
in cultivation online

Just a young man who died and was transferred to the body of Yuan, who died on the day the Cultivation Online was released. ... For more chapters and to donate, please visit me at: ko-fi.com/akasaki_ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 10: Ancient Spirit Jade

"That's right, I should put this in the Storage Seal." Yuan exclaimed as he took out a fist-sized piece of green jade from his clothes engraved with a motto.

"!!!" - Xiao Hua's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the jade Yuan had taken out and exclaimed in amazement - "Ancient Soul Jade!!"

"Do you know what this is?" Yuan asked curiously because he had found nothing about this in Qian Xiugang's memories.

"This ancient spirit jade is a bit like a beast core because it contains an enormous amount of qi and is not comparable to the beast core that Brother Yuan ate and is usually used to awaken a bloodline or obtain a new one," Xiao Hua quickly explained upon seeing Yuan's bewilderment. "Where did Brother Yuan get this from?"

"Well, I got it from a beautiful woman with golden hair and eyes of the same color," Yuan replied, remembering his meeting with Shi Jiaqi.

"This woman must be of the high heavens and someone of great stature and strength," Xiao Hua muttered to herself as she imagined how powerful it would be for someone who so easily gave up the Ancient Spirit Jade to someone they met for the first time.

"Okay, Xiao Hua, keep it with you." Yuan said and casually threw the jade to Xiao Hua.

"Ehhhh." Xiao Hua grabbed the jade and felt her heart stop for a moment.

"I know what you want to say, but I'm too weak to protect a treasure like this, so keep it with you until I get stronger and protect it myself," Yuan said calmly, seeing that Xiao Hua wanted to refuse.

"Well, Xiao Hua understands and will protect him with her life." - Xiao Hua said seriously as she carefully cupped him.

"This is a mistake. No matter how valuable the jade is, you should put your life first. If you lose it, we will apologize to that beauty simply because it is not our fault because she gave us something of this value without telling us anything." Yuan said seriously, as he didn't want Xiao Hua to sacrifice her life for a piece of jade. You will eventually return to someone else.

"Okay, Xiao Hua understands." - Xiao Hua nodded seriously upon seeing Yuan's serious eyes.

"Well, let's go back to hunting now," Yuan said, licking his lips because he still remembered the delicious taste of the beast's core.

"Wonderful." Xiao Hua murmured in astonishment upon seeing Yuan killing the monsters one by one, and the most shocking thing was that he got better every time, even his control of Qi became much better than before.

Yuan jumped to the right and cut off the neck of the wolf that attacked him, then lunged forward and cut off the heads of four wolves with one wave.

"Sigh… I wish I could make a breakthrough with this." Yuan muttered as he pulled out seven monster cores from the wolf carcasses.

< Activate Structure ?????? >

<The souls of the silver wolves have been devoured>

<The Silver Wolf Souls have been refined into Spiritual Strength>

< +50 soul power >

"Tsk, even this doesn't do much anymore." Yuan clicked his tongue in annoyance upon seeing the system notification as his strength was no longer rising as fast as before.

Yuan swallowed the wolf cores one by one without waiting for the system's notice.

<Activate the Heaven Refinement Physique>

<200,672 Qi was purified from the Silver Wolf Core>

<1,965,165 / 3,000,000>

<Activate the Heaven Refinement Physique>

<198,468 Qi was purified from the Silver Wolf Core>

<Activate the Heaven Refinement Physique>

<Activate the Heaven Refinement Physique>

<Activate the Heaven Refinement Physique>

<3,065,726 / 3,000,000>

<You have absorbed enough Qi to break through>

<You have reached the ninth level of a spirit cultivator>

< All stats + 1,000 >

<3,065,726 / 6,800,000>

"What shall we do now, Brother Yuan?" Xiao Hua asked quietly, as she felt numb after a few hours of being with Yuan and there was nothing to surprise her anymore.

"Okay, I want to go to a city to sell the Blood Sword." Yuan said lightly, as he didn't need this sword because he used the Wind Sword. "Do you know a city near here?"

"Xiao Hua doesn't know, but there are three people near here who might know." - Xiao Hua shook his head as she had never gone out of her garden before.

"Alright, let's go to them to ask." Yayun said, and followed Xiao Hua, who was leading the way to the three people's place.

Although Yuan had acquired the memories of Xian Xugang, he did not obtain much knowledge about the world, because Xian Xugang had always spent his time in cultivation, and he did not know much about the world, except when he went out to fight monsters and seek opportunities, he always had a closed cultivation.


There were three people, two men and a woman, fighting the Fire Lizard, but I could tell from anything that they were too weak to kill the Fire Lizard because they were exhausted while the Fire Lizard was playing with them and they only caused it a few scratches.

"Damn that lizard, its scales are as hard as steel," one of the men exclaimed, with clear anger and exhaustion in his voice.

"Let's run away before we run out of our Qi!" - the girl exclaimed with obvious fear of the Fire Lizard.

"That's right, big brother, not younger sister is right," said the man, because he didn't want to die in a place like that.

"I refuse, my life depends on this core. If you want to go back, go back on your own." The man surnamed Brother Mo said as he fiercely looked at the Fire Lizard.

"Do what you want, I will come back" - the man said angrily and turned around and ran away without hesitation because he didn't want to die to help Mo Chu.

"Take care of yourself, big brother," said the girl, turning around and catching up with the other man.

"Looks like I'm going to die here." Mo Chu muttered as he prepared to burn his life energy to fight the Fire Lizard, but he stopped when he heard an unfamiliar sound.

"Bloody Sword Strike" - Yuan exclaimed, slashing red colored pieces at the Fire Lizard and neatly decapitating it.

After decapitating the Fire Lizard, Yuan jumped beside Mo Zhuo, looked at him, and spoke.

"Hello, I want to ask where to find the nearest city from here." Yuan Mo Zhou asked, who was looking at him in shock.

"Ah, the nearest city is Spirit City, 300 miles to the north." - Mo Zhuo said stupidly as he hadn't come out of his shock yet.

"Thank you." Yuan said as he rushed towards the place that Mo Zhuo had pointed at.

"Wait a minute." Mo Zhuo hurriedly shouted upon seeing Yuan and Zhao Hua's departure.

"What is it?" Yuan asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Mo Chu.

"Can I buy a Fire Lizard Core from you?" Mo Zhuo hurriedly asked, hoping that his savings would be enough to purchase a beast core.

"I will give her to you for free. She is your prey, bye." - Saying this, Yuan Yuan continued charging towards Spirit City with Xiao Hua.

"..." Mo Zhuo stupidly stood there for a while until he got up and went to get the Fire Lizard Core.

"I wonder who this person is," Mo Zhuo asked as he extracted the core about Yuan's identity.

"I wonder how a free cultivator became so powerful." Mo Chu thought, then smiled sarcastically how a free cultivator was stronger than him who was inside a sect.

"I've decided that from today, Mo Chu died, and I'm Mo Xie," Mo Chu la Mo Xie exclaimed, and decided to leave the sect upon remembering how he was treated like trash there.

"I will prove that I can become stronger without the help of that filthy place." Mo Xie roared as he stocked the Fire Lizard's body, threw aside the clothes of the Flying Sword Sect, took out his normal clothes, and walked out of the forest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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