
in cultivation online

Just a young man who died and was transferred to the body of Yuan, who died on the day the Cultivation Online was released. ... For more chapters and to donate, please visit me at: ko-fi.com/akasaki_ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: A handsome young man in the dark

In an unknown dark place.

There was a handsome young man with bare black hair and he was sitting in a fetal position.

It seemed that the handsome young man gave up everything and decided to stay in this darkness forever.

"Wake up." A voice full of power and majesty rang out in this dark place.

But it seems that the young man did not hear the sound and remained motionless.

"How long are you going to sit here?" - the voice came out again. It contained some anger at the handsome youth's lack of response.

"..." - The handsome young man stayed put and didn't move or respond.

"You should know what it means to stay here now, because you are not as naive as before" - the voice came out again but now contained a mockery of the handsome young man.

"..." - Although there was no response from the handsome youth, his eyelashes flickered for a moment before returning as if nothing had happened.

"Would you like to lose to him and make him do whatever he wants while getting the ones you love?" - said the voice with annoyance and disdain, for the handsome young man chose to flee rather than fight.

"Then stay here and watch everything without being able to change a thing" - said the voice, and it seemed that he gave up trying to persuade the handsome young man.

"..." - at this time the young man opened his brown eyes and there was a raging anger and a trace of helplessness.

"What do you want me to do!!" - exclaimed the handsome young man desperately to the owner of the voice - "I'm just a dead person who can't do anything."

"Also, he's doing better than me at taking care of Yu Rou, and I'm sure he'll take care of everyone better than me," - continued the handsome youth with obvious helplessness.

True, this handsome youth was none other than Yuan, who had died before the current Yuan's soul had been transmitted.

"So are you going to give in just for this?" - the voice came out again and the sneer and scorn were even clearer.

"Then do you want me to kill him?" Yuan asked angrily in the direction of the voice.

"Kill him? Ha-ha-ha, that's impossible. Don't forget why you're still here." - said the voice with sarcasm and amusement.

"Then why are you constantly bothering me!!" - Yuan exclaimed with bloodshot eyes at the owner of the voice.

"Although you can't kill him, you can devour him," the voice said earnestly, and the previous disdain and sneer disappeared.

"Eat it up…" Yuan muttered puzzled upon hearing the voice.

Yuan knew that he was not a normal person and had previous lives, because since he arrived in this place, he could see the memories of his previous life and hear the voices of himself from his previous lives as now.

"Right, because that's what he" will do when "they" communicate with him - the voice said seriously, because "they" were no joke and were on an equal footing with them.

"Who do you mean by 'them'?" Yuan asked with apparent bewilderment at the mention of "they," for he felt his soul tremble with excitement and anticipation at the mention of "them."

"You will know when the time is right," said the voice, refusing to answer Yuan's question.

"So are you going to sit around waiting to be devoured by He, or will you accept us and fight to devour He" - the voice asked earnestly, as everything depended on Yuan's decision.

"Do I really have to devour" is "Is there no way for us to live in harmony" - Yuan asked with some hesitation, anticipating the sneer of the voice.

"It depends on you because "he" is a carnivore and I don't think he will want to get along with you, but if you are stronger than him and master all our strength before he masters "he" they might be able to live in harmony "- the voice said seriously He didn't mock Yuan like he had expected before.

"Then I will do this." Yuan said resolutely and was willing to do anything to live in peace with He.

"I hope you can maintain this mentality when you've finished remembering everything," - said the voice with some emotion and faded away.

Upon feeling that the owner of the voice faded away, Yuan closed his eyes and returned to the fetal position, and began to receive his memories seriously and not ignore them as before.


Yu family mansion, Yu Rou room.

Yu Rou was lying on her bed and she was wearing a sci-fi looking helmet on her head.

"You ask how is the online cultivation world?" Yu Rou muttered anticipatingly as she was excited to see such a beautiful world that her older brother had so excitedly described. "I can't wait to play with Big Brother."

Without hesitation, Yu Rou pressed the power button and felt her consciousness being pulled to another place.

When Yu Rou opened her eyes, she was in a space similar to that of Yuan's assessment, and an old man was waiting for her.

"Hi…" Yu Rou said, trying to start a conversation.

"What's your name?" - asked the old man and ignored Yu Rou's greeting.

"Yu Rou" - she said with some annoyance at being ignored but decided not to think about it because this is a pre-programmed character.

"Put your hand on this one," said the old man with a deep look as he shoved a crystal ball at Yu Rou.

Yu Rou did not say anything and followed the old man's command, placing her hand on the crystal ball, Yu Rou could see her condition.


Name: Yu Ro

Agriculture: none

Heritage: none

Breed: None

Physique: Pure Yin Physique

Physical strength: 62

Mental strength: 80

Spirit power: 54

Physical defense: 40

Mental defense: 90


"..." - The old man looked at Yu Rou's condition, and a light of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Just another person with above-average talent." The old man sighed inwardly. "Why don't I have the same luck as that cold lady who found someone with a Legendary Dual Physique."

The old man couldn't help but complain inwardly about that cold woman's luck.

"Is everything alright senior?" Yu Rou asked upon seeing the old man's gloomy expression.

"Nothing, protect… Although you don't have amazing talent, you can live comfortably with a pure yin physique, good luck, young miss." The old man said those words and disappeared from Yu Rou's eyes.

After the old man left, Yu Rou was taken to get an introduction to the cultivation world.

After getting an introduction to the cultivation world, Yu Rou was transported to Vibrant City.

"I wonder where I am." Yu Rou muttered softly after appearing on a crowded street.

"Excuse me, can you tell me the name of this city and where it is located?" - Yu Rou decided to ask a random person where it is.

"This is the Spring City of the Eastern Continent," the person answered Yu Rou's question and continued on his way.