" That's a CITERINE! It's worth 50 gp!"

Usman " I know, I was just going back."

Ian" Can you escort our carriage to the village? We will pay you."

Usman" I can if you can guide me to a good in."

Ian" Deal. Please wait here, I will be right back."

I nodded and Ian went to carriage.

Usman ' Check.'

A custom carriage belongs to Baronet Illma Ubik.

Usman ' A noble. Luminous, rewards?'

Luminous ' Here, you get 17 silver pieces.'

Usman ' That solved my change problem.'

Then, Ian after probably talking to the noble.

Ian" We are ready."

Usman " Then, let's go."

And we left to the village.