
in cultivation online

Just a young man who died and was transferred to the body of Yuan, who died on the day the Cultivation Online was released. ... For more chapters and to donate, please visit me at: ko-fi.com/akasaki_ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 18: The end of the Du brothers

After the auction ended, Yuan was led to the room where he had met Elder Zhang earlier.

Yuan Yuan walked in, with Xiao Hua behind him, to see Elder Zhang waiting with a bright smile on her old face.

"Welcome, Young Master and Young Lady, I have brought you the goods I bought and the money from selling the Bloodsword." Elder Zhang said, pointing to a tray on the table containing the gold leaf, the purple crystal, and a storage ring.

Yuan and Xiao Hua sat on the sofa across from Elder Zhang.

"As we agreed earlier, the profit of the auction house will be 1% of 120,000,000 gold coins, which means that the auction house will get 1,200,000 gold coins," Elder Zhang said, looking at Yuan whose expression had not changed since the beginning. 100,000 gold coins are deducted from the price of the gold leaf, and the purple crystal will be a gift from the auction house, making the net amount 119,700,000 million gold coins."

"Okay." Yuan said lightly and picked up the items from the tray and wanted to move the gold into his spatial ring, but stopped at the sound of Elder Zhang's voice.

"Young master doesn't need you to return the ring, it is a gift from the auction house with this badge." - Elder Zhang said upon seeing that Yuan wanted to return the ring, then she took out a jade badge with the name of the auction house engraved on it.

Yuan nodded and placed everything with his spatial seal, then several system notifications appeared.

<Received, 119,700,000 gold coins>

< Wealth leaderboards have opened >

< Congratulations! , You have reached the first place of the "wealth leaderboard", becoming the richest player in farming online>

< Congratulations! You have obtained the unique title of Rich Young Master

< + 100 fame >

Yuan felt a bit of a headache seeing all these notices, causing him to wave his hand to remove them, causing Elder Zhang and Xiao Hua to marvel.

"Well, thank you for helping us and guiding us." Yuan said as he got up with Xiao Hua. "But it is time for us to leave, so I beg your pardon."

After saying this, Yuan and Xiao Hua left the auction house.


"Looks like we have Xiao Hua company." Yuan said lightly after they walked out of the auction house and walked around for a while.

Yuan felt the killing intent and hatred directed towards him by 3 people while the hatred was only from 2 people.

"What does Brother Yuan want to do with them?" Xiao Hua asked, ready to kill their pursuers the moment they tried something funny.

"Sure, I will kill them, but we have to go to an empty place where no one goes." Yuan replied as he walked towards a forest outside the city with Xiao Hua by his side.

"Well, I guess this is a good place." Yuan mumbled after he went deeper into the forest for a while and spoke in a cold voice. "So graduate now, you must be impatient with following me for a while."

"As expected of a person from the Ten Thousand Stars Clan." Du Hai's sneering voice was followed by his figure that came out from among the trees as he looked at Yuan sarcastically.

Du Hai stood next to his twin brother Du Bei, and behind them was a middle-aged man with a muscular physique.

"You may be someone from the Ten Thousand Stars Clan, but we won't forgive you for insulting us today," Du Bai said as he looked at Yuan with killing intent.

"Hoo, do you want to kill me?" Yuan asked with a raised eyebrow and a simple smile on his handsome face.

{Be careful, Brother Yuan, that old man is a spirit master} - Xiao Hua's voice sounded in Yuan's head as she warned him about the old man who looked peaceful on the outside.

{Don't worry, he will be a good training dummy} Yuan answered lightly, as if the Soul Master was just an ant he could run over at any time.

{Okay, Xiao Hua will stop this old man from moving until Brother Yuan is done} - said Xiao Hua as she used her aura to block the old man.

The old man froze, unable to move or speak due to Xiao Hua's domineering aura, but unfortunately, the Du brothers did not notice this, as they were all focused on Yuan.

"Now I will teach you the right technique when you are in front of me," said Yuan and disappeared from his place.

Yuan's speed was very fast, and even though they were only Level 5 Spirit Warriors, the Du brothers couldn't follow him with their eyes.

Yuan appeared behind the Du brothers with a golden Qi-coated coin in his hand.

"Arrrgh" - the Du brothers exclaimed at the intense pain on their backs.

Yuan threw the coin on Du Hai's back and another one, and threw it on Du Bai's back, causing them great pain.

Despite the intense pain, there were no noticeable injuries and it was just skin injuries.

Yuan made sure to fine tune the Qi he had put into the coin to torture the Du brothers.

Yuan did not stop and fired gold coins at the Du brothers like machine guns non-stop, and there was no sound in the forest besides the sounds of pain of the Du brothers, the sounds of gold coins hitting the ground and into each other, and also the sound of them crashing into the bodies of the Du brothers.


"T-stop...a-please" - Du Hai said in a pleading voice, his body covered in bruises and blood.

Next to him was his brother Du Bai in a similar condition, and next to them was a mountain of gold coins.

"Okay" - Yuan replied and stopped shooting the gold coins at the Du brothers, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief. But Yuan didn't end here - "If you want me to stop, one of you must kill the other and I will let him get his freedom or I will kill you both."

"…" The Du brothers' faces turned even paler than before upon hearing Yuan's cold words and seeing his devilish smile.

"M-impossible... a-that... we do... sh-something... k-such" - Du Bai said incoherently as he looked at Yuan with a dark face - "a-I warn you... a- -If... s-kill us... s-will... t-kill you... p-family... d-du... a-you... and... k-all m- Who do you care about?

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, I wonder how the Du family would know that it was me." Yuan said as he looked at Du Bai and Du Hai who gained some confidence with a sneer and killing intent. "Answer me why your face has become paler."

The Du brothers' faces that had previously regained their radiance were darkened by Yuan's words.

"This is the last chance. If one of you kills the other, I will let him go free," Yuan said as he threw a simple dagger at the Du brothers.

"We will fight you to the death!!" - Du Bai exclaimed, gritted his teeth, and endured the pain resulting from his broken bones and ribs and the bruises all over his body.

Du Bai put all his strength into his feet as he prepared to lunge at Yuan Yuan, but unfortunately, he was unable to do so due to the immense pain coming from his heart.

"…" - Du Bai slowly looked at the place of pain and saw a dagger sticking out from where his heart should be.

"Why…cough!…cough!" - These were Du Bai's last words before he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"A-sorry, a-sorry, a-sorry, l-but I must not-live." Du Hai's voice came out from behind Du Bai and in his hand was the dagger that pierced Du Bai's heart moments ago.

applause ! .

applause ! .

applause ! .

"Wonderful, you didn't hesitate to kill your twin brother to save your life," Yuan said sarcastically while applauding Du Hai.

"As I promised, I will now set you free," Yuan said, disappearing from his place.

"W-why…" Du Hai muttered in disbelief upon seeing a bloody hand stick out from his chest.

"I have fulfilled my promise to make you free, so you will not be bound by life and will become truly free." Yuan said as he pulled his bloody hand from Du Hai's chest.


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